E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


E.L. Haynes December 2020 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 3, 2020 at 8:40 AM


Virtual Meeting

Trustees Present

A. Smith (remote), C. Lujan (remote), D. McCoy, E. Westendorf (remote), J. Edelman (remote), L. Carlton Waller (remote), M. Hall (remote), M. McDonough (remote), N. Greene (remote), S. Shah (remote), T. Gibian (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Simmons, L. Jordan, R. Payes, T. Wincup

Guests Present

A. Robinson (remote), A. Schlick (remote), E. Hueber Stoetzer, H. Darilek (remote), J. Brewster (remote), M. Conner (remote), R. Hunt Taylor (remote), V. Carlo-Miranda, Z. Mahon

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Edelman called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 3, 2020 at 8:44 AM.


Approve Minutes

L. Carlton Waller made a motion to approve the minutes from E.L. Haynes October 2020 Board Meeting on 10-20-20.
E. Westendorf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. McCoy
J. Edelman
S. Shah
T. Wincup
T. Gibian
E. Westendorf
L. Jordan
A. Smith
R. Payes
M. McDonough
L. Carlton Waller
N. Greene
C. Lujan
M. Hall
K. Simmons


Public Comment

II. Management Updates


CEO Update

CEO Darilek began her update noting that it was the second quarter of the school year.  In the spirit of giving thanks, she expressed her gratitude to the school community (including students, families,  staff, and Board members) for all of the hard word that went into the first quarter of the school year. 

CEO Darilek asked the principals to provide highlights from each school:
  • High School Principal Hueber Stoetzer shared observations on high school virtual classes gained from instructional rounds.  
  • Middle School Principal Mahon discussed the staff culture at the Middle School and provided reflections from a recent Middle School staff town hall.
  • Elementary School Interim Principal Brewster reported on outdoor play opportunities for students.

Next, CEO Darilek thanked Ms. Brewster for her contributions during Elementary School Principal Wagner-Friel's maternity leave.  She also indicated that High School Principal Hueber Stoetzer would soon be starting maternity leave. 

CEO Darilek then provided updates on the enrollment audit, the status of OSSE school report cards from 2019-2020, and planning considerations for the third and fourth quarter of the school year in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

In response to questions from Board members, CEO Darilek remarked on current discussions across the city about potential summer learning opportunities during 2021 and provided an update on efforts to create in-person social opportunities for Middle and High School students. 

III. Strategic Plan Updates


Year 1 Update

CEO Darilek provided the first quarterly update on the Strategic Plan.  She began by reminding the Board of the engagement process to create the Plan and Theory of Action underpinning the Plan. 

CEO Darilek then reported on key updates since May 2020, including:
  • Updating the Goals Dashboard to align with Year 1 priorities and strategic areas;
  • Launching monthly performance management cycles with the core leadership team to review progress against Year 1 priorities;
  • Hosting academic working groups to focus on the instructional vision;
  • Integrating core values through recognition opportunities; and
  •  Working to update the school's website to reflect the new mission and graduate profile.
CEO Darilek reviewed guiding questions in determining how to reprioritize activities in the Plan in light of constraints due to COVID-19.  At CEO Darilek's request, Chief Academic Officer Hunt Taylor described progress against strategic initiatives related to the academic strategy and noted shifts in timelines of certain initiatives. Following Chief Academic Officer, Interim Chief Talent & Equity Officer Robinson provided similar updates related to the talent strategy, including the key goals for the school year and rationale for shifts in certain timelines. Next, Chief Operating Officer Carlo-Miranda provided updates on the organization development strategy initiatives.  Last, Senior Director, Development and Communications discussed progress in developing a multi-year fundraising plan and goals. 

A Board member raised questions about the instructional vision work and about efforts to increase capacity on the talent team.  In the interest of time, Board members agreed that updates on both matters could be delayed until the next School Performance Committee meeting or Board meeting. 

IV. School Performance Committee


School Year 2020-2021- Quarter 1 Review

School Performance Committee Chair Westendorf provided an overview of the Quarter 1 dashboard and reminded Board members to consider the context of this year when comparing dashboard data from prior periods. He turned to Chief Academic Officer Hunt Taylor to provide an overview of small group discussion topics. 

Board members met in small groups to share highlights and areas of focus from the Quarter 1 data on the following topics: mission and graduate profile, virtual learning, race and equity, academic strategy, and talent and organizational development.  The small groups shared highlights and areas of focus from their discussions with the full Board. 

V. Governance Committee


Public Comment Guidelines

In light of Governance Committee Chair Jordan's absence, Board member Smith provided a update on the Committee's activities.  She first reviewed the public comment guidelines provided in advance of the meeting.  While Board meetings have always been public and time for public comment has been alloted on the agenda, the Committee wanted to formalize the process for inviting written and in-person public comment.  Ms. Smith asked Board members to provide any questions or feedback on the guidelines.


Staff Trustee Proposal

Next, Ms. Smith reviewed the proposal provided in advance of the meeting to designate a Board seat for an instructional staff member.  She noted benefits of the proposal, including the value of adding the perspective of instructional staff to Board conversations.  The proposal also supports the inclusive decision-making priority in the Strategic Plan.  The instructional staff member would have the same rights and responsibilities as other members of the Board of Trustees, and would be expected to recuse themselves from conversations with potential conflicts or interest.

Ms. Smith asked Board members for questions on the proposal. Board members inquired about the selection process, noted the need for transparency on this process, and expressed the importance of harnessing the energy of staff members interested and not selected in other Board-related activities. 

VI. Development Committee


Annual Fund Update

Senior Director, Development and Communications Callahan provided an update on the Annual Fund. He reminded the Board of end-of-year giving activities, and asked them to reach out to their contacts. 

VII. Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee



Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee Chair Greene noted the school's strong financial position, and indicated that the Committee has been thinking of ways to prepare for years that are not as strong in the future.  He asked COO Carlo-Miranda to provide key highlights.   

COO Carlo-Miranda began by announcing the successful and timely completion of audits with no findings. She reviewed the end of year financial status, and previewed projections of increased revenues during this fiscal year due to increased enrollment.  Budget processes will kick-off at the end of January, and the Board will be asked to reapprove the budget for this school year during that time.   
J. Edelman made a motion to enter into a closed session to discuss a personnel matter, in accordance with DC Code Section 2-575(b).
L. Carlton Waller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Payes
L. Carlton Waller
L. Jordan
A. Smith
T. Wincup
S. Shah
J. Edelman
D. McCoy
M. McDonough
T. Gibian
N. Greene
K. Simmons
M. Hall
E. Westendorf

VIII. Closed Session


Closed Session of the Board of Directors

Board members met in closed session to discuss a personnel matter. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. McCoy