New Hope Charter School
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday June 24, 2024 at 4:30 PM
201 Jessie Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
Instructions for Presentations to the Board by Parents and Citizens
Agendas are available to all audience members at the meeting.
Any public records relating to an agenda item for an open session of the Board which are distributed to
all, or majority of all, of the Board members shall be available for public inspection at 201Jessie
Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95838.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and upon request, New Hope Charter
School may furnish reasonable auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities. Individuals who require appropriate alternative modification of the agenda in order participate in Board meetings are invited to contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at
Members of the public attending a meeting conducted via teleconference need not give their name when entering the conference call.
If you have questions or need any assistance in participating in the New Hope Charter School Board meeting, please contact Herinder Pegany, Executive Director at
Directors Present
Jeff Kreiser (remote), Lisa Fong (remote)
Directors Absent
Kim Howard
Guests Present
Anjam Khan (remote), Casey Jower (remote), Herinder Pegany
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approve Agenda
4:38 pm
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes from May 20, 2024
4:39 pm
III. Reports
Executive Director's Report
Fiscal Team Leader's Report: Proposed NHCS Budget for 2024-25
CJ Enrollment/ADA/LCFF Projection
- 200 anticipated in 24-25
2024-25 Budget
- Conservative with staffing and scheduling - quality classes with needed instructional aides
- Impacts on Revenues and Expenditures from Prop 28, School Improvement, K-6 Imagine Learning asynchronous platform and teacher
- CJ and KH will review together
IV. Discussion Items
Consideration and approval of 2024-25 Budget for New Hope Charter School.
5:53 pm
Consideration and approval of 2024-27 Local Control and Accountability Plan for New Hope Charter School.
5:54 pm
Consideration and Approval of 2024-25 Lease Agreement between New Hope Charter School, LLC and New Hope Charter School.
5:56 pm
Consideration and approval of 2024-25 Application for Federal Funds for New Hope Charter School.
5:56 pm
Consideration and approval of NHCS Prop. 28: Arts and Music in Schools Annual Report for 2023-24
6:08 pm
Consideration and approval of NHCS Intent to apply for membership in the El Dorado Charter SELPA for 2025-26
5:57 pm
Consideration and approval of NHCS Student-Parent Handbook for 2024-25
Tabled for July 22 Board Meeting
Consideration and approval of 2024-25 NHCS Executive Director Employment Agreement.
- Reflects COLA increase
- HP had voluntarily took a cut, restored salary to previous we had voted on
- HP will share Executive Director Performance Evaluation process at July 22 Board Meeting
- Board on Track may be a resource
6:04 pm
Consideration and approval of 2024-25 NHCS Board Meeting Calendar
May be revised later if needed
Individual Board Members contact HP about availability
6:06 pm
V. Other Business
Board Member requests for future business
JK - Now that we are established, consider adding Board Members (from 3 to 5 total)
- Orientation of new members
- Board On Track resources and training
- Skill set gaps (ie. funding, facilities)
HP - Consider our strengths and growth areas (ie. legal, fiscal, HR)
- Can invite potential members to observe
- Would like to invite Ruben Reyes
- Consider a different start time for in-person meetings
- Board Members - may review Student-Parent Handbook and make Comments prior to July 22 Board Meeting.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
6:15 pm
HP - Overview LCAP slides
School Climate this school year:
LF - How was vaping (in prior school year) addressed to reduce incidents this year?
CA Dashboard, Local Indicators, 7 Priority Areas
State and Federal Funds
Prop. 28 Arts and Music in Schools
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
2024-25 Facility Lease Agreement
SELPA (Special Education) through SCOE, El Dorado Charter
NHCS Board Meeting Calendar 24-25
NHCS Student-Parent Handbook