Young Scholars Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 2, 2023 at 4:00 PM


This meeting is being held in compliance with Open Meeting requirements of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and is open to the public.  Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in The Philadelphia Daily News. Formal action will be taken.

Trustees Present

B. Harrison (remote), B. Stambaugh (remote), B. Young (remote), D. Dwirantwi (remote), E. Ashe (remote), E. Kaplin (remote), I. Brind (remote), J. Brown (remote), J. Wang (remote), L. Pressman (remote), T. Rebar (remote), V. Schwartz (remote), W. Churchill (remote), W. Weisman (remote)

Trustees Absent

G. Singer, S. Midha, V. Hanraty

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

B. Young, J. Brown

Guests Present

B. Chazin (remote), J. Amenda (remote), K. Corcoran (remote), K. Lamilla (remote), K. Tini (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Churchill called a meeting of the board of trustees of Young Scholars Charter School to order on Tuesday May 2, 2023 at 4:03 PM.
J. Brown arrived at 4:15 PM.
B. Young arrived at 4:20 PM.

II. Board Discussion Topics


Open Discussion/Q&A from Narrative Update



John presented the year-to-date dashboard. Growth remains positive for the school overall. current predictive measures are showing that we are close to goals. We are concluding state testing this week. Staff attendance is strong. 



Finance Summary & Statements

Kevin Corcoran went through the school's finance summary and a summary of relevant assumptions and factors used to draft the 23-24 budget. 


Committee Reports

High School Admissions & Alumni Engagement- 97% of 8th grade class has accepted an offer so far. It's been a strong year for high school placement. 


School Performance- John Amenda went through dashboard at the beginning of the meeting. 


Development- Reminder that the 25th Anniversary event will be on October 18th. John Amenda also mentioned the Elevate 215 grant. John submitted a Letter of Intent. We'll be receiving funds to partner with an organization to improve school's position. 


Planning & Property- Ira Brind gave a brief update on the building. This is moving forward.  


Board Composition and Recruitment

YSCS team shared a skills summary report of the current board and a board member description for recruitment of new members. We are looking for potential members with academic/education experience and facilities expertise. 


ACE-R Review

We met standard for most all organizational compliance and viability. 


Talent Update

Becca Chazin gave a talent update. We currently have 94% teacher retention. 

III. Approval of Minutes


Resolved that the Board approve the Regular session minutes from the March 28, 2023 meeting.

W. Churchill made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 03-28-23.
J. Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Lamilla