Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday January 18, 2018 at 6:30 PM
2060 Cameron Street, Ventura, CA 93001 Room 12
Directors Present
Cecilia Johnston, Deanna Weik, Jane Meyer, Tricia McClain
Directors Absent
Eva Oxelson, Tracey Reineke
Ex Officio Members Present
Mary Galvin
Non Voting Members Present
Mary Galvin
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Cecilia Johnston called a meeting of the board of directors of Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education to order on Thursday Jan 18, 2018 at 6:33 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Mission Statement
Approve the Agenda
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the agenda.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes December 18, 2017
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 12-18-17 as amended. Regular Board Meeting on 12-18-17.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Consent Agenda
1--Ratification of attached check register, purchase orders, summary of revenue and expenditures for the month of December, 2017.
2--Gifts to School: Escrip: $33.42
3--Credit Cards: MGalvin: $488.99; LHildebrand: $84.97
--Acceptance of the resignation of Paige Morris, paraeducator.
--Ratification of the hiring of Olivia Mejia as paraeducator (yard duty and childcare) at .73 FTE
--Ratification of the return to work of Mary Neathery from Leave of Absence on 1/8/17.
2--Gifts to School: Escrip: $33.42
3--Credit Cards: MGalvin: $488.99; LHildebrand: $84.97
--Acceptance of the resignation of Paige Morris, paraeducator.
--Ratification of the hiring of Olivia Mejia as paraeducator (yard duty and childcare) at .73 FTE
--Ratification of the return to work of Mary Neathery from Leave of Absence on 1/8/17.
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve Consent Agenda items 1-4.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Upcoming Events
PE Fun Night: -Jan. 31st. DATA Cafeteria; 6:00 pm
PAC Meeting--Feb. 8th 6:30 pm Room 12
Regular Board Meeting: February 15th 6:30 pm Room 12
Presidents' Weekend: Feb. 16; 19th
School Lottery: Feb. 23rd; 9am
Skating Plus Fundraiser: Feb. 27th 6:30 p.m.
PAC Meeting--Feb. 8th 6:30 pm Room 12
Regular Board Meeting: February 15th 6:30 pm Room 12
Presidents' Weekend: Feb. 16; 19th
School Lottery: Feb. 23rd; 9am
Skating Plus Fundraiser: Feb. 27th 6:30 p.m.
Cece volunteered to attend the Lottery.
II. Communications
Public Comments
Board Correspondence
Deanna Weik received an inquiry from a parent regarding Board membership.
President and Board Report
Cece stated that she and the entire Board express heartfelt appreciation to the School's Directors for working so hard during the difficult time of the fire.
Cece attended the Winter Boutique and enjoyed it.
Cece attended the Winter Boutique and enjoyed it.
Board Committee Reports
Governance Committee: Jane Meyer, Cece Johnston, Deanna Weik: Cece reported that they did not meet but they did attend the PAC committee to make a presentation to the parents to join the board, recommend someone to the board, or to attend a board meeting.
Finance Committee: Tricia McClain, Jane Meyer: Tricia reported that the Finance Committee met today and added some items to the budget which will come to the Board next month.
Educational Excellence Committee: Eva Oxelson, Tricia McClain: Did not meet.
Facility Committee: Tracey Reineke, Cecilia Johnston: Did not meet.
CEO Evaluation Committee: Deanna Weik, Cecilia Johnston, Tracey Reineke Did not meet.
Finance Committee: Tricia McClain, Jane Meyer: Tricia reported that the Finance Committee met today and added some items to the budget which will come to the Board next month.
Educational Excellence Committee: Eva Oxelson, Tricia McClain: Did not meet.
Facility Committee: Tracey Reineke, Cecilia Johnston: Did not meet.
CEO Evaluation Committee: Deanna Weik, Cecilia Johnston, Tracey Reineke Did not meet.
Parent Liaison Report
Tony reported that he did not attend last week's PAC meeting.
Teacher Report
Laura Bingham reported that Kindergarten is working hard on their Community/Neighborhood project. They are making a Community A-Z book which will feature letters and pictures of something in their neighborhood. The culmination of their project will be to create a neighborhood in their crews. They will celebrate the 100th day of school soon and will be visiting the Moxi in February. Last week a ranger from Channel Islands visited a 1st-2nd classroom and presented information about the kelp forest. Each 1-2 class has a different focus area of a project "Plants and Animal Diversity." Two 5-6 grade classrooms will be performing the musical My Son Pinocchio Jr. on May 23rd and 24th as part of their project about musical theater. Two other 5-6 classrooms are planning their Naturalist at Large Camping trip to Leo Carrillo state beach in May. Grades 7-8 have an upcoming neon dance with a professional DJ. They are also busy with CLP and PHD projects, crafting argument essays, art electives and planning their year end trips.
Directors' Reports
Lisa Hildebrand reported that she is pushing our CAASPP testing window back as late as possible due to the lost instructional days due to the Thomas fire. She reported that the end of semester is also being pushed back. The staff is all back to work after the highway closure. Mary Galvin reported that the Parent Advisory Committee debriefed the fire/evacuation/emergency response. All present were grateful and appreciative of the way the School handled decision making and communications with parents. She reported that attendance is down in January due to illness, etc.
VCOE Director of Charter School Support and Oversight Report
Local Control Action Plan (LCAP) Update
Mary reported that the three goals will likely remain the same but that all services supporting those goals will be reviewed and updated as needed.
III. Items Scheduled for Information, Discussion and/or Action
Cancelling Jan. 29th and March 23rd Staff Inservices for Additional Days of Instruction
Lisa reported that with 15 days of lost instruction due to the fire and because the staff is getting plenty of EL training, the Directors propose cancelling two staff inservice days on January 29th and on March 23rd in order to conduct normal school days instead.
Jane Meyer made a motion to approve the cancellation of two staff inservice days in order to add two instructional days as discussed.
Cecilia Johnston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
5th-6th Grade Trip to Leo Carillo
Lisa presented the Board with a description and details of the 5th 6th grade camping trip to Leo Carrillo State Park on May 30-June 1, 2018 and asked for Board approval. Board question: How many Naturalists? (Five). Deanna expressed appreciation for using a local company.
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the 5th-6th grade trip as presented.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the 5th-6th grade trip as presented.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously.
VCS Audit Report 2016-17
Benny Martinez summarized the 2016-17 audit report and requested Board approval. There were no findings; it is a good audit report.
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the 2016-17 audit report as presented.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Attendance Policy
Mary stated that while we tell parents that short term independent study has a maximum of 20 consecutive days and 30 total days in a school year, the Attendance policy only mentions the 20 day consecutive days and requested board approval to add the 30 day total to the policy.
Cecilia Johnston made a motion to approve the revised Attendance Policy as presented.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Independent Study Policy
Mary stated the same short term independent study maximum days in a year need to be reflected in the Independent Study policy.
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the revised Independent Study policy as presented.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
School Accountability Report Card
Mary presented the School Accountability Report Card for 2016-17 with updated data for board approval. The board made several edits and suggestions.
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the SARC as amended.
Cecilia Johnston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board Meeting Check-in
Cece stated that tonight's meeting went well and looks forward to the new year. She encourages all to consider potential board candidates.
Future Agenda Items
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Tricia McClain made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 p.m.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cecilia Johnston
Read by Cecilia Johnston