Atlanta Unbound Academy
Atlanta Unbound Academy Monthly Board Meeting
AUA Board Meeting
Date and Time
Sunday May 21, 2023 at 2:00 PM
AUA monthly board meeting will be held every 3rd Sunday of the month. You can find more information on the Atlanta Unbound Academy website,
Join a Meeting: (857) 216-4343; PIN: 24067#
Directors Present
A. Williamson (remote), J. Funderburk (remote), J. Green (remote), L. Belvitt (remote), M. Childress (remote), S. M (remote)
Directors Absent
R. Pompey, T. Jones
Guests Present
A. Chipman-Leeks (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Funderburk called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Unbound Academy to order on Sunday May 21, 2023 at 2:05 PM.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
S. M made a motion to approve the minutes from Atlanta Unbound Academy Monthly Board Meeting on 04-16-23.
A. Williamson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. School Leader Report
School Updates
- Grant
- Will be able to donate 200 Chromebooks
- Put financial contributions towards build out of computer lab in new space
- Employee handbook - done by end of May for new hires
- Update PTO
- Parental leave
- 12 weeks of parental leave
- It won’t impact our operating budget
- Substance use
S. M made a motion to Approve 12 weeks of parental leave and update respective policy to apply to all parents.
A. Williamson seconded the motion.
- Motion to vote on approve 12 weeks of parental leave and update the respective policy to apply to all parents.
- Motion: Sherida
- 2nd: Audrey
- Unanimous - yes
- Audrey - Yes
- Janelle - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Lynn - yes
- Monique - yes
- Sherida - yes
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:23 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Williamson
Motion: update agenda items to go over votes and all other agenda items will move forward to a June mtg.
Motion to amend today’s agenda to cover topics for a board vote.
Motion: Jonathan
2nd Motion: Janelle
Motion Passed