Edison School of the Arts


May 2023 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 5:00 PM


The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center.

Edison School of the Arts Mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews.  We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships

Edison School of the Arts Vision is to provide an environment that promotes high academic and creative achievement through implementation of visual and performing arts course programming. We encourage students to become responsible citizens who are culturally diverse. We develop lifelong learners, appreciators, and consumers of the arts.

Directors Present

G. Wallis, T. Overdorf

Directors Absent

E. Disney-Britton, K. Dixon, K. Feeney-Caito, T. Givens

Guests Present

V. Jones

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Overdorf called a meeting of the board of directors of Edison School of the Arts to order on Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 5:08 PM.


Public Comments

Kory Durham - parent  sharing fun stuff from dance on Friday and student group. Field day next Friday volunteers needed.


Tosha Walker - few concerns emailed the board filed IDOE compliant still not response. In school suspensions out of school suspensions. Stated complaints her son was called monkey and was to pick up son without a full investigation. Stated Mr. Charnstrom used profanity and was not reprimanded. 


Pilar Ammons- 7th grade math teacher asked not to discuss her employment issue


Parent discussed his children were bullied and that administration did not support Sheena lied and coached students on apology Amy Berns. 


Karen Fugate had questions to the board and wants to know how to communicate with the board personally and needs an email address






Edison Empowers Staff/Student Report

Maura Renzi presents how she uses curriculum, sensory, art integration and her tenure at Edison also added she's  been teaching 36 years.  FUNDATIONS and Geodes. Watching students bring great joy and excitement brings her great joy.


Student Naomi and Destiny science class highlights learning music and dancing for different cultures. 


Heather discussed the Empowers parent committee sign up sheet available in the front office or parents can reach out to Amy.


February 28, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


March 7, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes


Special Board Meeting Minutes March 14, 2023


Executive Session Meeting Minutes Board of Directors Edison School of the Arts March 14, 2023

II. Academic Excellence


April Academic Excellence Report

Presented by Amy attendance rates, GLC suspension rates iLearn has been completed.

III. Finance


The Mind Trust Replication Funds

Presented by Greg Wallis The Mind Trust funds were returned since the replication has been cancelled. 


There's been discussion about other grants Edison may be eligible to receive 






Credit Card Discussion

Credit card process will be reviewed Amy Berns stated this is a carry over item discussed from last meeting. 


Will look into PD Travel Business 


Legal counsel will provide credit card policy


Financial Accountability Framework

Presented by Greg Wallis 


Greg Wallis Accountability Framework looking over all finances has access to QuickBooks and will be looking at all transactions along with contracted accounting firm. Greg is the ultimate approved for all invoices.


March Financials 2023

Presented by Greg Wallis equity 1.7 million as of now with 162k being reversed from The Mind Trust. Salary and benefits 4 million spent to date. IPS purchased services second highest expenses. 


April Financials 2023

Presented by Greg Wallis equity 1.7 million as of now with 162k being reversed from The Mind Trust. Salary and benefits 4 million spent to date. IPS purchased services second highest expenses. 

IV. Advancement Committee Report


Advancement Committee Report

Presented by Penny Guthrie discussed enrollment numbers waiting for Round 2 results 

Grants and donations will be receiving 8k for implementing Hispanic dance group 

Parent group working on fundraising 

Discussed social media followers 

V. Building Administrator Report


Building Administrator Report

Presented by Amy Berns NWEA underway make up testing is on the way. Second round of IRead 3 next week. Spring Fling major success a lot of students showed up.  Students performed at IPS board meeting. Social emotional learning exploring new curriculm focusing on hiring staff and enrollment


May 2023 Personnel Report

Presented by Amy Berns hired two certified staff member for 23-24 one classified staff member currently hired

VI. Edison's Proposed Organizational Chart 23-24 Academic Year


Organizational Chart

Presented by Amy Berns will table it and discuss will all board members are present.


Greg Wallis stated will discuss after budget has been reviewed to make sure we can afford to staff for new positions being suggested.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:56 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Overdorf