E.L. Haynes Public Charter School


E.L. Haynes September Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 18, 2018 at 8:00 AM


4501 Kansas Ave NW, HS PD Room

Trustees Present

A. Smith, B. Rawson (remote), C. Garfield, C. Lujan (remote), D. McCoy, E. Westendorf, J. Edelman, M. McDonough, N. Greene, S. Kershow, S. Shah, T. Smith, T. Wincup

Trustees Absent


Guests Present

A. Schlick, Amber Schlick, B. Wagner-Friel, E. Stoetzer, H. Darilek, J. Callahan, K. Simmons, L. Carlton Waller, M. Conner, P. Hedlund, T. Dixon, V. Carlo-Miranda, Z. Mahon

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Smith called a meeting of the board of trustees of E.L. Haynes Public Charter School to order on Tuesday Sep 18, 2018 at 8:05 AM.


Approve Minutes-May 2018 Board Meeting

T. Smith made a motion to approve minutes from the E.L. Haynes May Board Meeting on 05-15-18 E.L. Haynes May Board Meeting on 05-15-18.
E. Westendorf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes-June Board Retreat

T. Smith made a motion to approve minutes from the E.L. Haynes June Board Retreat on 06-08-18 E.L. Haynes June Board Retreat on 06-08-18.
T. Wincup seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment


Board Introductory Activity

In small groups, Board members discussed their priorities for the 2018-2019 school year.

II. Management Updates


CEO Update

In her introductory remarks, CEO Darilek noted that it was the seventh week of the school year, and very close to October intersession.  Hispanic Heritage month has begun, and she noted a community-wide celebration will be held on October 4. She also remarked various team sports underway, including Middle and High School soccer, cross-country, and volleyball.

CEO Darilek highlighted key activities over the summer, including welcoming new staff with a two-day Race and Equity in Education seminar and holding the second, annual all-staff retreat, which focused on planning for engagement and results.

CEO Darilek asked each of the three principals in attendance to provide highlights from each school.  After these highlights, CEO Darilek provided other key updates on enrollment, charter renewal, and efforts to create the new strategic plan.

III. Audit, Finance, and Facilities Committee Report



Audit, Finance, and Facilities Chair Kershow noted that the annual audit was underway, and summarized a recent meeting with M&T Bank. 

IV. Development Committee Report


FY 19 Annual Fund Report


E.L. Haynes Value Proposition


FY 19 Development Plan

Senior Director of Development and Communications Callahan reviewed the FY19 Development Plan provided in advance of the meeting.  He compared the development plan for FY19 against the results from the prior year, and noted that substantial progress has already been made against the FY19 goals. 

Mr. Callahan then described key investment areas funded by contributions and grants including (i) engaging out-of-school time programs; (ii) unique learning experiences, and (iii) structured college support programs.  He explained that money raised helps to ensure equitable access to these opportunities for all students.  The Board discussed these areas, public narrative about these efforts, and the related fundraising goal. 

Next, Mr. Callahan reviewed the strategy for individual giving, foundation grants, and special events.  He introduced a concept for the 2019 Toast for Transformation.  Board members provided feedback on Toast for Transformation and also asked questions on the overall strategy. 



V. Governance Committee Report


Committee Chair Roles

Board Chair Smith informed the Board that Trustee member Lujan had been appointed Chair of the Governance Committee, and turned the report over to new Governance Committee Chair Lujan.

Ms. Lujan discussed key areas of focus for the Committee during the upcoming year, including board recruitment and succession planning, board diversity, the establishment of an advisory committee, and governing document reviews.

VI. School Performance Committee


SY 2017-2018 Performance and Dashboard

Referring to the materials provided in advance of the meeting, School Performance Committee Chair Westendorf reviewed 2017-2018 school year performance against commitments and highlighted accomplishments at the school, cross-campus and at the LEA level.  He then turned to Chief Academic Officer Hedlund, who provided an overview of key priorities for the 2018-2019 School year.

Board members commented favorably on the comprehensiveness of the data provided by the Committee.  Board members asked questions related to college enrollment drivers, PARCC indicators, prioritization of focus areas and related root cause analysis, and returning family metrics.


VII. Executive Session


Board Executive Session

The Board met in executive session with CEO Darilek during which she shared self-reflections from the prior school year and goals for the upcoming school year. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:04 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. McCoy