Edison School of the Arts

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 3:30 PM EDT


Edison School of the Arts, Media Center
Edison School of the Arts Mission is to continue to be an educational and artful resource for all students, parents, community, and staff members by consistent and focused professional development, invitational practices by all, utilizing quarterly and annual reviews. We will continue to develop our educational and arts aesthetic by expanding our arts experiences, exposure, and partnerships. 

Edison School of the Arts Vision is to provide an environment that promotes high academic and creative achievement through implementation of visual and performing arts course programming. We encourage students to become responsible citizens who are culturally diverse. We develop lifelong learners, appreciators, and consumers of the arts.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
  C. Adoption of the Agenda
  1. Two-hour meeting ahead including 30-minute executive session that will be called from Governance Committee.
  2. Governance Committee has been moved to the end of the meeting and we are not hearing reports from three of the other committees in May. 
  3. The three committee reports not included this month are: (1) Academic Excellence Committee; (2) Facilities & Safety Committee; and (3) Advancement Committee. No action is required this month from any of these three committee. 
  4. CEO Report will include information normally shared in those committees with updates on recent iStep testing as well as recruitment for next school year. 
II. Opening Comments
  A. Board Member Comments (2-min each)
  B. Public Comment (3-min each)
III. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve April Minutes
IV. Finance Committee
  A. Approve Financial Report-APRIL 2018
  B. 2018-2019 Budget Update
V. Board Chair Report
  A. Board Policy on Accepting Grants & Gifts
Nonprofit organizations should not feel obligated or compelled to accept every donation offered; there are donations that may not benefit the organization. 
  B. Board/Staff Approval Limits
VI. CEO, Head of School Report
CEO Support And Eval
  A. May CEO Report
  • Personnel Strategy
  • State Testing Strategy
  • Enrollment Strategy
VII. Governance Committee
  A. Annual Board Assessment

Board on Track provides Edison with two annual assessments: (1) CEO Assessment, and (2) Board Assessment: Skills and Demographics.  

  B. CEO Annual Evaluation - Executive Session
Deadline to complete evaluation is May 2018
VIII. New Business
IX. Closing Items
  A. Unfinished Business/Next Steps
  • Parent/Family Handbook (See February Minutes 2018)
  • CEO Evaluation May 2018 (See February & March Minutes 2018)
  • BOD Assessment Survey 2018 (See February & March Minutes 2018)
  • Development Plan (See March Minutes 2018)
  • Accepting Gifts & Grants Policy (See April 2018)
  • Approvals Policy (See February Minutes 2018)
  • Next Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 5, 2018​​​​​​ at 3:30 PM 
  C. Adjourn Meeting