Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 21, 2019 at 6:30 PM


2060 Cameron Street, Ventura, CA 93001 Room 12

Directors Present

Adam Meyers, Deanna Weik, Liz Smiley, Tom Mc Nerney, Tricia McClain

Directors Absent

Cecilia Johnston, Eva Oxelson, Tracey Reineke

Ex Officio Members Present

Lisa Hildebrand, Mary Galvin

Non Voting Members Present

Lisa Hildebrand, Mary Galvin

Guests Present

Benny Martinez, Laura Bingham, Marlo Hartsuyker, Tony Biasotti

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Tricia McClain called a meeting of the board of directors of Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education to order on Thursday Feb 21, 2019 at 6:32 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Mission Statement

VCS engages every student in meaningful and supportive learning experiences to grow resilient, educated, and socially intelligent human beings

Read by Liz.


Approve the Agenda

Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the agenda.
Liz Smiley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from the Regular Board meeting on 1-17-19

Liz Smiley made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-17-19 Board Meeting on 01-17-19.
Adam Meyers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Consent Agenda

Deanna Weik made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 1-4.
Tom Mc Nerney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Upcoming Events

  • ​​2/22  Lottery:  Board member attendance requested--9am
  • 3/3:  Campus Work Day 9am
  • 3/11-3/14:  CCSA Conference Sacramento
  • 3/14:  PAC meeting, 6:30 pm
  • 3/19: Governance Committee Meeting 5:30 pm
  • 3/21:  Regular Board Meeting

II. Communications


Public Comments



President and Board Report



Board Committee Reports

Educational Excellence Committee:  Eva Oxelson (Chair), Tom McNerney: Tom reported that the Committee met today to review report cards; the California Dashboard, and benchmark tests.
Governance Committee:  Deanna Weik (Chair), Cecilia Johnston, Tom McNerney: Deanna reported that the Committee met on 2/19 and reviewed two items that are on the agenda tonight.
Finance Committee:  Liz Smiley (Chair), Tricia McClain: Tricia reported that the Committee met on 1/24 to discuss changes to the budget.
CEO Support and Evaluation Committee: Tricia McClain (Chair), Deanna Weik, Cecilia Johnston: Tricia reported that the Committee met with Directors for mid year review.
Development Committee: Adam Meyers (Chair), Liz Smiley: Adam reported that the Committee met today and discussed grants and other ways to raise funds for the school.


Parent Liaison Report

Tony outlined the notes from the PAC meeting on 2/12 regarding the future sustainability of the 5th-8th grade overnight trips.  Other topics included LCAP and EL Education Request for Partnership.


Teacher Report

Laura reported that the teachers worked with their EL Coach for several sessions and the Leadership Team conducted visits to the classrooms.  The team was looking for evidence of students being leaders of their own learning and tracking mastery of learning targets.  They observed a great deal of Growth Mindset language including "grit" and "perseverance."  The teachers evaluated videos of themselves teaching.  Third graders are doing a Peace/Kindness project and created a mural which is hanging in City Hall where the visited with the Mayor today.  Kindergarteners also kicked off a Kindness project this week.  They will have a field trip to the Santa Barbara Sea Center where they will learn about sea creatures, and nature classification and sorting.


Directors' Reports

Lisa  reviewed new Jumprope report cards and discussed the work with EL Coach.
Mary provided an update on attendance and wait list rates and mentioned that the new water fountain/bottle filter has been installed but hasn't been connected yet.   She reminded board members to complete the 700 forms online.


VCOE Director of Charter School Support and Oversight Report

Marlo reported that VCS will go before the Ventura County Board of Trustees on March 18th for the annual programmatic audit.  She gave an update about the revisions to the MOU.

III. Items Scheduled for Information, Discussion and/or Action


California Dashboard

Lisa made a presentation on the California Dashboard.


5th-8th Grade Camping Trips

Lisa reviewed the details of the 5th-8th grade camping trips. 5th-6th will be May 29-31st to either Sycamore Canyon or Malibu Creek State Park.  The 7th-8th grade trip May 28th-31st to El Capitan. 
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the 5th-8th grade trips as presented.
Adam Meyers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


EL Education RFA

Lisa made a presentation to the Board about EL Education explaining that the organization encouraged us to complete the Request for Partnership, even though our Socially Economic Disadvantaged population is 38% and not 40% or more.  She explained that the process for deciding whether to become an EL network school takes 6 months, cost $15,000 which comes with professional development, conference slots, and an onsite Seminar.  There were a number of questions and clarifications made.  Since this money is already allocated for professional development, the consensus was to move forward with the RFP process.
Liz Smiley made a motion to enter the Request for Partnership process with EL Education.
Tom Mc Nerney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Second Interim Budget Report

Benny reviewed the details of the Second Interim Report.
Liz Smiley made a motion to approve the Second Interim Budget as presented.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Low Performing Student Block Grant

Mary reported that the funds VCS will receive from the Low Performing Student Grant will go towards the Reading Intervention teacher's salary.  She requested Board approval for the application indicating this.
Adam Meyers made a motion to approve the plan for the Low Performing Block Grant as presented.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2019-2020 School Calendar

Mary presented the calendar for the 2019-20 school year which includes 179 student days.
Tom Mc Nerney made a motion to approve the calendar for the 2019-20 school year as presented.
Adam Meyers seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


MOU Between VCS and VCBE

Mary reported that she received revisions to the MOU between VCS and VCOE and to the Special Education Exhibit.  She submitted them to VCS Counsel for review but only heard back on the Special Ed Exhibit.  Board members had questions about why the reciprocal indemnification clause was removed to which Marlo answered that Roger wants all County charter school MOUs to be consistent.  Item was tabled until next month.


VCS School Safety Policy

Mary reviewed several small changes that were made to the School Safety policy clarifying the threat assessment plan.
Tom Mc Nerney made a motion to approve the revisions to the School Safety Policy as presented.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


J-13 A Form Approval

Mary presented the completed J-13 A form required by the CDE to recoup lost ADA for January 15th when the school was evacuated due to expected rains.
Liz Smiley made a motion to approve the J-13A form as presented.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Future Agenda Items

--Audit Engagement Letter


Board Meeting Check-in


Board Adjourns to Closed Session: Midyear Evaluation of Directors of Operations and Education

Board adjourns to Closed Session at 8:45 pm.


Board Returns to Open Session

Board returned to Open Session at 8:53 pm.


Board report out of any action taken during closed session.

No action taken.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Tom Mc Nerney made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tricia McClain