Atlanta Unbound Academy
AUA Monthly Board Meeting and 2nd Budget Hearing and vote
Date and Time
Sunday June 23, 2024 at 2:00 PM
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Directors Present
A. Williamson (remote), E. Wells (remote), J. Funderburk (remote), J. Green (remote), S. M (remote), T. Jones (remote), T. Thomas (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
A. Chipman-Leeks (remote), Lynn Belvitt (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
II. Finance
- Finance Updates
- CashFlow
- SCSC Dashboard
- Efficiency margin (in the red)
- Debt to asset ratio (in the red)
- Budget Hearing
- We will need to do a budget amendment in Sept meeting due to Oct enrollment count
- Keep the budget as is.
- Motion: Jonathan; 2nd: Sherida
- Motion passed
- Sherida - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Terrell - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Eric - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Travis - yes
III. School Leader Report
School Updates
- Staffing
- We are fully staffed
- Strong teacher retention
- Launching Enrichment
- Theatre
- Basketball team (AUA Flames)
- Cheerleading team
- Operations Team
- Starting year in modulars
- Ready for deep clean and ready to welcome teacher
- Starting year in modulars
- Calendar
- First day of school
- Fundraising
- Small fundraiser GROUND BREAKING ceremony
- Considering other fundraising options
- Cleaning Contract
- Asked to put in a bid (connection to ED)
- 2 estimates
- AUA Operations team recommends keeping the current company
- Facilities
- 3D architect team is slower than anticipated
- Enrollment
- Compliance - looking at if we can add more paraprofessionals
- Intervention support and classroom support
- 237 completely enrolled
- 39 in registration process
- 276 - almost there
- 280 enrollment goal
- Enrollment Event
- Compliance - looking at if we can add more paraprofessionals
IV. Facilities
Facilities Update
- Construction
- Roofing has been completed
- Demo has been completed
- Mold remediation begins on Tuesday
- Once complete they will frame up the wall and put down floors
- Starting Tuesday, no one can enter the building
V. Govenance
Governance Updates
- Board Chair and Vice Chair positions
- Board Chair - Sherida volunteered to step in and interested in board chair
- Motion: Audrey, 2nd - Lynn -
- MOtion - vote Sherida as board chair for next school year
- Unanimous
- Yes for everyone
- Vice Chair - Audrey volunteer to step in and interested in vice chair
- Motion: Sherida, 2nd - Travis
- Motion - vote Audrey as vice chair for next school year
- Unanimous
- Yes for everyone
- Board Chair - Sherida volunteered to step in and interested in board chair
- Execute a new charter to reflect on changes for today
- Add a new secretary
- Transition email addresses
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Kason - board member
- Motion: Audrey, ; 2nd: Eric
- Motion: vote to join as new board of directors effective July 1st
- Unanimous
- Yes for everyone
- New Board Member
- 2 interested board members
Forward full meeting series
Sherida and Audrey welcome Kason
Motion: Audrey; Seconded by Lynn
Audrey - yes
Lynn - yes
Jonathan - yes
Sherida - yes
Travis - Yes
Janelle - Yes
Eric - Yes
Terrell - Yes
Motion: Sherida, 2nd - Travis
Audrey - yes
Lynn - yes
Jonathan - yes
Sherida - yes
Travis - Yes
Janelle - Yes
Eric - Yes
Terrell - Yes
- Motion: Audrey ; 2nd: Eric
- Motion: vote to join as new board of directors effective July 1st
- Unanimous
- Yes for everyone
VI. Public Comment
Public Comment was asked for. No public comment was given.