Northwood Academy Charter School
Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 20, 2019 at 5:30 PM
Northwood Academy Charter School (4621 Castor Avenue)
Trustees Present
D. Madison, J. Williams, K. Maddox, K. Spraga, M. Bly, V. Jefferson
Trustees Absent
J. Marshall
Guests Present
A. Hollister, C. Carey, K. Dugan, T. Hunt, T. Taylor
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Williams called a meeting of the board of trustees of Northwood Academy Charter School to order on Wednesday Nov 20, 2019 at 5:43 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Resolution 112019.001: Approval of Agenda
K. Maddox made a motion to Approve the agenda with the addition of Resolution 112019.006.
K. Spraga seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 112019.002: Approval of Minutes
M. Bly made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 10-16-19 Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting on 10-16-19.
V. Jefferson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Community Comment
No Community Comment
II. Finance
Resolution 112019.003: Approval of Financials
J. Williams made a motion to approve the Financial Report and all supporting documents submitted by the Business Controller.
D. Madison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Auditor from Barbacane, Thornton & Company, LLP will present our annual financial audit during the December Board Meeting.
III. Committee Reports
Finance Committee
No Finance Committee Report
Governance Committee
Committee Chair planning to schedule a committee meeting in January. Official meeting date will be advertised in accordance with the Sunshine Act. Additional information and documents will be sent to committee members for review prior to meeting.
Human Resource Committee
Committee Chair stated next committee meeting will be held on December 4th at 6:30pm to review the recent Staff Survey results.
Strategic Planning Committee
Committee Chair stated next committee meeting will be held on December 4th at 5:30 pm to review the close out document (final stages) and discuss next steps.
Student Achievement Committee
Committte Chair reiterated that administration should keep committe informed during the new curriculum research process.
IV. Staff Reports
Board reviewed the November 2019 CEO report and supporting documents, previously submitted by A. Hollister.
Discussion Included:
- The 2018-2019 Parent Surveys (SDP & Internal). After reviewing the SDP survey, recommendation by CEO is to use it as our singular data source. This will meet the goal of a more comprehensive survey and higher participation rate. The topics covered are Climate, Instruction, Community Ties, and Leadership. CEO will submit reccommendation on a plan for feedback from/to parents. Possibly a written summary of the SDP Parent Survey.
-Independent Consultant Proposal: Phase 1 of the work to be completed by 11/29/19. CEO and consultant will develop plan for moving forward with additional phases of the project. Plan will be reviewed during Strategic Planning Committee Meeting on 12/4/19, followed up by an email to the full Board for possible approval during December 18th Board Meeting.
Discussion Included:
- The 2018-2019 Parent Surveys (SDP & Internal). After reviewing the SDP survey, recommendation by CEO is to use it as our singular data source. This will meet the goal of a more comprehensive survey and higher participation rate. The topics covered are Climate, Instruction, Community Ties, and Leadership. CEO will submit reccommendation on a plan for feedback from/to parents. Possibly a written summary of the SDP Parent Survey.
-Independent Consultant Proposal: Phase 1 of the work to be completed by 11/29/19. CEO and consultant will develop plan for moving forward with additional phases of the project. Plan will be reviewed during Strategic Planning Committee Meeting on 12/4/19, followed up by an email to the full Board for possible approval during December 18th Board Meeting.
Board reviewed the November 2019 Principal report, previously submitted by C. Carey.
Discussion Included:
- Enrichment: Working on next steps for our enrichment program. Will share a working draft in a future board meeting. This will be contingent upon larger strategic goals. Currently researching different enrichment models of schools in the surrounding districts.
-Students throughout 5th grade have been presented information on high school and trade school options through lessons in their Career Readiness class. We discussed the cost of these schools as well. This grade is also addressing Entrepreneurship and STEM careers. Students are identifying populations in need and ways in which inventions could serve these groups. Students will then sketch and attempt to create models of their inventions. These inventions will then lead into lessons on careers in marketing and advertising.
Discussion Included:
- Enrichment: Working on next steps for our enrichment program. Will share a working draft in a future board meeting. This will be contingent upon larger strategic goals. Currently researching different enrichment models of schools in the surrounding districts.
-Students throughout 5th grade have been presented information on high school and trade school options through lessons in their Career Readiness class. We discussed the cost of these schools as well. This grade is also addressing Entrepreneurship and STEM careers. Students are identifying populations in need and ways in which inventions could serve these groups. Students will then sketch and attempt to create models of their inventions. These inventions will then lead into lessons on careers in marketing and advertising.
Student Services
Board reviewed the November 2019 Student Services report, previously submitted by P. Friedman.
No further discussion on report as presented.
No further discussion on report as presented.
Board reviewed the November 2019 Operations report, previously submitted by K. Dugan.
Discussion Included:
- Enrollment and current waitlist
Discussion Included:
- Enrollment and current waitlist
Human Resources
Board reviewed the November 2019 Human Resource report and supporting documents previously submitted by T. Hunt.
Discussion Included:
- HR Initiatives Timeline
Discussion Included:
- HR Initiatives Timeline
V. Unfinished Business
Resolution 112019.004:Job Description
D. Madison made a motion to adopt the Special Education Secretary Job Description as presented.
K. Maddox seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VI. New Business
Resolution 112019.005: Personnel
M. Bly made a motion to accept the personnel changes, modifications and additions as presented in the attached Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
V. Jefferson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resolution 112019.006: Holiday Bonus and Winter Luncheon
K. Spraga made a motion to approve the net worth Holiday Bonus of $100 and Winter Luncheon at $35pp not to exceed a combined amount of $20,000.
D. Madison seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board Assessment Results
Based on the results of the Board Assement, the Board will focus on the following areas:
1) Board Recruitment
2) Board Goals and Accountability
1) Board Recruitment
2) Board Goals and Accountability
K. Dugan left.
T. Hunt left.
C. Carey left.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
K. Maddox made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
K. Spraga seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Bly