Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees


Reach Cyber Charter School

Date and Time

Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 9:00 AM


750 East Park Drive, Suite 204
Harrisburg, PA 17111

Trustees Present

Anthony Alexander (remote), David Taylor, Marcella Arline (remote), Matthew Ryan, Paul Donecker (remote), Ralph Woodard

Trustees Absent

Gail Hawkins Bush, Leigh Kraemer-Naser

Guests Present

Alicia Swope, Andy Gribbin, Brandie Karpew, Cody Smith, Danielle Leibig (remote), Danielle Marsicano (remote), Devin Meza-Rushanan, Gregory McCurdy, JD Smith, Jackie Hershey (remote), Jane Swan, Josh Hicks (remote), Karen Yeselavage, Kelly McConnell, Kim Crandall, LeeAnn Ritchie, Lisa Blickley (remote), Michael Garman, Nate Laird, Patricia Hennessy (remote), Stephanie Lane

I. Opening Items


Roll Call


Call the Meeting to Order

David Taylor called a meeting of the board of trustees of Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees to order on Wednesday Nov 20, 2024 at 9:07 AM.

II. Routine Business


Approval of Agenda

David Taylor, Board President, asked the board to review the agenda distributed prior to the meeting and asked if any changes were needed. New items were added to the agenda...Building Security Update presented by Rachel Graver, Action Items: Approval of new laptops presented by Rachel Graver and Nate Laird and Linewize Lower Cost.

III. Oral Reports


CEO's Report

Jane Swan, Chief Executive Officer, shared an update about recent events that have occurred during the first quarter. She highlighted Comprehensive Support and Improvement targets, UFLI literacy instruction at the Elementary level and all grade levels participating in the Math Network Improvement Community, and CEO Staff Advisory Committee meetings.


Current enrollment is 5,863 students with 93 of those being new enrollments within the last 14 days.


Human Resources Update

Michael Garman, Director of Human Resources, reviewed current staffing levels with the Board highlighting the 874 current staff members and 83% of staff who are 10-month staff. There are currently 29 unfilled positions, 7 of which are posted and/or pending, and 22 on hold.


There have been 27 new hires this school year and 24 departures.


Financial Report

Karen Yeselavage, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the school's financial statements with the Board. She reviewed the revenue and expense statements, advising on changes since the previous months' statements. Ms. Yeselavage further reviewed with the Board the school's balance sheet and current forecast.


Holiday Outreach Update

Rachel Graver, Chief Operating Officer, shared that the Holiday Reindeer program will be sending out $35.00 gift cards from Target to every student that qualifies for Free and Reduced Meals. Staff will also be able to nominate students. 


The first round of grocery coupons were sent out in October and the next round will go out after Fall Break. All families will receive $200.00 in coupons.

IV. Consent Items


Approval of Consent Items

Mr. Taylor asked board members to consider the items from the Consent Items. No questions or concerns were noted.


  • Approval of Minutes from the October 16, 2024, Board Meeting
  • Approval of Staffing Report
  • Approval to Renew Agreement with Solarwinds.
  • Approval to Renew Agreement with GDC IT
  • Approval to Renew LineWize Agreement
Matthew Ryan made a motion to to approve the Consent Items and the minutes from Reach Cyber Charter School on 10-16-2024.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Action Items


Approval of Affiliation Agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania

LeeAnn Ritchie, Chief Academic Officer, shared details of an  affiliation agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP). This agreement establishes a relationship between IUP and Reach Cyber Charter School for educator field experiences.

Matthew Ryan made a motion to approve the agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Partnership with Paradigm Cyber Ventures

JD Smith, Director of Career Readiness and EDIB, shared details of a partnership with Paradigm Cyber Ventures, offering a cutting-edge cybersecurity program for our students.

Matthew Ryan made a motion to approve the partnership with Paradigm Cyber Ventures.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval to Purchase MaxCase hard cover for Wacoms

Nate Laird, Interim Director of Technology, shared details on purchasing MaxCase hard cover for Wacoms. The cases will protect devices and increase ruggedness.

Paul Donecker made a motion to purchase MaxCase hard covers for Wacoms.
Anthony Alexander seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Agreement with Taste Buds Kitchen for Elementary and Middle School

JD Smith, Director of Career Readiness and EDIB, provided details on agreement with Taste Buds Kitchen for elementary and middle school students. Mr. Smith is asking for school funding to cover the cost of each student along with the cost of materials and supplies.

Anthony Alexander made a motion to to approve the agreement with Taste Buds Kitchen.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Additional Laptops

Rachel Graver, Chief Operating Officer, and Nate Laird, Interim Technology Director, shared the need for additional laptops. Matt Ryan and David Taylor were nominated as designees to approve the purchase when ready.

Anthony Alexander made a motion to approve additional laptops.
Marcella Arline seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Information Items


Quarterly CSI Update

Kelly McConnell, Director of Data/Student Assessment, provided the quarterly CSI update. All 6 targets have been met.


Library Partnership Program

Brandie Karpew, Director of Outreach, provided information on a partnership with libraries throughout the state, providing enhanced educational resources and opportunities for students.


Government Affairs Update

Brandie Karpew, Director of Outreach, provided an update to the state legislature after the general election.


Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program

JD Smith, Director of Career Readiness and EDIB, provided information on a partnership with Civil Air Patrol. The program, which is the civilian auxiliary to the U.S. Air Force, will allow student's to participate in a year-round program where they fly, learn to lead, hike, camp, get in shape and push themselves to new limits. The program will focus on four elements: leadership, aerospace, fitness, and character.


Reach students, ages 12-18 year of age are eligible to become CAP cadets.

VII. Executive Session


Executive Session

The Board entered into an Executive Session at 9:50 a.m.


The Board entered into an Executive Session upon a motion being made, seconded and confirmed via roll call vote of all Board members present.


The Board cited the following for entering into the Executive Session: Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708 (a) (1) - to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee and 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(5) - To review and discuss agency business which, if conducted in public, would violate a lawful privilege or lead to the disclosure of information or confidentiality protect by law.


Board members present were: David Taylor, Paul Donecker, Marcella Arline, Matt Ryan, and Anthony Alexander. Guests present at the request of the Board were: Jane Swan, Lee Ann Ritchie, Rachel Graver, Michael Garman, Karen Yeselavage, Greg McCurdy, and Patricia Hennessay. All others left the meeting at this time.


No action was taken at Executive Session. The Board returned to open session at 10:17 AM.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:17 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandie Karpew