Northwood Academy Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 5:00 PM
Northwood Academy Charter School (via Zoom)
This was a public meeting of the Governance Committee of the Board of Trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School that was properly advertised pursuant to the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act.
Please Note: In the interest of the health of our staff, board members and public and in alignment with public health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, this Committee has adjusted the way in which it holds its meetings. This meeting was accessible to the public via the remote platform Zoom and was recorded.
All members of the public were welcome, to sit and listen to the Governance Committee conduct its business. Written comments submitted to the Committee via email ( were acknowledged and incorporated into the official minutes.
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Please Note: In the interest of the health of our staff, board members and public and in alignment with public health guidelines regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, this Committee has adjusted the way in which it holds its meetings. This meeting was accessible to the public via the remote platform Zoom and was recorded.
All members of the public were welcome, to sit and listen to the Governance Committee conduct its business. Written comments submitted to the Committee via email ( were acknowledged and incorporated into the official minutes.
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Meeting ID: 818 5010 0922
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Committee Members Present
A. Hollister (remote), J. Marshall (remote), K. Maddox (remote), M. Bly (remote)
Committee Members Absent
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
M. Bly called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Northwood Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday May 27, 2020 at 5:02 PM.
Record Attendance
Reading of Mission Statement
Katrina Maddox read NACS Mission Statement.
Community Comment
No Community Comment
II. New Business
Board Job Descriptions
Committee reviewed the draft Board Officer Job Descriptions (JDs) previously submitted by M. Bly (Committee Chair).
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- Resources from BoardOn Track were referenced to develop the JDs.
- Add "Position" to the header area of the JDs
- Revise the language of the last bullet point under "Indicators of Effectiveness" to read: Is accessible to the parents and community members while being fair, constructive, and representative of the interests of the broader school community.
Amendement of Bylaws
Committee reviewed the amended bylaw recommendations previously submitted by M. Bly (Committee Chair). Information presented to the committee were suggested recommendations as a baseline.
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- Section 1.3 - Updated Mission Statement added
- Section 1.4 - Corrected Zip Code added
- Section 3.1 - Increase the max number of Trustees
- Section 3.2 - Replace Nominating Committee with Recruiting Committee
- Section 3.4 - Added term limits
- Section 3.5 - Added language to clarify original language
- Section 3.6 - Added language to clarify original language
- Section 3.7 - Added language to clarify original language
- Section 3.8 - No change
- Section 3.9 - Added language to specify min and max number of Trustees. Add sub-sections to identify Permanent Committees and Ad Hoc Committees.
- Section 3.10 - Added Section (Adoption and Modification of Policies)
- Section 3.11 - Renumbered
- Section 3.12 - Renumbered
- Section 4.1 - Added language to reflect newly developed Board Officer Job Descriptions
- Section 4.3 - Added term limits for Board Officers
- Section 4.6 - No change (Resolution for delegation to be included when new Secretary is elected)
- Section 4.7 - No change (Resolution for delegation to be included when new Treasurer is elected)
- Section 9 - No change
Board Recruitment Process
Committee will collaborate and engage in discussion with Recruitment Committee to discuss best practices for board member recruitment. Possible discussion topics:
- Interview panel: Number of members
- Interview rubric
III. Closing Items
Next Steps
- M. Bly (Committee Chair) send meeting documents to committee with noted adjustments discussed during meeting.
- Governance Committee presents draft Board Officer Job Descriptions and Amended Bylaws recommendations during June 17th Board Meeting.
- Schedule Governance Committee Meeting for June 24th (if needed) to refine presented documents based on feedback from June 17th Board Meeting.
- Governance Committee presents finalized Board Officer Job Descriptions and Amended Bylaws for official approval by vote.
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:57 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bly