Atlanta Unbound Academy
AUA Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Sunday May 23, 2021 at 2:00 PM
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Meeting ID: 948 1554 7865
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+13126266799,,94815547865#Directors Present
A. Williamson (remote), C. Ramsey-Brown (remote), J. Funderburk (remote), J. Green (remote), M. Brogdon (remote), S. M (remote)
Directors Absent
L. Belvitt, S. Riddick
Guests Present
A. Chipman-Leeks (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
M. Brogdon called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Unbound Academy to order on Sunday May 23, 2021 at 2:10 PM.
Record Attendance
Approve Minutes
A. Williamson made a motion to approve the minutes from AUA Monthly Board Meeting on 04-11-21.
S. M seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Finance
Finance Committee Report
- Will need a Single Audit for Year 2 based on the level of federal grants received
- Jonathan to send Alaina Legal Team invoices
- Candace to work with Audrey to get the Public Hearing meetings scheduled for the Year 2 budget
- Based on current year spending, legal fees will be increased for the proposed year 2 budget
- Budgeted funds for the computer lab were reallocated for year 2 and 3 budget planning
III. Fundraising
Updates and Planning
- Auction: Continue to work on the vision for this but not in time for Juneteenth
- Giving platform is live for AUA now
- Establish personal themes and goals as Ambassadors for AUA
- Ariana to assist with messaging
- Board members to share feedback to Melissa regarding the approaches laid out for the fundraiser; interest in recording video content
IV. Academic Excellence
School Leader Report
- iReady academic data is showing that 90% of students have made placement growth
- Across Math and Reading, trends are showing that students who were 2-3 grade levels behind has improved
- Students significantly behind more than 2 years did improve by one year
- Our planned growth goals versus the actual data: We exceed our internal goals and we are still awaiting guidance from SCSC regarding the school contract goals (at least 60% of students will grow one grade level or more)
- Alaina is scheduling a follow up with SCSC to confirm
- For enrollment, 100% of teachers are returning
- 9 new employees hired and accepted
- 8 openings remain
- Alaina to schedule time with Benefits Specialist to confirm understanding of FMLA
- Jonathan to add architect overview deck to Google Drive
- Jonathan to send new board member welcome email and attach board charter
V. Facilities
Facilities Committee
- Narrowed it down to 3 vendors
- Agreed on real estate broker
- Financing
- Charter school growth fund will connect with Alaina to discuss possibilities for debt
VI. Governance
Board Nominations
A. Williamson made a motion to Vote on accepting 3 new Board of Directors for AUA.
C. Ramsey-Brown seconded the motion.
- Board Nominations
- 3 potential candidates
- Monique Childress
- Presented by Janelle
- Ryan Pompay
- Presented by Audrey
- Travis Jones
- Presented by Sherida
- If invited we’d need to find another vendor for t-shirts
- Monique Childress
- 3 potential candidates
- Are we ready to vote?
- Candace is considering supporting on the school level
- Option of Candace being a vendor to AUA as an official capacity on a consultant level
- Work with EdTech
- Planning budgeting forecasted
- Candace wouldn’t be a board member moving forward
- Process of Board Nominations
- What does the cycle look like?
- MIdyear cycle to transition on and off the board?
- For future planning how do we have a plan to get X number of people applying to board
- As we transition - how can we cherry pick people to replace us
- Additional Candidate(s)
- Motion to Vote - Audrey
- Candace - 2nd
- Audrey - yes
- Candace - yes
- Janelle - yes
- Jonathan - yes
- Melissa - yes
- Sherida - yes
- Onboarding
- Send AUA swag
- Send congrats email
- Onboarding committee?
- Term Starts July 1st
- Giving them charter to review
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:27 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
C. Ramsey-Brown