Northwood Academy Charter School
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 16, 2021 at 5:30 PM
Northwood Academy Charter School (Remote Meeting)
This is a public meeting of the Board of Trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School that was properly advertised pursuant to the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act. The public meeting schedule is posted at the school and on the website.
Members of the public are invited to participate by submitting written comments via email ( All written testimony should include the individual’s name, home address and topic. During the public comment section of the meeting, board members will read into the record short summaries of comments, grouped by topic, and will note the number of individuals submitting comments.
Please Note: In the interest of the health of our staff, board members and public and in alignment with public health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board has adjusted the way in which it holds its meetings. The meetings will be accessible to the public via Zoom and recorded.
Zoom Link to join the webinar:
Members of the public are invited to participate by submitting written comments via email ( All written testimony should include the individual’s name, home address and topic. During the public comment section of the meeting, board members will read into the record short summaries of comments, grouped by topic, and will note the number of individuals submitting comments.
Please Note: In the interest of the health of our staff, board members and public and in alignment with public health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board has adjusted the way in which it holds its meetings. The meetings will be accessible to the public via Zoom and recorded.
Zoom Link to join the webinar:
Trustees Present
D. Kleschick (remote), D. Madison (remote), J. Marshall (remote), J. Williams (remote), K. Spraga (remote), M. Bly (remote), T. Caldwell (remote)
Trustees Absent
K. Maddox
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
D. Kleschick
Guests Present
A. Hollister (remote), C. Carey (remote), K. Crossett (remote), K. Dugan (remote), T. Hunt (remote), T. Taylor (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Jun 16, 2021 at 5:33 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Reading of Mission Statement
C. Carey read Mission Statement.
Resolution 061621.001: Approval of Agenda
M. Bly made a motion to approve the June 16, 2021 Agenda.
K. Spraga seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.002: Approval May 19, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
M. Bly made a motion to table the approval of the May 19, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes until the next Board Meeting.
K. Spraga seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Community Comment
No Community Comment
II. Finance
Resolution 061621.003: Approval of Financials
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the May 2021 Financial Report and all supporting documents submitted by the Business Manager, which shall be incorporated in the record of this meeting.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
T. Taylor, Business Manager, reviewed the Executive Summary of the Financial Report ending May 31, 2021.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.004: 2021-2022 Budget
J. Marshall made a motion to adopt the 2021-2022 budget and accepts all supporting documents,as presented.
M. Bly seconded the motion.
PTO and Annual Bonus - based on x amount of days. unused days are paid out.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Kleschick arrived at 5:41 PM.
T. Taylor left at 5:42 PM.
III. Discussion
Board Retreat
J. Williams (Chair) will confirm dates for the Board Retreat and send to all members by the end of next week... possibly scheduled for Sept.
Board Retreat Agenda Items:
Board Retreat Agenda Items:
- Board Goals
- CEO Goals
Board of Trustees Award
J. Williams would like for the board and administration to consider a Board of Trustees Award to present for 8th Grade Move Up Day Ceremony. Possiby give a monetry gift with the award. A CBA will be developed for monetary value.
Additionally, for future ceremonies, consider giving a gift for all student participating in Move Up Day Ceremony.
Additionally, for future ceremonies, consider giving a gift for all student participating in Move Up Day Ceremony.
IV. Committee Reports
Academic Excellence Committee
P. Kleshick (member) discussed resources for library and mathemtaics metrics, as well as metrics for new socioal studies curriculum.
CEO Support and Evaluation Committee
J. Williams (Chair) stated next committee meeting will be scheduled soon.
Finance Committee
J. Marshall (Chair) stated final budget completed. Ongoing CBA's and long term planning permissbale for use of ESSER II funds. Administrative Team reviewing criteria with Business Manager and will provde a synopsisi of permissable spending for ESSR II and ESSR III funds.
Governance Committee
T. Caldwell (Chair) stated the committee met to discuss recruitment for additional board members. Requesting each memeber submit the names of two candidates by July 14th.
Seeking 3 new members with any of the following experience/criteria:
Seeking 3 new members with any of the following experience/criteria:
- Finance
- Education
- Corpporate Process
- Member does not to reside in PA
Human Resource Committee (Ad Hoc)
J. Williams (Chair) stated the committee met and approved new hire packets.
Strategic Planning Committee (Ad Hoc)
A. Hollister (Chair) stated next committee meeting scheduled for June 30th to review goals and themes.
V. Staff Reports
Board reviewed the June 2021 CEO Report and supporting documents
previously submitted by A. Hollister.
previously submitted by A. Hollister.
- Proposed Professional Development Plan and the impact on SDP provided transportation.
- Proposed Professional Development Plan and after school programming logistics.
Board reviewed the June 2021 Principal Report previously submitted by C. Carey.
- Student Teacher
- Student Retention
- Leadership Coaching
Board reviewed the June 2021 Operations Report previously submitted by K.
- SDP Transportation Schedule (21-22)
Special Education & Student Support
Board reviewed the June 2021 Special Education and Student Supports
Report previously submitted by K. Crossett.
Report previously submitted by K. Crossett.
- Metrics
- Speech Screeners
Human Resources
Board reviewed the June 2021 Human Resource Report and supporting
documents previously submitted by Total HR Solutions. No further discussion.
documents previously submitted by Total HR Solutions. No further discussion.
VI. New Business
Resolution 061621.005: Personnel (Key Performance Indicator)
M. Bly made a motion to accept the personnel changes, modifications and additions, as presented in the attached Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
J. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.006: New Grant Funded Positions (ESSER)
D. Madison made a motion to approve the following new grant funded positions, as presented.
Classroom Assistant, Math Interventionist, Special Ed Teacher (3rd & 4th), Special Ed Teacher (Kindergarten), STEAM Teacher.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.007: 2021-2022 NACS Student/Parent Handbook (DRAFT)
M. Bly made a motion to table the approval of the DRAFT 2021-2022 Student/Parent Handbook until the August Board Meeting.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.008: 2021-2022 NACS Employee Handbook
M. Bly made a motion to table the approval of the 2021-2022 Employee Handbook until the August Board Meeting.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.009: Professional Development Proposal
D. Kleschick made a motion to approve the professional development proposal with the following conditions: parent communication, Afterschool Logistics and SDP Transportation.
M. Bly seconded the motion.
Additonal requested information submitted to the Board on/or before July 14th.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
K. Spraga |
D. Madison |
M. Bly |
K. Maddox |
T. Caldwell |
J. Williams |
D. Kleschick |
J. Marshall |
Resolution 061621.010: New Curriculum Purchase
T. Caldwell made a motion to approve the purchase of the following curriculum materials, at a toal cost not to exceed $145,236.82.
Sciecne Curriculum /
TCI Social Studies /
GO Math.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Carey left at 6:56pm
Resolution 061621.011:Phone System Upgrade
D. Kleschick made a motion to approve the phone system upgrade, at a cost not to exceed $1500 per month.
D. Madison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.012:Facility Upgrades
M. Bly made a motion to approve the following facility upgrades, at a total cost not to exceed $104,000.
Basement Bathroom Upgrades /
Aquarium Design and Install /
Carpet Replacement/Addition.
T. Caldwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 061621.013: Academic Support Program & Intervention Database
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the purchase of the following academic support program and intervention database, at a total cost not to exceed $38,635.72.
Summer Bridge Program / Dean's List (MTSS Database).
D. Kleschick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Hunt left at 6:58pm
J. Williams made a motion to enter EXECUTIVE Session.
P. Kleschick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
P. Kleschick seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
P. Kleschick made a motion to enter OPEN Session.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
D. Kleschick made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:33 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bly