E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


E.L. Haynes February 2021 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 25, 2021 at 8:40 AM

Trustees Present

A. Smith (remote), D. McCoy (remote), E. Westendorf (remote), J. Edelman (remote), K. Simmons (remote), L. Carlton Waller (remote), L. Jordan (remote), M. Hall (remote), N. Greene (remote), S. Shah (remote), T. Gibian (remote)

Trustees Absent

M. McDonough, R. Payes

Guests Present

B. Wagner-Friel (remote), H. Darilek (remote), J. Callahan (remote), J. Clarke (remote), M. Bradshaw (remote), M. Conner (remote), R. Hunt Taylor (remote), R. Laine (remote), V. Carlo-Miranda (remote), Z. Mahon (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Edelman called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Thursday Feb 25, 2021 at 8:51 AM.


Approve Minutes

J. Edelman made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-26-21.
A. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
N. Greene
E. Westendorf
R. Payes
A. Smith
M. Hall
M. McDonough
T. Gibian
S. Shah
L. Carlton Waller
J. Edelman
K. Simmons
D. McCoy
L. Jordan


Public Comment

II. Management Updates


CEO Update

CEO Darilek began her update noting that the week was full of mixed emotions.  On one hand, it marked one year since a High School student died from gun violence, and the High School Community remembered him during this week.  On the other hand, there are more students in the school building.  She indicated that a virtual cross-campus, Black History Month celebration for the school community would be held that night.


CEO Darilek then asked the principals to provide highlights from each school:
  • As an example of the creativity of the Elementary School team to make virtual learning fun, Elementary School Principal Wagner-Friel shared photos from a third grade math class where students created fraction models from home.
  • Middle School Principal Mahon discussed efforts to support teachers and students on agency.  As a success example, she described how a fifth grade student's suggestion for a book fair turned into a virtual book fair, which then grew into a virtual literacy week.  
  • Interim High School Principal Clarke described the Black History Boot Camp at the High School and noted student-led initiatives focused on social justice and racial equity. 


CEO Darilek then provided updates on her recent testimony in front of the DC Council on learning loss, the status of vaccines for staff, and on the calendar for the 2021-2022 school year. 


Last, CEO Darilek briefed the Board on the fourth quarter hybrid model.  She reviewed the timeline of activities to prepare and efforts of various working groups.  CEO Darilek also reported on themes obtained from forums and working groups, including the penultimate importance of health and safety, wide ranging opinions on returning to in-person programming, the need for transparency on COVID procedures, numerous questions about vaccines and testing, the importance of equity, the reasoning behind shifting to an in-person hybrid model in the fourth quarter, and gratitude from families on the virtual learning experience and engagement of staff.    CEO Darilek informed the Board of the priorities of staff, students, and families based on the most recent planning survey and discussed results on readiness to participate in in-person opportunities.  

III. School Performance Committee


Q2 Dashboard Review and Discussion

School Performance Committee Chair Westendorf reviewed three key areas of focus discussed at the Committee's last meeting, including a college update, second quarter dashboard data, and fourth quarter planning. He turned to Dr. Hunt Taylor to review the second quarter dashboard data.


Dr. Hunt Taylor discussed metrics related to assessment data and attendance.  She then asked the Board to break into small groups to identify second quarter data highlights and areas for focus in the following areas: mission and graduate profile, academic strategy, virtual learning, race and equity, and talent and organizational development.


After small group discussions, members from each small group shared the following observations from their conversations. 
  • Virtual Learning: Small group members commented that the quality of virtual learning continues to improve and inquired about teacher support, especially as the school pivots to a hybrid model.  
  • Mission and Graduate Profile: Key themes discussed by the small group include improvements in graduation rates and a comparison of the GPAs in middle school versus high school.  
  • Academic Strategy:  Small group discussions on academic strategy largely focused on attendance and the impact of virtual learning on attendance. 
  • Race and Equity:  A small group member suggested that the school compare pre-virtual and post-virtual data of individual students to identify changes in performance, attendance, and achievement.   
  • Talent and Organizational Development:  The small group discussed the impact of the pandemic on staff attrition. 
Committee Chair Westendorf then provided a college update to the Committee.  He commented favorably on the substantial work that had been undertaken under challenging constraints.  Committee Chair Westendorf noted high motivation from students related to college applications and scholarships and discussed changing views on the importance of SATs.

IV. Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee


School Year 2021-2022 Budget Planning

Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee Chair Greene previewed topics for discussion, including timelines, budget drivers, assumptions and priorities.  He turned to COO Carlo-Miranda to began the update.


COO Carlo-Miranda first reviewed the budget timeline and indicated that the draft budget will be shared for discussion in the April Board meeting with approval being scheduled for the May Board meeting.  She then discussed key budget drivers and current assumptions related to revenue and expenses, as well as the end of year financial targets for days of cash on hand and the debt service coverage ratio. 


Next, COO Carlo-Miranda discussed preliminary budget priorities and investments in the areas of academics, talent, and operations. She reviewed next steps, including finalizing enrollment, issuing salary letters, and finalizing the draft budget.  Noting the positive financial position, COO Carlo-Miranda indicated that future Committee meetings will focus on investments in facilities, teacher compensation, and preparation for potential funding cliffs.  

V. Governance Committee



Governance Committee Chair Jordan shared updates on Board succession planning, including the staff trustee position.  She reminded Board members to send any recommendations for potential trustees and introduced Richard Laine, a prospective Board member who's bio was included in materials provided in advance of the meeting. 


With respect to the staff trustee process, Committee Chair Jordan noted that three staff trustee informational sessions have been held to date.  The deadline for formal submissions in February 28, and the staff trustee will be presented as part of the new slate of candidates voted on at the April or May Board meeting.

VI. Development Committee


Annual Fund Update

Development Committee Chair Shah first reported on the annual fund and indicated that progress continues to be on track. 


Committee Scope

Referring to the materials provided in advance of the meeting,  Committee Chair Shah then reviewed a proposal to expand the scope of work of the Development Committee beyond the stated goals of directly raising funds to also supporting marketing, communications, and community relations.   She noted the benefits of this expanded scope, including providing more opportunities for staff and parent trustees on the Committee.  


Commenting on the change in scope, Senior Director of Development and Communications Callahan reflected on the importance of building relationships with the community and key stakeholders and the enhanced focus on goodwill.  Board members remarked favorably to the proposed change in scope. 

VII. Closed Session


Closed Session to Discuss Personnel Matters

D. McCoy made a motion to meet in a closed session in accordance with DC Code Section 2-575(b).
A. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. McCoy
R. Payes
M. Hall
N. Greene
A. Smith
S. Shah
L. Carlton Waller
T. Gibian
K. Simmons
L. Jordan
M. McDonough
E. Westendorf
J. Edelman
The Board met in closed session with CEO Darilek to discuss personnel matters. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. McCoy