Atlanta Unbound Academy
Atlanta Unbound Academy Monthly Board Meeting
AUA Board Meeting
Date and Time
Sunday June 25, 2023 at 2:00 PM
AUA monthly board meeting will be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. You can find more information on the Atlanta Unbound Academy website,
Join a Meeting: (857) 216-4343; PIN: 24067#
Directors Present
J. Funderburk (remote), J. Green (remote), L. Belvitt (remote), M. Childress (remote), R. Pompey (remote), S. M (remote)
Directors Absent
A. Williamson, T. Jones
Guests Present
A. Chipman-Leeks
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
R. Pompey made a motion to approve the minutes from Atlanta Unbound Academy Monthly Board Meeting on 05-21-23.
J. Funderburk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Finance
- $241K deficit for operating income (busing and rent for new facility) working on bringing down deficit
- Need cash on hand for 60 days vs 45 days starting in upcoming school year
- Above target with fundraising
- Seeking a new fundraising chair
III. School Leader Report
School Updates
J. Funderburk made a motion to Update the school healthcare plan so AUA would pay 100% of lower medical plan and short-term disability while staff cover dental and vision.
L. Belvitt seconded the motion.
- Math and ELA scores have grown tremendously
- Board vote on new healthcare plan
- School would pay 100% of lower medical plan and short term disability. Staff cover dental and vision
- Vote: Janelle- Motion, Lynn- Second
- Unanimous Yes from the board attendees
- Audrey and Travis absent from vote.
S. M made a motion to Grant authority to executive director to make updates to the school calendar, as long as the updates fall within the required number of school dates and hours needed for compliance.
J. Funderburk seconded the motion.
- Board vote to grant authority to executive director to make update to the school calendar, as long as the updates fall within the required number of school dates and hours needed for compliance
- Vote: Sherida- Motion, Janelle- Second
- Unanimous Yes from the board attendees
- Absent from vote - Audrey & Travis
M. Childress made a motion to Approve $12,550 to pay for moving AUA equipment.
R. Pompey seconded the motion.
- Board vote to approve $12,550- payment for moving AUA equipment
- Monique- Motion, Ryan- Second
- Unanimous Yes from the board attendees
- Absent from vote - Audrey & Travis
IV. Facilities
Facilities Update
- Trying to get access to the building, current tenant is still occupying building.
- Construction is currently delayed
- Loan needs to close by 4th of July
- Working with Cameron and team on a plan B option to house kids for the first month of school, if more time is needed to complete construction on the school.
V. Governance
Board Meeting Cadence for 2023/2024
- Board will move from phone to zoom. Ryan to help
- Board recruitment- Board to reach out to network to see if there is anyone who is interested in joining
- Re-ignite fundraising efforts- Needs to be a focus- Seeking volunteers to support
- In need of a vice chair- Jonathan will reach out to the board individually to gauge interest
- Jonathan to update the board members, and send out updated Bylaws via email for electronic signature.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:04 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Funderburk