Northwood Academy Charter School
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 5:30 PM
Northwood Academy Charter School (4621 Castor Avenue)
The next public meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on February 19, 2020 at Northwood Academy Charter School located 4621 Castor Avenue.
Trustees Present
D. Madison, J. Marshall, J. Williams, K. Maddox, K. Spraga, M. Bly, V. Jefferson
Trustees Absent
Guests Present
A. Hollister, C. Carey, K. Dugan, T. Taylor
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2020 at 5:41 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Resolution 011520.001: Approval of Agenda
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the amended January 15, 2020 agenda.
M. Bly seconded the motion.
Section IV. Staff Reports will be moved above Section III. Committee Reports.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.002: Approval of Minutes
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the minutes from Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 12-18-19.
D. Madison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Community Comment
No Community Comment
II. Finance
Resolution 011520.003: Approval of Financials
M. Bly made a motion to approve the Financial Report and all supporting documents submitted by Business Manager.
V. Jefferson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Staff Reports
Board reviewed the January 2020 Principal report, previously submitted by C. Carey.
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- December's Suspension Data
- Discipline Levels of Violations Document: Follow up meeting for further feedback will take place this week and the communication protocol for this process will be submitted in February for review.
- Math Curriculum Updates
- Dr. Martin Luther King Day and Black History Month
C. Carey left early
Board reviewed the January 2020 CEO report, previously submitted by A. Hollister.
Discussion Inclulded:
Discussion Inclulded:
- Strategic Initiative: The updated plan will be submitted to the Strategic Plan Committee on January 31st.
- Enrollment: Additional information regarding withdrawn students.
- Internal Enrolllment Verification Procedures: Business Controller is scheduled to meet with The School District of Philadelphia regarding their Student Information System and timelines for subsidy payments. The findings from this meeting could result in the need to adjust our enrollment verification procedures.
- CEO will provide a yearly calendar for all 12 month employees.
Student Services
Board reviewed the January 2020 Student Services report, previously submitted by P. Freidman.
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- Status updates on students AP, AO, and AF. Official documents/agreements will be presented during February 19th Board Meeting.
- Upper School Guidance Counselor will submit the list of high school acceptances for the February 19th Board Meeting.
Board reviewed the January 2020 Operations report, previously submitted by K. Dugan.
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- Written Communication about Incident
- Phone System: Final documentation and reccomendation for a new system will be provided to the Finance Committee for review on April 1st but no later than April 5th.
- Tech Survey: The questions and responses to the tech survey will be emailed to the Board on/or before January 17th.
T. Taylor left early
Human Resources
Board reviewed the January 2020 Human Resources report, previously submitted by Total HR Solutions.
Discussion Included:
Discussion Included:
- Process for sourcing the new positions.
- Contingency Transition Plan for Director of Special Education position.
IV. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
J. Marshall (Committee Chair) scheduled next committee meeting for February 5th at 5:30pm. The meeting will focus on the first round of budget assumptions to present during February 19th Board Meeting.
Board Recruitment Committee
D. Madison (Committee Chair) scheduled next committee meeting for February 5th at 6:30pm for purposes of interviewing a potential new board member.
D. Madison (Committee Chair) scheduled next committee meeting for February 5th at 6:30pm for purposes of interviewing a potential new board member.
Governance Committee
M. Bly (Committee Chair) inquired if additional dates for committee meetings could be advertised in accordance with the Sunshine Act if needed. The next committee meeting is scheduled for February 5th @ 6:00pm. The meeting will focus on priortizing the following goals:
- Review website to ensure compliance and update as needed / attach BOT platform.
- Review and update Bylaws
- Review current polices and update as needed
- Initiate process for developing Board Job Descriptions
Human Resource Committee
J. Williams (Committee Chair) stated the Focus Grooups facilitated by Total HR Solutions have begun. The scheduled dates are:
- January 14, 2020
- January 16, 2020
- January 21, 2020
Strategic Planning Committee
A committee meeting will be scheduled once the updated Strategic Initiative Plan has been received.
Student Achievement Committee
Committee members met with C. Carey (Principal) on Tuesday, January 14th regarding the new math curriculum. C. Carey will meet with each grade group on January 22nd to have further discussion.
A committee meeting will be scheduled for March.
A committee meeting will be scheduled for March.
V. Unfinished Business
Performance Evaluation Update
Discussion included the 19-20 performance evaluation timelines.
- Director of Operations performance evaluation is complete
- K. Dugan (Director of Ops) will complete the baseline goals for non-instructional staff and send to T. Hunt on/or before January 24th for final HR approval by January 31st.
- Principal performance evaluation requires additional work by A. Hollister (CEO) and will be sent to T. Hunt for final approval on/or before February 14th.
- Teacher performance evaluations need to be incorporated with Frontline. T. Hunt will contact representative to discuss the process and follow up with A. Hollister (CEO) for additional work. Final HR approval by January 31st.
VI. New Business
Resolution 011520.004: Personnel (Key Performance Indicator)
M. Bly made a motion to accept the personnel changes, modifications and additions as presented in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.005: Personnel (Employee Termination)
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the administration's recommended termination of professional employee A.S.
J. Williams seconded the motion.
The corrective action plan, written communications and other associated documents related to this matter have been included in the file maintained by Human Resources.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
D. Madison |
K. Maddox |
K. Spraga |
V. Jefferson |
J. Marshall |
M. Bly |
J. Williams |
Resolution 011520.006: New Position (Director of Special Education)
J. Marshall made a motion to approve the new position of Director of Special Education and adopt the associated job description with an effective date of May 1, 2020.
V. Jefferson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.007: New Position (Executive Administrative Assistant)
J. Marshall made a motion to table Resolution 011520.007 until the March 18, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting.
V. Jefferson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.008:Revised Board Meeting Public Comment Policy
M. Bly made a motion to adopt the revised Board Meeting Public Comment Policy as presented.
J. Marshall seconded the motion.
The revision of this policy meets the requirements to correct Condition 2 of the renewal recommendations.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.009:Revised Attendance & Truancy Policy
M. Bly made a motion to adopt the revised Attendance and Truancy Policy as presented.
D. Madison seconded the motion.
The revision of this policy meets the requirements to correct Condition 2 of the renewal recommendations.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.010: Updated 19-20 Parent Handbook
M. Bly made a motion to adopt the updated 19-20 Parent Handbook to reflect the revised Board Meeting Public Comment Policy and Attendance & Truancy Policy.
K. Maddox seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 011520.011:Charter Renewal Agreement
D. Madison made a motion to accept and ratify the Charter Renewal Agreement as submitted by The Charter Schools Office on behalf of The School District of Philadelphia Board of Education for a term of five (5) years to commence on July 1, 2020 and end on June 30, 2025.
K. Maddox seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Hollister left early
K. Dugan left early
Upon Motion by J. Marshall and Second by V. Jefferson the Board unanimously ENTERED executive session.
Upon Motion by D. Madison and Second by K. Maddox the Board unanimously ENTERED open session.
K. Dugan left early
Upon Motion by J. Marshall and Second by V. Jefferson the Board unanimously ENTERED executive session.
Upon Motion by D. Madison and Second by K. Maddox the Board unanimously ENTERED open session.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
V. Jefferson made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
K. Maddox seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bly