Edison School of the Arts


July Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday July 18, 2017 at 3:00 PM


777 S. WhiteRiver Parkway W. Dr. Indianapolis IN 46221
Edison School of the Arts Mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews.  We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships

Edison School of the Arts Vision is to provide an environment that promotes high academic and creative achievement through implementation of visual and performing arts course programming. We encourage students to become responsible citizens who are culturally diverse. We develop lifelong learners, appreciators, and consumers of the arts.

Directors Present

E. Disney-Britton, G. Wallis, H. Leck, K. Feeney-Caito, T. Givens, T. Overdorf

Directors Absent

L. Green

Ex Officio Members Present

N. Tuttle

Non Voting Members Present

N. Tuttle

Guests Present

A. Berns, P. Guthrie

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests

Mr. Wallis was on his way.  


Call the Meeting to Order

E. Disney-Britton called a meeting of the board of directors of Edison School of the Arts to order on Tuesday Jul 18, 2017 at 3:15 PM.


Approve Minutes

E. Disney-Britton made a motion to approve minutes June Meeting on 06-20-17.
H. Leck seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Board Chair Report


Introduce and Vote on New Board Members


Any Given Child Update

All schools are invited to participate in the national celebration of the arts. Indiana Arts Education Network will be meeting here. October, all IPS Arts teachers will be invited to IPS training.  November and December each school will, plans will be solidified.  In January we will be hosting arts PD for the District.  September 10-17.  Arts Educators Network is meeting

III. Academic Excellence


Director of Academics Report

Created a wish list.  
Arts Integration
Helping support faculty.  
discussing math training, 
discussing ISTEP
FYI on Assessments. 

IV. Development


Director of Advancement and Engagement Report

Discussing Enrollment
Background Checks
Create board policy around ADM and withdrawing students. 
To do: investigate policy.  create 10 day policy but have a policy to the policy that allows for exceptions to the policy.  


Background Checks

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

E. Disney-Britton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
K. Feeney-Caito seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Tuttle