Edison School of the Arts


Advancement Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 19, 2019 at 4:00 PM


Edison School of the Arts
Edison School of the Arts Mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews.  We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships

Edison School of the Arts Vision is to provide an environment that promotes high academic and creative achievement through implementation of visual and performing arts course programming. We encourage students to become responsible citizens who are culturally diverse. We develop lifelong learners, appreciators, and consumers of the arts.

Committee Members Present

E. Disney-Britton, K. Feeney-Caito, P. Guthrie

Committee Members Absent

H. Leck

Guests Present

C. Jones

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Jones called a meeting of the Advancement Committee of Edison School of the Arts to order on Tuesday Nov 19, 2019 at 4:11 PM.


Approve Minutes

K. Feeney-Caito made a motion to approve minutes from the Advancement Committee Meeting on 09-17-19 Advancement Committee Meeting on 09-17-19.
P. Guthrie seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Advancement



Cookie Dough
  • Amount sold: $5472
  • Shipping and handling: $96
  • 40% profit: $2188.80 ( Goal- $2,000) 
  • 37 students participated in the fundraiser

Next fundraiser
  • Holiday Concert in December at Butler Schrott Center
    • Edison will charge admission December 17th at 6 pm 
  • Popcorn sales in January

Holiday Assistance
  • Proposal to the Board
    • Edison has received donations and sponsors have committed in kind gifts. 
    • The goals is to support 50 students and 30 families. 
  •  Edison Caring Tree
    • Community members can adopt a child or adopt a family to receive support over the holiday. 
    • Penny will submit request letters to potential sponsors by December 15th. 
      • P. Guthrie will share the request letter with the board so that members may solicit potential donors. 
    • E. Disney-Britton recommended that board members adopt a child or family. 
      • P. Guthrie will submit the forms to adopt a child or family to the board. 
    • K. Feeney- Caito will contact Stephanie Sanders about donations. 
  • Timeline
    • Edison will be accepting donations between December 9th-13th.
    • Prepare gift bags by December 17th. 
    • Edison will disperse the gifts to students and families between December 18-20. 
      • For families that don't have transportation, Edison will deliver the gifts. 
  • The total enrollment is 622
    • ADM number was 619 
    • 615 students on site
    • 7 students off site
      • N. Tuttle explained that off site student status includes home school and/or alternative programs. Edison doesn't receive funding support for off site students. 
      • Students are registered at Edison and may return to the school at any time during the school year. 
    • Edison can accept new students up until January 2020. 
  • Several parents expressed interest in a Parent Advisory Panel. 
    • P. Guthrie explained that the panel will help with recruitment and support one another.
      • E. Disney-Britton discussed that the panel will support family engagement and act as a subgroup of the Town Hall.
      • There is a 7th seat available on the Edison Board and would like it filled by a parent. The parent advisory panel and and training can be helpful for future board recruitment. 
        • E. Disney- Britton recommended the title of parent ambassador instead of advisory board. 
        • N. Tuttle and E. Disney-Britton will contact Samuel Levi-Jones about a position on the Edison Board. 
  • Edison Town Halls are going well. 
    • N. Tuttle discussed Stand with Children partnership opportunities for parent engagement. 
      • The program provides parent leadership and student engagement training. 
    • P. Guthrie discussed that the Town Hall can be scheduled prior or after the board meeting. 
  • Attendance has ranged from 20 to 60. 

III. Other Business


Third Space

Samuel Levi-Jones installation 
  • K. Feeney-Caito discussed marketing for the Third Space
    • P. Guthrie will contact Arts for Learning about marketing materials. 
    • The advancement committee will have a meeting to discuss a marketing plan. 
    • D. Disney-Britton will contact Kelli Morgan to moderate an artist talk with Samuel Levi-Jones.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

K. Feeney-Caito made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
P. Guthrie seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Jones