Merrick Academy Charter School


Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday December 19, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Trustees Present

C. Dalgetty-Jarvis, G. Karikari, J. Cummings, T. Pierre-Louis (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Ding, M. MUNOZ, T. Boothe

Guests Present

A. Manuel, C. Watterson, D. Goulbourne, J. Luina, S. Pugh, T. Miller

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Karikari called a meeting of the board of trustees of Merrick Academy Charter School to order on Thursday Dec 19, 2019 at 7:38 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Cummings made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting on 11-21-19.
T. Pierre-Louis seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director's Report


Executive Director's Report

Dr. Manuel noted the following in his report:
  • Renewal status will be received early January. CSI recently notified us of timeline. 
  • We are actively still receiving letters of support from elected officials. Executive Director of NYS Charter Association pledged advocacy support after our renewal.
  • Budget Update: We are 45% into the school year and have only exhausted 36% of the budget; we have a projected surplus at the end of year.
  • Our enrollment is currently steady at 540 students. 
  • Academic Performance indicators show progress made towards targets. We are awaiting the results or the second interim assessments. 

III. Chief Academic Officer's Report


Chief Academic Officer's Report

Ms. Pugh highlighted the following: 
  • Informal Observations are 85% complete. The average score for teachers is 2.7 (developing and effective). 
  • Early/Mid Quarter teacher data meetings with Principal and school leaders were completed with success. 
  • Professional development will focus on ratio-increasing the ratio of thinking and participation of students as opposed to teachers doing the thinking and working. 
  • January 14th-17th are the next interim assessments and the last week of January for next IReady. After we receive data from these two assessments we will plan mid-year course corrections.

IV. Operation's Manager


Operation's Manager

Ms. Miller highlighted the following:
  • The first half of the school year enrollment has been steady with 540 students. 
  • Currently we have about 7-10 seats available in grades K-2 and are continuing enrollment with phone calls to waitlisted families. 
  • In November, we updated our Schoolmint Application for the 2020-2021 lottery.
  • Application Portal is now open for families to apply. 
  • This month(December), we began transitioning from paper registration to digital using the Schoolmint software.
  • January's focus will be on student recruitment and Open Houses. 
  • The mid-year building cleaning will occur during the December break. 

V. PTO President's Report


PTO President Report

Ms. Cummings gave us the following updates in her report:
  • The PTO meeting for November and for December was held on December 3rd.
  • Next meeting is scheduled for January 28, 2020. 
  • PTO emergency meeting was held. Financial status of PTO and 2019 audit of the financial records was discussed. 
  •  Parent support group chat on GroupMe currently has 32 members. 
  • December was the second month that the IEP families got a progress report that will be going out every 8 weeks letting the families know if their child is meeting their goals.
  • 5th Grade prom will be held in school gym and the senior trip destination will be Holiday Hill.
  • PTO bank account is officially open at Carver Bank in amount of $15,650.88. PTO Paypal is up and running

VI. Committee Reports


Academic Committee

The Academic Committee was held on December 17, 2019. the agenda focused on: 
  • Performance Dashboard
  • Intervention
  • Teacher Observations and Coaching
  • Curriculum Updates 


HR Committee

The HR Committee was held on December 17, 2019. the agenda focused on: 
  • UFT Grievances
  • Open Positions
  • Observations and evaluations


Finance Committee

There was no meeting held for this period. 


Operations Committee

The Operations Committee was held on December 17, 2019. the agenda focused on: 
  • Performance Dashboard
  • Facilities Updates
  • School Safety
  • Technology
  • Operations Budget

VII. Executive Session


Motion to enter Executive Session

T. Pierre-Louis made a motion to to enter executive session.
J. Cummings seconded the motion.
to discuss the medical, financial,credit, or employment, promotion,demotion,discipline,suspension, dismissal, or removal of a particular person or corporation.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Boothe