Northwood Academy Charter School
Finance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 7, 2024 at 5:00 PM
This is a public meeting of the Finance Committee of the Board of Trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School that was properly advertised pursuant to the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. The public meeting schedule is posted at the school and on the website.
Members of the public are welcome to attend and listen to the Finance Committee conduct its business tonight. All written comments submitted to the Committee via email (board@northwoodcs.org) will be acknowledged and incorporated into the official minutes. This meeting is accessible to the public via the remote platform Zoom and is being recorded.
Meeting will be conducted via Zoom platform with the ability to join via phone as well.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81810854416?pwd=bUVCWlFsU0FjY0IwckNLOXlaTnNQZz09
Committee Members Present
D. Abellard (remote), E. Langston (remote), E. Lofton (remote), K. Spraga (remote), M. McLeish (remote), T. Hunt (remote)
Committee Members Absent
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Agenda
Approve previous Meeting Minutes
Community Comment
II. Discuss CBAs
CBA2.2024.01: MacBook Air
NACS will make a Technology Inventory a high priority to determine what devices and accessories are needed.
III. Draft Budgets 2024-2025
Draft Budget 2024-2025
-M. McLeish discussed the purchase price offer for 4603 Adams Avenue property and received approval from Committee to move forward.
- M. McLeish informed the Committee of emerging repairs needed to the facade of the building, due to faulty workmanship at the time of construction.
- An enrollment of 704 students was reported.
- M. McLeish presented the first draft of the 2024-25 budget, showing 2.4M initial deficit.
- K. Spraga requested a list of major contracts and initial discussions on who to retain into 24-25.
- Additionally, K. Spraga requested that M. McLeish include a summary of changes from the current year budget to 24-25.
Draft Personnel Budget 2024-2025
Personnel Intent to Returns to go out soon and the hope is to have NACS staffed and have a limited number of contracted staff members.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- 2024_01_03_finance_committee_meeting_minutes.pdf
- MacBook Airs CBA.pdf
- MacBook Air proposal.pdf
- NACS_Draft Budget 24-25.pdf
- NACS_Draft Budget 24-25 Personnel.pdf
No Community Comment