Young Scholars Charter School


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 26, 2021 at 4:00 PM

This meeting is being held in compliance with Open Meeting requirements of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and is open to the public.  Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in The Philadelphia Daily News. Formal action will be taken.


Trustees Present

A. Hay (remote), B. Stambaugh (remote), B. Young (remote), E. Ashe (remote), E. Kaplin (remote), I. Brind (remote), L. Pressman (remote), T. Rebar (remote), V. Hanraty (remote), V. Schwartz (remote), W. Churchill (remote), W. Weisman (remote)

Trustees Absent

D. Dwirantwi, G. Singer, S. Midha

Guests Present

B. Chazin (remote), Charles Freyer (remote), Devon Buchanan (remote), Ellyn Saft (remote), J. Amenda (remote), Josephine Wang (remote), K. Lamilla (remote), Kevin Corcoran (remote), Kristen Tini (remote), Samantha Banks (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance

W. Churchill made a motion to Election of New Trustee: Josephine Wang.
RESOLVED, that Josephine Wang are hereby, on motion duly made and seconded, unanimously elected as a Trustee of Young Scholars Charter School, with immediate effect.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Call the Meeting to Order

W. Churchill called a meeting of the board of trustees of Young Scholars Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 26, 2021 at 4:00 PM.

II. Board Discussion Topics


Co-Principal Update & Goal Setting Overview and Diagnostic Data

Co-Principal Update- Mr. Amenda shared a previously recorded video by Co-Principals, Beth Birnkrant and Shakira Smith who both gave updates on instruction and school culture. Student attendance started strong in Quarter 2 and there have been many student life activities that promote joy- October Awareness Week, High School Day, Trunk or Treat. A priority this year is encouraging a strong and joyful culture.


Goal Setting Overview and Diagnostic Data-
John Amenda sent out notes detailing the school’s goal setting process and using data to set academic goals.


There was a discussion regarding the potential SEPTA strike and how it would affect students and families. The school team sent out a survey to all families that communicated the situation and how the school is preparing for it and asked for feedback about preferred method of instructional delivery in the event of a strike.


Board Committees- meeting cadence, committee charters

Draft committee charters were shared with the Board. Each Board committee will meet quarterly, except for the Finance Committee which will meet before every board meeting.


High School Admissions

Devon Buchanan gave an update about the high school admissions process. High school applications are due on November 19th. Changes in admissions policies were reviewed. SSAT tutoring is occurring every Wednesday.


Financial Summary and Statements; ARP ESSER Overview; Enrollment

Kevin Corcoran from Charter Choices gave an update on financial statements and the financial summary. The school is in a strong financial position and the audit is proceeding smoothly with drafts ready for review by November 8th. He also gave a legislative update from Harrisburg. Federal funding plans were also shared with the Board.


Pride Leadership Institute Lunch- November 4th; 2021-2022 Annual Campaign

Pride Leadership Institute Lunch- Trustee, Esther Kaplin, is donating catering services to the Pride Leadership Institute lunch on November 4th.


2021-2022 Annual Campaign- Mr. Churchill shared information about the 2021-2022 Annual Campaign and asked Trustees for annual contributions to support the mission of YSCS, as well engage their networks by sharing fundraising materials.


Facility Project Planning

The building expansion project is in process. The Friends of Young Scholars Board and Ira Brind are working together to plan out general contractors and engineering plans but all work is currently exploratory.  Josephine Wang will join the Planning and Property Committee.

III. Approval of Minutes


Resolved that the Board approve the Regular session minutes from the September 14, 2021 meeting

W. Churchill made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Board Meeting on 09-14-21.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Lamilla