Reach Cyber Charter School Board of Trustees
Reach Cyber Charter School
Date and Time
Wednesday July 17, 2024 at 9:00 AM
750 East Park Drive, Suite 204
Harrisburg, PA 17111
Trustees Present
Anthony Alexander (remote), David Taylor (remote), Gail Hawkins Bush (remote), Leigh Kraemer-Naser (remote), Marcella Arline (remote), Matthew Ryan (remote), Paul Donecker (remote), Ralph Woodard (remote)
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
Alex Lewis (remote), Alicia Swope, Andy Gribbin (remote), Brandie Karpew (remote), Cody Smith, Daniel Daley (remote), Devin Meza-Rushanan (remote), Gregory McCurdy, JD Smith (remote), Jane Swan, Josh Hicks (remote), Karen Yeselavage, Kelly McConnell (remote), LeeAnn Ritchie (remote), Lisa Blickley (remote), Michael Garman, Patricia Hennessy (remote), Rachel Graver, Scott Shedd, Scott Stuccio, Stephanie Lane (remote)
I. Opening Items
Roll Call
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Public Comment
Comments from the Public
III. Routine Business
Approval of Agenda
David Taylor, Board President, asked the board to review the agenda distributed prior to
the meeting and asked if any changes were needed.
Jane Swan advised that there was one addition to be made as an Action Item under Renewal and Approval of School Goals. There should be an additional item added to approve the school bonuses for this school year.
There were no other changes needed at this time.
IV. Oral Reports
CEO's Report
Jane Swan, CEO, reviewed the current enrollment numbers for the school noting trends in
enrollment. Current enrollment for the 2024-25 school year stands at 5,518 students, with 181 of those being new enrollments. There are currently 1,789 students enrolled in summer courses.
Human Resources Update
Michael Garman, Director of Human Resources, reviewed current staffing levels with the Board highlighting the authorized complement of 919 and the 864 current staff members of which 83% are 10-month staff. There have been 12 new hires and 1 departure since the beginning of the new school year.
Financial Report
Karen Yeselavage, Director of Finance, reviewed the school’s financial statements with the Board. She reviewed the revenue and expense statements, advising on changes since the previous months’ statements. Ms. Yeselavage further reviewed with the Board the school’s balance sheet and current forecast.
V. Consent Items
Approval of Consent Items
Mr. Taylor asked board members to consider the items from the Consent Items. No questions or concerns were noted.
- Approval of Minutes from the June 12, 2024, Board Meeting
- Approval of Staffing Report
- Approval of Classkick Renewal
- Approval of Changes to Dual Enrollment Policy
- Approval to Renew Agreement with Pennsylvania Chapter of Independant Electrical Contractors
- Approval to Renew Agreement with WQED Multimedia
- Approval to Renew Agreement with Jason Phillips Realty Team
- Approval to Renew Agreement with CodeHS
- Approval to Renew Agreement with Gizmos
- Approval to Renew Agreement with Discovery Education
- Approval to Renew Agreement with Lexia
- Approval to Renew Agreement with eDynamics
- Approval of IU 13 Microsoft renewal quote
- Approval of IU 13 Teams Premium Quote
VI. Action Items
Approval of CSI Plan for 2024-25
Kelly McConnell, Director of Data and Assessment, presented details in the plan as seen in the Board packet. She reviewed the focus areas and their effect on success for all students. She also discussed benchmark assessments as well as areas of focus in math and ELA instruction
Review and Approval of School Goals
Dr. McConnell provided a status update on the school's 2023-2024 goals and requested approval to have the 2024-2025 school goals mirror those of the 2023-2024 school year goals. In addition, approval was requested for the schoolwide bonuses for the 2023-2024 school year.
Approval of Corrections made to 2024-25 Budget
Mrs. Yeselavage explained that corrections were made to the existing 2024-2025 budget due to a formula error in Excel.
Approval of Board Resolution
This board resolution authorizes and directs Jane Swan, CEO, Reach Cyber Charter School to sign any and all contracts, agreements, grants and/or licenses
VII. Information Items
Government Affairs Update
Brandie Karpew, Board and Legislative Liaison, provided an update on the recent passage of the state budget. Ms. Karpew introduced Dennis Walsh, from the Bravo Group, to talk about the advocacy leading up to the passing and to answer any questions that the Board may have.
VIII. Strategic Planning
Approval of 2024-25 School Year Outreach Agreements
Scott Stuccio, Director of Outreach, requested approval to continue the existing agreements with the science centers located across the state.
Approval of MOU with Moravian University
Cody Smith, High School Principal, shared details of an MOU agreement with Moravian University.
IX. Executive Session
Executive Session
The Board entered into an Executive Session at 10:08 a.m.
The Board entered into an Executive Session upon a motion being made, seconded and confirmed via roll call vote of all Board members present.
The Board cited the following for entering into the Executive Session: Pursuant to 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a) (1) – to discuss any matter involving the employment, appointment, termination of employment, terms and conditions of employment, evaluation of performance, promotion or disciplining of any specific prospective public officer or employee or current public officer or employee and 65 Pa. C.S. §§ 708(a)(5) – To review and discuss agency business which, if conducted in public, would violate a lawful privilege or lead to the disclosure of information or confidentiality protected by law.
Board members present were: David Taylor, Gail Hawkins Bush, Paul Donecker, Marcella Arline, Matt Ryan, Ralph Woodard and Anthony Alexander. Guests present at the request of the Board were: Jane Swan and Pat Hennessy. All others left the meeting at this time.
During Executive session, the board agreed to form a technology committee with Matt Ryan as the chair of the committee.
The Board resumed open Session at 10:38 a.m.
There were no comments from the public at this time.