Young Scholars Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 1, 2022 at 4:30 PM


Young Scholars Charter School

900 North Marshall Street

Philadelphia, PA 19123

This meeting is being held in compliance with Open Meeting requirements of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and is open to the public.  Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in The Philadelphia Daily News. Formal action will be taken.


Trustees Present

B. Young, E. Kaplin, G. Singer, I. Brind, J. Brown, J. Wang, L. Pressman, S. Midha, T. Rebar, V. Hanraty, W. Churchill

Trustees Absent

B. Stambaugh, D. Dwirantwi, E. Ashe, V. Schwartz, W. Weisman

Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

J. Brown

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

E. Kaplin, I. Brind

Guests Present

B. Chazin, Broderick Harrison, C. Freyer, J. Amenda, John Cacciola, K. Tini

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Churchill called a meeting of the board of trustees of Young Scholars Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 1, 2022 at 4:38 PM.

II. Board Discussion Topics


Welcome and School Leader Quarter 1 Highlights

Co-Principals, Beth Birnkrant and Shakira Smith shared Q1 highlights including Science projects, successes and challenges including events and other in-person experiences and progress report conferences, Fall Awareness Spirit Week, and Trunk or Treat.  They discussed upcoming events for Q2 including Expeditions presentations for 6th, field experiences for 7th and 8th graders, planned tree planting, Turkey Bowl, Honors Assembly, and Winter Spirit Week.  They also discussed a 6th grade reset that took place, involving a re-rostering into cohorts to build stronger community and support classroom experiences.  Enrollment was also discussed, including a positive trend including our current enrollment of 275 and an expectation of meeting our enrollment goal by this Friday 11/4.

J. Brown arrived at 4:53 PM.
W. Churchill made a motion to Elect Broderick Harrison to the Board of Trustees.
I. Brind seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Tutoring and Saturday School

A. Less presented information on the After School Tutoring Program, which is an intensive intervention program aimed to help struggling students master skills in Math, Reading, and SSAT preparation.  The focus of Fall, Winter, and Spring sessions was discussed as well as program attendance, the process for measuring progress, and communication to families.


E. Tindal present information on the Saturday School Program, which is a bi-weekly program which provides intensive tutoring and academic support in Math and Reading.  The Saturday Academy Culture component was discussed, along with measures of success and incentives that support attendance.


Specific Commentary or Questions from Narrative Update

No questions were raised.


Data Highlights and Response

J. Amenda presented available data around Evergreen Goals, focusing on PSSA proficiency in national and citywide context. 


Landbank Application and Facility

I. Brind left at 5:33 PM.

J. Cacciola presented the purchase application for a subdivision of the land where the current building stands, including how the land would be developed and three-month associated timeline.  The rationale for the purchase was discussed, along with potential positive implications including potential enrollment expansion.  



J. Amenda presented on the inequitable practices that parents of our students are subjected to based on the recent policy change by the School District of Philadelphia to not provide buses for students in 6th grade if they attend a stand alone middle school.  


J. Brown discussed conversations with Bob O'Donnell and a call with the PA Secretary of Education, who seemed receptive to the position of the school that our 6th grade students is a concern that should be shared.  A suggested next step was suggested for board members to submit a Right-to-Know request to the School District of Philadelphia around the transportation policy.

E. Kaplin left at 5:53 PM.


Policies Up for First Review

No questions were raised about policies.


Financial Summary and Statements


Committee Reports

Finance Committee: T. Rebar presented on the negative financial impact of enrollment challenges that are offset by our increased Special Education enrollment.  Our current projection is a $30,000 deficit that would turn into a significantly higher surplus if all students identified as potentially eligible for Special Education services are confirmed to be eligible.  


H.S. Committee:  C. Branch is continuing meetings with 8th grade students.  71/84 8th graders have submitted high school applications, which are due on Friday 11/4.  Charter and independent/catholic applications will be prioritized after public applications are complete.


School Performance Committee: No additional discussion


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: V. Hanraty presented that she and J. Amenda will meet to determine how the board can engage more authentically moving forward.


Development Committee:  E. Saft presented that over $135,000 was raised at the October event, putting us at over 1/3 of the way to meeting our goal.  We currently have 100% board member participation for the year.  Moving forward the strategy is shifting from more individual giving to grants.

III. Approval of Minutes


Resolved that the Board approve the Regular session minutes from the September 13, 2022 meeting.

W. Churchill made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 09-13-22.
J. Wang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Motions for Approval- Policy / Governance / Operations / Miscellaneous


Resignation of Alexandra Hay as a Board of Trustee, effective October 10, 2022

W. Churchill made a motion to Approve all motions.
J. Wang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Policies: 2nd and Final

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
W. Churchill