E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


E.L. Haynes March 2021 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 23, 2021 at 6:15 PM

Trustees Present

A. Smith (remote), D. McCoy (remote), E. Westendorf (remote), J. Edelman (remote), K. Simmons (remote), L. Carlton Waller (remote), L. Jordan (remote), M. Hall (remote), M. McDonough (remote), N. Greene (remote), R. Payes (remote), T. Gibian (remote)

Trustees Absent

S. Shah

Guests Present

A. Ray Cavanagh (remote), D. Moore (remote), H. Darilek (remote), J. Callahan (remote), K. Yochum (remote), R. Laine (remote), S. Smither Wulsin (remote), V. Carlo-Miranda (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Edelman called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 23, 2021 at 6:18 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Hall made a motion to approve the minutes from the E.L. Haynes February 2021 Board Meeting on 02-25-21.
A. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Carlton Waller
D. McCoy
M. McDonough
S. Shah
N. Greene
L. Jordan
M. Hall
J. Edelman
K. Simmons
T. Gibian
A. Smith
R. Payes
E. Westendorf


Public Comment

II. Management Updates


CEO Update

CEO Darilek began her update noting that it has been one full year since campuses closed and the shift to virtual learning.  She discussed the launch of the first full LIONS (Learning Individually on Site) classroom, and shared reflections from a recent meeting she had with a 9th grade student, who despite never meeting an E.L. Haynes staff member in-person, feels deeply connected to E.L. Haynes.  She welcomed staff members and families in attendance at the meeting. 


Next, CEO Darilek shared updates from each school:
  • Instead of missing another year of the Elementary School musical, the students will participate in a Zoom-musical or Zoom-sical in April. 
  • A chess team has been formed at the Middle School and they compete against other schools in the city.
  • The High School had its first-ever George Washington University Trachtenberg Scholarship award winner.  Additionally, two esports team have recently been launched at the High School. 
CEO Darilek then updated the Board on COVID-19 vaccines, the 2021-2022 school year calendar, and enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year.  With respect to enrollment, she compared the demand report rankings for the 2020-2021 school year and the 2021-2022 school year, and indicated that demand is down across the city . 


Last, CEO Darilek previewed a health and safety video about efforts to prepare for in-person classes. 

III. Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee


School Year 2021-2022 Budget Planning

Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee Chair Greene asked COO Carlo-Miranda to provide an update on the school year 2021-2022 budget.  COO Carlo-Miranda began by reviewing the timeline for the budgeting process, which anticipates Board approval during the May meeting. 


She then provided the Board an update on federal funds allocations under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund ("ESSER"), including ESSER I, II, and III.   COO Carlo-Miranda reviewed allowable uses under ESSER I and II, discussed proposed uses of ESSER I and II funds at E.L. Haynes, and indicated the there would be state-level reporting on the use of funds.   She next provided an overview of ESSER III, and noted that at least 20% of funds under ESSER III must be used for learning loss interventions.


In response to questions from the Board, COO Carlo-Miranda commented on ESSER I funds spent or obligated to date. She also noted considerations related to sustainability of new full-time positions funded with ESSER funds after the 2023-2024 school year.   


COO Carlo-Miranda reviewed next steps, including finalizing the plan for the use of federal funds, providing 12-month employee salary increase letters, and making final full-time employee decisions.  In response to another Board question, CEO Darilek and COO Carlo-Miranda commented on city-wide discussions with their peers about these funds.

IV. School Performance Committee


Q4 Plans and Draft Recovery Plan

School Performance Committee Chair Westendorf provided updates on fourth quarter plans and recovery priorities.  He noted the substantial efforts of working groups to gather and analyze feedback and information that is constantly changing.  Additionally, Chair Westendorf commented on the continued alignment with values set forth at the beginning of the pandemic.


Referring to the materials provided in advance of the meeting, he described the rationale for the fourth quarter plan for the Elementary school, and reviewed the approach to increase in-person play for all students, while inviting a limited number of pre-K through 4th grade students to attend in-person four days per week.


Committee Chair Westendorf then highlighted the rationale for the fourth quarter plan at the Middle and High Schools. He described the LIONS classrooms approach (which will serve a limited number of students) and structured in-person afternoon activities.


COO Darilek previewed proposed criteria for selecting students for the limited in-person opportunities, including special learning needs, attendance data, assessment data, engagement in virtual learning, and teacher recommendations. 


Next, Committee Chair Westendorf provided an overview of the draft recovery plan, including the rationale for the plan and key priorities.  Priorities include: coaching and training for teachers, addressing learning loss through interventions and support, student mental health and wellness, family engagement, and staff wellness. 


The Board met in small groups to discuss the fourth quarter and recovery plans.

V. Governance Committee


Staff Trustee Process Update

Governance Committee Chair Jordan reminded Board members to provide recommendations for trustee positions.  She then reported that interviews had begun for staff trustee positions, with a goal to bring the Committee's selection to the Board in April or May. 


VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. McCoy