E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 26, 2020 at 8:00 AM


Dial-in only (202-509-0565)

Trustees Present

A. Smith (remote), C. Lujan (remote), D. McCoy (remote), E. Westendorf (remote), J. Edelman (remote), K. Simmons (remote), L. Carlton Waller (remote), L. Jordan (remote), M. Hall (remote), M. McDonough (remote), N. Greene (remote), R. Payes (remote), S. Shah (remote), T. Wincup (remote)

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

A. Kramer (remote), A. Parek, A. Schlick (remote), E. Huber, H. Darilek (remote), J. Callahan (remote), S. Smither Wulsin, V. Carlo-Miranda (remote), Z. Mahon

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Smith called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Thursday Mar 26, 2020 at 8:05 AM.


Approve 1-21-2020 Minutes

E. Westendorf made a motion to approve the minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-21-20.
L. Carlton Waller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Public Comment

II. Management Updates


CEO Update

CEO Darilek began her update noting the end of the third quarter and beginning of the fourth quarter of the school year.  She discussed challenging events impacting the school community (including the recent passing of a student and the COVID-19 pandemic), but commented favorably on the efforts of the leadership team, teachers, staff, and students to support the school community. 

CEO Darilek next shared the following highlights from each school:
  • At the Elementary School, pre-kindegarten students participated in a Youtube lesson on decomposition and multiple teachers have led read alouds.
  • The Middle School participated in a pancake breakfast with advisory on the first day of home learning. 
  • AP English literature circles at the High School that started before March 23 are still ongoing.
Last, CEO Darilek provided updates on the enrollment process, teacher hiring, Strategic Plan activities, and the 2021 calendar. 

III. Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee


Budget Update

Audit, Finance, and Facilities Chair Greene began his update by thanking COO Carlo-Miranda and Allen Kramer for continuing to work on planning activities for the new school year, while addressing pressing needs related to the pandemic. He then turned to COO Carlo-Miranda to provide an update.

COO Carlo-Miranda first discussed budgeting impacts related to COVID-19.  She reported that surplus cash in the budget has enabled the school to address unique expenditures related to COVID-19, such as technology for distance learning and meals for families at Hook Hall. COO Carlo-Miranda briefed the Board on expectations related to payments from the City and the National School Lunch Program.  In response to a question from a Board member, she described controls put into place at Hook Hall to ensure that funds spent support E.L. Haynes families.

COO Carlo-Miranda then reviewed potential changes in assumptions for the 2020-2021 school year budget.  She stressed the likelihood of a tighter budget for the 2020-2021 school year and reviewed the budget timeline, which had not changed.    

IV. Development Committee



Referring to the materials provided in advance of the meeting, Senior Director of Development and Communications Callahan provided an update on the annual fund.  He reported on amounts raised to support family meals and discussed efforts to exercise grant opportunities for meals in light of COVID-19.  Mr. Callahan reminded the Board of the cancellation of the major donor event scheduled for April 30.   

V. Governance Committee


Governance Update

Board Chair Smith provided updates on a potential board candidate-Tom Gidian.  Announced that Governance Committee has selected Josh Edelman to succeed her as Chair of the Board, reminded the Board that the slate of officers will be voted on at the retreat.  Board members expressed gratitude for Board Chair Smith and noted excitement about Josh becoming Board Chair. 

VI. COVID Planning


COVID Planning Update

CEO Darilek led a discussion on the school's efforts in light of COVID-19. She reviewed expectations for home learning and related goals, including increasing students' ability to retain learning, maintaining connections between students and staff, and providing resources for students most in need, among others.  CEO Darilek described technology efforts over the last few weeks, such as solutions to solve for WIFI needs and the provision of Chromebooks as necessary. 

Board members asked a number of questions touching on the following topics:
  • how long the school would be able to provide meal distribution;
  • support needed for the staff to be effective at distance learning;
  • avenues to create alignment among teachers with respect to distance learning; 
  • goals related to students with special needs;
  • efforts to solicit specific COVID-19 donations; and
  • expectations for teachers as they attempt to balance their own home needs (e.g., taking care of their own children) and providing distance learning to students.
Board members then provided feedback on home learning goals and suggestions related to the appropriate balance between structured learning by grade level and providing flexibility over time. 
Parent trustees also provided feedback on their experience to date. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:57 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. McCoy