Edison School of the Arts


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 23, 2018 at 3:30 PM

Edison School of the Arts Mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews. We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships. 

Directors Present

E. Disney-Britton, G. Wallis, H. Leck, K. Feeney-Caito, T. Givens, T. Overdorf

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

N. Tuttle

Non Voting Members Present

N. Tuttle

Guests Present

A. Berns, C. Jones, Na'Quieshia Peterson, P. Guthrie

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Leck called a meeting of the board of directors of Edison School of the Arts to order on Tuesday Oct 23, 2018 at 3:34 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Adoption of the Agenda

H. Leck made a motion to Aprove the agenda.
K. Feeney-Caito seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Opening Comments


Board Member Comments (2-min each)


Public Comment (3-min each)

Na'Quieshia Peterson an Edison School of the Arts, Inc. parent discussed a physical altercation that occurred on September 25th between her child and another student. She would like to receive an automated phone call about behavioral management policies within the school. She also requested that her children whom she's removed from the school to receive classwork that they have missed due to their absence. 

H. Leck suggested that the academic excellence committee further discuss the parent's concern. The committee will re-evaluate the behavioral policy and communication of student expectations. 

G. Wallis discussed that the Board would like to review the incident report and safety issues.  

T. Overdorf made a motion to enter into an Executive session at 3:45 pm. 

H. Leck called a motion to resume the board meeting 3:55 pm.

G. Wallis proposed that an addendum to the student code of conduct.

H. Leck, chair of the academic committee, will reply to the parent and ensure her needs are met. 
K. Feeney-Caito made a motion to approve the addendum to the student code of conduct.
H. Leck seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Consent Agenda


August Minutes

G. Wallis made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 08-21-18 Board Meeting on 08-21-18.
K. Feeney-Caito seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Finance Committee


Financial Report

G. Wallis presented the financial report for the month of September 2018.  
H. Leck made a motion to to approve the finance committee report.
K. Feeney-Caito seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


403(b) Proposal

G. Wallis provided background on his discussion about the 403 b plan with Horace Mann to offer 403 b plan. The board will consider a matching option in the future. Horace Mann will prepare a planned document that the Board will have to adopt. 
K. Feeney-Caito made a motion to contact Horace Mann to begin the 403 b plan.
T. Overdorf seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


IPS Employee Stipends

The finance committee recommends that IPS employees working at Edison receive a pay increase for 2018-2019. A total of $10,000 is will be distributed amongst 10 IPS employees as contractors. The payments will be broken into two stipends: one at the end of this quarter, second at the end of the next quarter. 
K. Feeney-Caito made a motion to approve the IPS employee pay raise.
T. Givens seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Bank Accounts and Signatory Update

G. Wallis would like to differ to next month. 

V. CEO, Head of School Report


CEO Report

G. Wallis discussed that the SBA funds are reflected last years enrollment until this school year's enrollment is processed. He would like to revisit the model and budget for enrollment. He would also like a projected value of each student. 

VI. Academic Excellence Committee


September Planning Meeting

H. Leck discussed that the committee has met twice this school year. The committee would like to expand their members and broaden community relations. They are using Charter Board Partners to model the standards of the committee. Will focus on student achievement and school leadership. 
H. Leck reflected on the previous academic committee meeting minutes's what is going well and challenges sections. 
The school improvement plan was reported to the state. The academic audit/academic strategic plan was prepared through RELAY. 
The Whetstone coaching tool supports the teachers through modeling. The Danielson Rubric of Evaluation is used for teacher's instructional improvements. 
Within the first nine weeks of school there wasn't  assessment of student performance. Currently English scores are lower and math scores are higher than last school year. 
T. Stuart -Overdorf discussed that Edison's suspension rate seems higher compared to other IPS schools. H. Leck discussed that the higher suspension rate is due to repeated students with behavioral concerns. 
A. Berns discussed the importance of the Behavioral Specialist position to assist with restorative behaviors that will result with less behavioral offenses. 

VII. Governance Committee


Conflict Resolution Policy Proposal

T. Stuart - Overdorf indicated that the committee will meet to finalize the grievance report.  

VIII. Board Chair Report


Retreat Update, Nov. 3, 9-12pm

H. Leck and E. Britton discussed the primary focus of the Board will be the academic achievement of students. The Mindtrust is paying for the cost of Debbie Lassiter, Consultant, to facilitate the board retreat. The consultant will assist the Board with finding creative ways to support the progress of the school. The retreat will be held on November 3rd at Edison School of the Arts, Inc. 


Strategic Plan

E. Britton discussed that the strategic plan has been developed and based on the academic audit. 

H. Leck would like board members to review the strategic plan on Board on Track. 

IX. New Business


Behavioral Support Staff Addition

The leadership team met with each staff member to discuss their individual needs and school improvement suggestions. The teacher's feedback resulted in the recommendation of an additional Guided Learner Center to for 6-8th grade students.
N. Tuttle requested a $35,000 salary for the Behavioral Specialist employee who will oversee the Guided Learner Center. 
G. Wallis made a motion to approve the addition of a behavioral staff member.
K. Feeney-Caito seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Treatment of Grandfathered IPS Employee PTO

Carol Bramblett is the former media assistant who is planning to retire. When Edison converted from IPS the Edison leadership team told the IPS employees that they could carry over their PTO. Edison would have the option to pay the IPS employees out but didn't negotiate the direct payout with the employees. Bramblett is the first retiring Edison employee. Edison now has the option to pay out her PTO by $35/ day. 

G. Wallis discussed that Edison employees have the expectation that upon retirement that they will receive their pay out. IPS also requires you to fill out paper work and retire with INPRS. N. Tuttle will review the pension process for INPRS. 

T. Stuart-Overdorf discussed additional notice of beneficiaries and legal documents may be required upon employee retirement. She would like to move to table the PTO retirement payout for Bramblett. N. Tuttle will review the Carmel, Coldspring and IPS retirement policy and share with the board. 

G. Wallis would like to review IPS's checklist and insurance policy. 

X. Closing Items


Unfinished Business/Next Steps

Greg W. will contact Donovan CPAs about any additional items that are needed for the audit. 




Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:26 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Jones