Young Scholars Charter School

Regular Board Meeting

Published on September 14, 2021 at 3:20 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday September 14, 2021 at 4:00 PM EDT


This will be held virtually via Zoom video conference. The conference URL is listed below. 
This meeting is being held in compliance with Open Meeting requirements of the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and is open to the public.  Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in The Philadelphia Daily News. Formal action will be taken.



I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Board Discussion Topics
  A. Instructional Time Template and Instructional Delivery Models for Approval
  B. Policy Reorganization Preview and Discussion of Policy Revision Processes
Joined by Ed Diasio at 4:30 PM
  C. Board Retreat Follow-up; Confirmation of Committee Chairs; Establishment of Next Steps Related to Committee Goal-setting and Recurring Series of Committee Meeting Times and Associated Responsibilities of Trustees and School Management
Facilitated by John Amenda and Winston J. Churchill
  D. Financial Summary and Statements
Facilitated by Kevin Corcoran, Tom Rebar and Wayne Weisman
  E. 2021-2022 Annual Campaign
III. Finance
Facilitated by Kevin Corcoran, Tom Rebar and Wayne Weisman
  A. Financial Summary and Statements
IV. Approval of Minutes
  A. Resolved that the Board approve the Regular session minutes from the June 8, 2021 meeting
V. Motions for Approval
  A. 2021-22 HR Handbook
  B. 2021-22 Student and Family Handbook
  C. Dissolution of Young Scholars Educational Opportunities Foundation
  D. Conclusion of Service of James Egan as Board of Trustee Member, effective March 25, 2021
  E. Confirmation of Wayne Weisman as Board Secretary to replace Charles Freyer
  F. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board hereby expresses its support and approval of the administration adopting a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for employees and the addition of such policy to the 2021-2022 Health and Safety Plan
  G. Instructional Time Template Resolution
VI. New Business
VII. Old Business
VIII. Public Comment
Members of the public wishing to address the Board of Trustees must state their names and are requested to limit their comments to three minutes. Please be aware that all Charter School employees retain the right of privacy and shall retain all rights against defamation and slander per the laws of Pennsylvania. The Board shall not be held liable for comments made by members of the public. Each member of the public will be given one opportunity to address the Board.
IX. Executive Session
X. Important Dates
1. Next Board meeting- Tuesday, October 26, 2021
2. Next Board Retreat- Friday, November 5, 2021
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting