Red River Charter Academy


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 25, 2023 at 5:30 PM


RRCA Cafeteria    

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance at a public meeting of Red River Charter Academy, please contact Charles Jones at 318-409-4015 or by email at describing the assistance that is necessary.

Directors Present

B. Ours, D. Blanchard, J. Stassi, S. Celestine

Directors Absent

B. Jackson, G. Ford, K. Pickett

Guests Present

C. Jones, D. Bonnette, D. Loyd, G. Sonnier

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Celestine called a meeting of the board of directors of Red River Charter Academy to order on Thursday May 25, 2023 at 5:50 PM.


Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer was led by Bill Ours and the pledge of allegiance was led by Danielle Blanchard.


Record Attendance


Approve the Agenda

J. Stassi made a motion to approve the agenda for 5/25/23.
B. Ours seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

J. Stassi made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 04-27-23.
D. Blanchard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Executive


Proposed amendment to PTO Policy

C. Jones led the discussion requesting the board to approve an amendment to the PTO policy that would prevent PTO from being granted to any RRCA employee during the 1st 90 days of employment at RRCA per the probationary period stated in the employee handbook. Discussion ensued that led to some concerns by the board.  The board decided to table the approval to give the ED more time to come up with a better solution for its employees.


Approve payroll procedure for FY2023-2024

D. Blanchard made a motion to approve RRCA's payroll procedure for 23-24SY.
J. Stassi seconded the motion.

C. Jones led discussion on the current payroll procedure for RRCA.  There are no changes in the policy and is requesting it be approve for 23-24SY as is.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval RRCA's teacher & para-professional salary schedule for FY23-24

D. Blanchard made a motion to approve RRCA's teacher & para-professional salary schedule for FY23-24.
J. Stassi seconded the motion.

C. Jones led a discussion informing the board that the salary schedules were based on years worked as a certified teacher or para-professional.  The salary scale would be based through 10 years of certified service and a set salary of $51,360 as a certified teacher and $18,000 as a certified para-professional would be the standard going forward.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Contract Renewal-EdOps

J. Stassi made a motion to renew the contract with EdOps as RRCA's fiscal agent.
D. Blanchard seconded the motion.

EdOps would remain RRCA's fiscal agent at a new monthly rate of $6815.00.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


System for Award Management

C. Jones informed the board that the SAM's registration was completed and is now active in the U>S> federal government's System for Award Management (SAM).  This allows RRCA to remain eligible to do business with the federal government and that the annual renew date is 4/19/24.


Email Address for new board members.

Provided email address for the new board members.  The new members were also provided access through Microsoft provided by Computers911.


Amanda Reed-Docket# 20229902

C. Jones provide the board with an update on the Amanda Reed case docket# 20229902. Acquired the board president's signature on page 8 of the confidential settlement and release of claims agreement to execute on behalf of the school.  Settlement checks were prepared by the ED for Amanda Reed and Attorney Matthew R. Foster.  Both parties to receive payment in the next 5-7 business days from 5/25/23.

III. Finance


Review of Financials

C. Jones provide the board with a financial update through 4/2023 with presentation provide by EdOps.


Approval of PO's

D. Blanchard made a motion to approve PO's provide by the Executive Director for 5/25/23.
B. Ours seconded the motion.

PO's approved were:

22-212 Education Associates; curriculum for SPED called Project Discovery

22-213 EdOps renew contract

22-219 TLC Cenla for summer school 22-23; provide 3 clinicians to work with RRCA students scoring unsatisfactory and approaching basic on the spring LEAP 2025.

22-220b Inline roof repair; Jones to see if Inline will provide services as the same coast as Thermal Guard for roof repair stated in the Inline quote provided.

22-221 School Nurse Supply for defibrillator

22-222 Guillott's Plumbing; tear out and replace restroom fixtures along main corridor leading to the gym

22-223 Avoyelles Ready Mix; to level the teachers' parking lot prior to the 23-24SY

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


2023-2024SY Budget Draft

C. Jones led discussion of current budget draft based on enrollment numbers of 150 and 177. Budget notice ad provided with ad being placed in local newspaper for public inspection for the required 10 days per the Louisiana Government Budget Act.  The public hearing and adoption of 23-24SY budget would be during the 6/22/23 board meeting.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

J. Stassi made a motion to adjoun board meeting on 5/25/23.
B. Ours seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned at 739p.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Jones