Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education
Regular Board Meeting October 19, 2017
Date and Time
Thursday October 19, 2017 at 6:30 PM
2060 Cameron Street, Ventura, CA 93001 Room 12
Directors Present
Cecilia Johnston, Eva Oxelson, Tracey Reineke, Tricia McClain
Directors Absent
Deanna Weik, Jane Meyer
Ex Officio Members Present
Mary Galvin
Non Voting Members Present
Mary Galvin
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Cecilia Johnston called a meeting of the board of directors of Ventura Charter School of Arts and Global Education to order on Thursday Oct 19, 2017 at 6:37 PM.
Record Attendance and Guests
Mission Statement
Read by Eva Oxelson
Approve the Agenda
Eva Oxelson made a motion to approve the agenda.
Tracey Reineke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
Tracey Reineke made a motion to approve minutes from the Regular Board Meeting on 09-14-17 Regular Board Meeting on 09-14-17.
Tricia McClain seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Consent Agenda
1--Ratification of attached check register, purchase orders, summary of revenue and expenditures for the month of September, 2017.
2--Gifts to School: Lifetouch: $482.00, Escrip: $110.31, Recycling: $91.33; Skating Plus: $525.40
3--Credit Cards: L.Hildebrand:$1,168.13 M.Galvin: $2,973.93
4-Personnel: None
2--Gifts to School: Lifetouch: $482.00, Escrip: $110.31, Recycling: $91.33; Skating Plus: $525.40
3--Credit Cards: L.Hildebrand:$1,168.13 M.Galvin: $2,973.93
4-Personnel: None
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve consent agenda items 1-4.
Eva Oxelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Upcoming Events
II. Communications
Public Comments
Board Correspondence
President and Board Report
Cece is pleased to see the Committees meeting to get work done. She attended a meeting that Shoshana facilitated and was very impressed.
Board Committee Reports
Cece reported the Governance Committee met to work on Bylaws, Board member selection process.
Tricia reported that the Finance Committee met today and discussed the amount projected for deficit spending. The Committee recommended increasing the part time Special Ed teacher from .63 FTE to .766 FTE.
The Education Excellence Committee, the Facility Committee and the CEO Evaluation Committee did not meet.
Tricia reported that the Finance Committee met today and discussed the amount projected for deficit spending. The Committee recommended increasing the part time Special Ed teacher from .63 FTE to .766 FTE.
The Education Excellence Committee, the Facility Committee and the CEO Evaluation Committee did not meet.
Parent Liaison Report
Tony reported that the PAC met on October 12th and discussed the Campout and security concerns of a new parent. She had requested PAC discuss the installation of a security gate; after much discussion, the consensus was that most would not like to see such a gate installed. She had questions about people who might come on campus who shouldn't and it was a good opportunity to review the school's policies.
Teacher Report
Laura reported that Kindergarten launched their Community project; Grade 1-2 launched their Marine and fresh water habitat project; Grade 3-4 has launched their mission project; Grade 5-6 English Language Arts classes are writing free verse poems and are planning to publish them; Grades 7-8 are working on their Style Tribe project.
Directors' Reports
Lisa reported that she attended a work shop on the new English Language Proficiency Assessments for California and they are spending a lot of time on Expeditionary Learning coaching/learning targets, etc.
Mary reported that she just finished a new Giraffe Journal newsletter which went home today in English and in Spanish; that she is getting YMC to review our Prop 39 Facilities request pro-bono through CCSA; and that she is working on the annual programmatic audit presentation for the County.
Mary reported that she just finished a new Giraffe Journal newsletter which went home today in English and in Spanish; that she is getting YMC to review our Prop 39 Facilities request pro-bono through CCSA; and that she is working on the annual programmatic audit presentation for the County.
VCOE Director of Charter School Support and Oversight Report
Marlo brought an additional "Tobacco Free Campus" sign and mentioned the Tobacco Use Prevention Education grant.
Local Control Action Plan (LCAP) Update
III. Items Scheduled for Information, Discussion and/or Action
2016-17 Student CAASPP Scores
Lisa reviewed the CAASPP scores from 2016-17.
VCS Bylaws
Cece presented some changes the Governance Committee recommend for Sections 5-7 and Mary reviewed changes VCS Counsel made to Section 23.
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the Bylaws as amended.
Eva Oxelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Title IX Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy
Mary presented a policy drafted by VCS Counsel to comply with Title IX Harassment, Discrimination requirements. After some questions and discussion, the Board wanted to eliminate the phrase "what did you do to avoid the situation?" from the Written Complaint Form.
Tricia McClain made a motion to approve the Title IX Harassment, Intimidation, Discrimination, and Bullying Policy as amended.
Cecilia Johnston seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Antioch MOU
Mary presented a MOU between VCS and Antioch regarding student teachers which was reviewed/revised by VCS Counsel. The Board had questions about insurance liability which was not addressed in the policy. Mary stated that she would look into that issue further.
Cecilia Johnston made a motion to approve the MOU between VCS and Antioch providing Mary follow up regarding insurance liability.
Eva Oxelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board Meeting Check-in
Mary will find out what is preventing the RSVP function to the meetings.
Future Agenda Items
Board member Selection Process.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Tricia McClain made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Tracey Reineke seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cecilia Johnston