Edison School of the Arts


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 18, 2019 at 5:30 PM

Edison School of the Arts mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews.  We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships

Directors Present

E. Disney-Britton, G. Wallis, H. Leck, K. Feeney-Caito, T. Givens, T. Overdorf

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

N. Tuttle

Non Voting Members Present

N. Tuttle

Guests Present

A. Berns, C. Jones

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Disney-Britton called a meeting of the board of directors of Edison School of the Arts to order on Tuesday Jun 18, 2019 at 5:32 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Adoption of the Agenda

E. Disney-Britton made a motion to adopt the agenda.
T. Givens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Opening Comments


Board Member Comments (2-min each)

There weren't any opening board member comments during the board meeting.


Public Comment (3-min each)

There weren't any opening public comments during the board meeting. 

III. Consent Agenda


May Minutes

G. Wallis made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 05-21-19. Board Meeting on 05-21-19.
T. Overdorf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Board Chair Report


Annual Meeting Agenda

Annual Meeting Agenda (3 parts: CEO, BOD, and Equity)
  • N. Tuttle will lead the annual report presentation to the board.
  • The election of officers/new member will be led by T. Stuart-Overdorf.
  • Dr. Patricia Payne, Director of the Office of Multicultural Education, will lead a presentation about racial equity and diversity within the Indianapolis Public Schools district to the board.


Board Meeting Dates 2019-2020 (+Feb. 25)

E. Disney-Britton made a motion to adopt the board meeting dates with the date change of February 18th to February 25th.
H. Leck seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board & Strategic Plan Retreat - Sat. Oct. 12, 9-5pm

E. Disney-Britton presented The Mind Trust with an initial proposal for the 2019-2020 board retreat.
  • Debbie Lister, Charter Board Partners' Chief Governance and Program Operations Officer, will revise the proposal to include a focus on developing a strategic plan. 

V. Executive Director Report


Progress Report

N. Tuttle presented the attached Executive Director report. 
  • In addition to the report, N. Tuttle discussed that he will be traveling with The Mind Trust to Seattle, Washington to cultivate donors for Edison School of the Arts, Inc. He will also be meeting with school leaders within the Seattle School District to discuss arts integration. 
  • All arts and academic teaching positions have been filled for the 2019-2020 school year. 
  • G. Wallis posed the question of how Edison compares to the enrollment projections from last school year to the upcoming school year. 
    • N. Tuttle stated that he will provide the information to the board. 

VI. Academic Excellence Committee


2018-2019 Committee Goals


Academic Dashboard Report

H. Leck presented the attached academic dashboard. 
  • The 5th and 8th grade math assessments have experienced substantial growth in test scores.
  • Edison will be fully staffed for the 2019-2020 school year. 
    • Two students have retaken the test. Edison will share their test results when they are available. 
    • There is one more student that needs to take the test. Edison will share their test results when they are available. 
    • Edison is projected to have 77% of passing test scores. 
  • Committee Members 
    • Teresa Villa and Stephanie Ropa have expressed interest in joining the academic excellence committee. 
    • Clare Wildhack-Nolan will be joining the academic excellence committee as a member starting in September. 

VII. Advancement Committee


2018-2019 Committee Goals

  • Edison is projected to have a  616 student enrollment for the 2019-2020 school year.
Committee Candidates
  • Ken Barlow, Brian Morrison and Stephanie Sanders will be contacted to join the advancement committee. 
100% Board Contribution
  • All board members are projected to make their annual contributions by Friday, June 21st. 
Annual Fundraising
  • Holiday assistance planning will begin on August 1st. 
  • Cookie dough sales will begin in October 2019.
  • Popcorn sales will begin in February 2020.
  • There will be a spring fundraiser in April 2020. 

VIII. Facilities & Safety Committee


2018-2019 Committee Goals

T. Givens will discuss the committee goals after the Annual Meeting. 

IX. Governance Committee - No Report


2018-2019 Committee Goals

T. Stuart-Overdorf will provide a summary report of the Executive Director evaluation to the board prior to the July annual meeting. 

E. Disney-Britton called the board meeting into executive session at 6.19 pm and resumed the board meeting at 6:51 pm. 

X. Finance Committee


2018-2019 Committee Goals


May 2019 Financial Statements

Treasurer Wallis gave an overview of the Financial Statements for the period ending May 31, 2019 for Edison School of the Arts, Inc. and we are on track to end the school year in the black. Edison billed Indianapolis Public Schools for $167,222 of title funds in May. These title funds are a receivable and will be converted to cash as soon as IPS remits the funds to us. Edison has $538,280 of cash. Statement of Activity by Fund: $20,351 remaining Richard Fairbanks Foundation funds;  $40,991 remaining Walton Family Foundation funds; $669,020 general operating funds; and $730,362 total remaining available funds.


FY19-20 Budget

G. Wallis presented the preliminary budget. 
  • G. Wallis discussed the process undertaken to create the 2019-2020 preliminary budget. The finance committee used the 2018-2019 school year expenses to create the 2019-2020 preliminary budget. 
  • Revenue is projected based on a 616 student enrollment. Edison is projected to receive $3,989,242 million dollars in total revenue that ties to initial IPS FY20 funding guidance. There is a $239,893increase in revenue from the previous school year. 
  • Chad Miller, Miller Insurance Group, presented the liability insurance during the finance committee meeting. $35,000 of insurance coverage includes the current coverage until January 1,2020 
  • There is $12,000 of available contingency funds. 
  • Travel is categorized under professional development. 
    • Potential grants can be used to fund professional development sessions. 
    • Professional development will include registration. 
    • Travel will include meals, airfare and hotel. 
  • Dues and Subscription 
    • Expense includes Whetstone and Board on Track subscription. 
  • Salaries/ Benefits/Taxes 
    • Total of $3,441,273 million dollars towards salaries/benefits/taxes. 
  • School Events 
    • Edison is committed to student and family engagement by budgeting $30,500 towards school events. 
  • Supplies and Materials 
    •  $40,000 towards curriculum including Pearson, Lexia, Affirm 
  • Office Supplies 
    • New multifunctional devices based on the vendor proposal. The vendor has informed Edison that IPS will pay for funds once their school district contract has started. 
G. Wallis made a motion to adopt the FY19-20 preliminary budget as a provisional budget.
E. Disney-Britton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

XI. Closing Items


Unfinished Business/ Next Steps

Committee Policies
  • Each committee will develop a policy. 
  • The committee chair will review the IPS policies and identify policies that apply to Edison. 


Important Board Dates


Adjourn Meeting

E. Disney-Britton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Givens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Disney-Britton