Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday December 18, 2017 at 2:00 PM
855 Partridge Drive, Ventura, CA 93003. 1st floor Sycamore Room.
Directors Present
Cecilia Johnston, Deanna Weik, Jane Meyer, Tricia McClain
Directors Absent
Eva Oxelson, Tracey Reineke
Ex Officio Members Present
Lisa Hildebrand, Mary Galvin
Non Voting Members Present
Lisa Hildebrand, Mary Galvin
Guests Present
Laura Bingham
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Cecilia Johnston called a meeting of the board of directors of Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education to order on Monday Dec 18, 2017 at 2:07 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Mission Statement
Mission Statement read by Cecilia Johnston.
Approve the Agenda
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the agenda.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
Cecilia Johnston made a motion to approve minutes of November 16, 2017 Regular Board Meeting on 11-16-17.
Deanna Weik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Consent Agenda
1--Ratification of attached check register, purchase orders, summary of revenue and expenditures for the month of October, 2017.
2--Gifts to School: Patagonia: $40; Escrip:45.32; Amazon Smile: $117.30
3--Credit Cards: MGalvin: $288.76 LHildebrand: $1380.15
4-Personnel: None
2--Gifts to School: Patagonia: $40; Escrip:45.32; Amazon Smile: $117.30
3--Credit Cards: MGalvin: $288.76 LHildebrand: $1380.15
4-Personnel: None
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda items.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Upcoming Events
Winter Break: until 1/8/18
Regular Board Meeting: January 18th--6:30 pm
Regular Board Meeting: January 18th--6:30 pm
II. Communications
Public Comments
Board Correspondence
President and Board Report
Cece commented that she and the School's directors have been in very close communication regarding the school closures due to the fire.
Board Committee Reports
Governance Committee: Jane Meyer, Cece Johnston, Deanna Weik--Cece reported that the Governance Committee will meet on December 19th at noon.
Finance Committee: Tricia McClain, Jane Meyer--did not meet
Educational Excellence Committee: Eva Oxelson, Tricia McClain--did not meet
Facility Committee: Tracey Reineke, Cecilia Johnston--did not meet
CEO Evaluation Committee: Deanna Weik, Cecilia Johnston, Tracey Reineke--did not meet
Finance Committee: Tricia McClain, Jane Meyer--did not meet
Educational Excellence Committee: Eva Oxelson, Tricia McClain--did not meet
Facility Committee: Tracey Reineke, Cecilia Johnston--did not meet
CEO Evaluation Committee: Deanna Weik, Cecilia Johnston, Tracey Reineke--did not meet
Parent Liaison Report
Teacher Report
Laura reported that the teachers felt support from the Directors and appreciated the good communication during the fire. Teachers were asked to contact each of their families by phone and to try to speak to their students. Laura reported that it was very good to hear their voices and to connect with them. The calls were well received.
Directors' Reports
Lisa reported that she was in touch with a charter school principal in Santa Rosa for advice about dealing with the aftermath of a fire. IEP's are having to be postponed; she may look at pushing SBAC testing closer to the end of the school year to allow for more instruction time once we return to school. We have collected over $9,000 in gift cards for the Gifts from the Heart recipients as well as several air purifiers. These will be distributed beginning tomorrow. Mary reported that she is distributing computers to students to use at home for those that do not have access to one to do their school work.
VCOE Director of Charter School Support and Oversight Report
Local Control Action Plan (LCAP) Update
III. Items Scheduled for Information, Discussion and/or Action
Update on Thomas Fire
Mary gave the Board an update on the plans to clean up the campus after the fire. She is working with VUSD's Risk Manager who said that the district would clean the rooms/walls but not the school's property. A company came on Friday to assess the work to be done and will send an estimate. She reported that she has filed a claim with the School's fire insurance policy to cover the cleanup of the school's property.
Independent Contractor Pay
Board discussion and decision was requested regarding paying our Independent Contractors for the fire days. The amount has already been budgeted and the contract is silent on the issue of emergency closure payments. These are professionals the school relies on and Mary requested approval to pay them for the lost days of work due to the fire.
Tricia McClain made a motion to pay the school's independent contractors their regular pay for the days the school was closed due to fire.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
8th Grade Trip to Ashland, Oregon
Board approval was requested for the 8th Grade trip to Ashland, Oregon the week of May 21-26, 2018. The details of the trip were presented; the Board felt it is important to keep the trip as planned even though it may cost the school more than in past years.
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the 8th grade trip to Oregon as presented.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Personnel Policy
Board approval was requested to extend Bereavement leave to all regular employees not just to salaried employees. During the discussion the Board agreed to amend the policy to "all regular employees" in the Bereavement Leave. The Board also wishes to amend "immediate family members" to include registered domestic partners, step or foster children of the employee, and sisters and brothers in law.
Deanna Weik made a motion to amend the Personnel Policy Bereavement Leave as discussed.
Cecilia Johnston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VCS Admissions Policy
Board approval for the following clarification on sibling preference iwas requested.
- Siblings of students currently enrolled in the school (An application for the sibling must be submitted by the Lottery date. These applications will be given priority if the older sibling is already in attendance and will continue attending VCS.)
Deanna Weik made a motion to approve the additional language regarding sibling priority for the Admissions Policy to become effective in the 2018-19 school year.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Cecilia Johnston |
Jane Meyer |
Deanna Weik |
Tricia McClain |
Board Member Terms
Board discussion was requested to discuss the term dates for each board member which is as follows:
Cece: June, 2019
Deanna: March, 2019
Tricia: June, 2019
Jane: March, 2018 (will extend if needed)
Eva: March, 2019
Tracey: June, 2019
Cece: June, 2019
Deanna: March, 2019
Tricia: June, 2019
Jane: March, 2018 (will extend if needed)
Eva: March, 2019
Tracey: June, 2019
Board Meeting Check-in
Appreciation for Deanna arranging the alternate meeting room.
Future Agenda Items
Strategic planning regarding growth.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Tricia McClain made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Jane Meyer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 3:32 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cecilia Johnston