Breakthrough Public Schools


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Committee Members Present

A. Garg (remote), A. McRae (remote), G. Burrows (remote), G. Libbey (remote), M. Harris (remote), S. Steinhouse (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Rudd, D. Eisenberg, S. Vyas

Guests Present

M. Cao

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Garg called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 19, 2024 at 5:00 PM.




Minutes Approval

II. Strategic Items


Evaluation and Decision-Making on Posting for a New Chief Schools Officer

  • Leadership vacuum with no CSO and CLO on leave, Andrew is currently providing direct management over schools’ team and management team
  • Structure is unsustainable, need to consider different approaches.
  • Discussion: current leadership structure + responsibilities
    • Schools team - execute the learning plan designed by the learning team.
    • 1 principal on leave, MD of schools, Marc, is now the principal. 
    • MD of Ops operating as a school-based ops person at CAS - actively hired for this role and this person will be replaced by Jan 1
    • Layer of support above school-based roles has been compromised due to lack of school-based leadership roles.
    • Learning team - design the learning plan – scholar achievement, data, etc.
    • COO (Matt) is now managing school ops, shrinks the pool of resources for people to manage.
    • Andrew currently managing family experience/student recruitment.
    • Garret: What was the vision for collaboration between CSO and CLO?
      • Idea was to let content area experts do their thing on learning side, but have single person accountable on school side.
      • Almost all of their major work was done collaboratively.
      • Purpose is to split burden of CAO role. 
      • No vacancies at home office since vacant roles have been eliminated.
    • Andrew’s current POV
      • Sees a pathway for Learning Team – contract for the instructional support work, all in on HQ curriculum implementation.
      • Need support on Schools Team – family experience is going well but need more support for direct to school support.
    • Key question #1: What are the immediate and long-term benefits of hiring a CSO versus reallocating responsibilities within the current leadership team?
      • Option 1: find a great person by June.
      • Option 2: find a junior person by February.
      • AEC coalesced around waiting to hire a strong candidate, employ a strong search for a spring/summer start.
        • How can we support Andrew to get the contract support he needs between now and June to support schools?
        • What is the concrete plan to get the support needed on the school’s side between now and June?
    • Key question #2: How would the presence of a CSO impact principal trust and investment in the network vision, given recent leadership transitions?
      • Significant transitions that impact principals most
      • Current state - 3 healthy schools, 2 not so healthy campuses


Reestablishing Trust with Principals Post-Leadership Transitions

Action items

  • What is the concrete plan to get the support needed on the schools’ side between now and June?
  • Get principals more support, articulate what that support will be as part of the plan shared with the board.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Garg