Breakthrough Public Schools


BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday August 7, 2024 at 5:00 PM


BPS Home Office (BCS.ConfRoom Cafe) - 3615 Superior Ave. 3rd Floor, Suite 4403A-Bldg. 44, Cleveland OH 44114

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.

Directors Present

A. Garg, A. KOPIT, B. Schlang, D. Eisenberg, G. Burrows, J. Howard, L. Zucca, M. Harris, S. Steinhouse

Directors Absent

A. Lee, J. Johnson, L. Mimura, S. Vyas

Guests Present

A. Haughton, A. McRae, A. Rudd, J. Kaye, J. Padlan, M. Woerner

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Steinhouse called a meeting of the board of directors of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Wednesday Aug 7, 2024 at 5:09 PM.


Record Attendance


Welcome New Board Members

  • The new board members (Aditi, Michelle, and Grady) introduced themselves and shared their connection to Breakthrough
  • The remaining Breakthrough board members and Andrew McRae, CEO, present at the meeting introduced themselves. 


BPS Spotlight

IT shared more about their internship program. Interns introduced themselves and shared more about the projects they've managed and the challenges they've faced/overcome. 


BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve June 17, 2024 Joint Board Meeting Minutes

L. Zucca made a motion to approve the minutes from BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting on 06-17-24.
A. KOPIT seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Schlang made a motion to Board Approve Mins from 6/17.
J. Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve June 21, 2024 Joint Board Retreat Minutes

A. KOPIT made a motion to approve the minutes from FY24 Board Retreat on 06-21-24.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Schlang made a motion to Approve 6/21 Retreat Mins.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Re-Ratify June 21 Board Retreat Resolutions

L. Zucca made a motion to Re-Ratify June 21 Board Retreat Resolutions.
A. KOPIT seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Schlang made a motion to Re-Ratify June 21 Board Retreat Resolutions.
J. Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


School Boards Public Comment

No one was present for public comment

III. FOB Update


FOB Updates

Susan is unable to join. The summary in the packet shares highlights from last year – they exceeded their goals. The summer golf event was also a success.

IV. CEO Update


SY24-25 Readiness

  • The goal is to align our work with our mission and values. 
  • This led to CEO vision articulation: student/family-centered schools centered on joy, love, and academic excellence. 
  • Currently, as a network, we're refining our practices to align with our promise to scholars. 
  • We continue to have consistent FY27 priorities and goals. These have remained static. 
  • That said, for FY25 we want to make sure we have measurable goals.
    • Our top priority is improving academic outcomes and high attendance
    • To achieve our academic goals we need to recruit and retain scholars
    • Academic achievement is also not possible without great people
    • Mature systems are the last piece of our work that will enable us to meet our goals
  • Andrew opens the floor to questions/comments from the board
    • Sam: these goals are part of also a broader initiative to share data and information more broadly.
    • Grady: Helpful to see the goals and objectives laid out clearly. Setting a high bar, with stretch goals. We're not satisfied with mediocracy. 
    • Brad: Important to think about the steps along the way, and benchmarks, to get to the bigger picture goals. 
  • Doug shares a financial update:
    • Total BPS network cash balances are up $3M over last year. Some of this is based on one-time revenue, but did bring our total cash balance to $34.5M. This cash is not equally distributed across entities, so some schools will need FOB dollars to narrow the gap. 
    • Pre-audit financials reflect a total network deficit of $1.2M. 
    • At the end of June 2024, 5 of 6 network entities are projected to end FY25 with Net Income above the Board Approve Revised Budget.
    • 4 of 6 entities project to end FY24 at or below their budgeted expenditures. 
  •  SY24-25 Readiness
    • As of this week, we have 3,132 scholars enrolled for this year. We have 225 open seats.
    • The team is currently continuing to enroll new scholars every day.
    • We are currently ahead of our budgeted enrollment goal. That said, we know there will be attrition. With that in mind, we'll focus on both recruitment and retention. 
    • In terms of staffing, we've hired 65 teachers, 16 APs, and 2 principals. We only have 1 principal vacancy, no AP vacancies, 2 core teaching vacancies, and 6 student support services teaching vacancies. 
    • Thoughtful design, a new compensation structure, and a difference in how we talk about the work have led to results. 
    • Surveyed new hires and found that school culture and mission a key motivator in accepting their role. Growth opportunities and compensation we also key. 
  • Summer Professional Development
    •  Throughout the summer we host lots of professional development for our staff.
    • Principal Intensives (All Returning Principals), New Leader Institute (New to Leadership), All Leader Institute (All New & Returning Leaders), New Teacher Institute (New to BPS), All Staff PD Day
    • All PD over the summer is geared towards getting aligned, setting goals, and ensuring a smooth, strong start.


NLT Reports

V. Committee Updates



D. Eisenberg made a motion to June School Financials.
A. KOPIT seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
B. Schlang made a motion to June BPS Financials.
J. Howard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



Reviewed committee's analysis of board member terms and demographics. 


This year, we need to enhance our governance process to build a pipeline of new board members that reflects both the diversity of the communities we serve as well as the right expertise/skill sets to meet the needs of the board and organization.


The committee has analyzed the gender, race, and age of current board members. This will allow us to consider a new pipeline that meets the needs of the organization. 


VI. School and BPS Boards Approve Consent Agenda


School Board Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

A. KOPIT made a motion to Vote to Approve Consent Agenda.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


BPS Board Vote to Approve BPS Consent Agenda

D. Eisenberg made a motion to Approve BPS Consent Agenda.
B. Schlang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Garg
J. Johnson
L. Mimura
G. Burrows
A. Lee
S. Steinhouse
B. Schlang
M. Harris
J. Howard
S. Vyas
D. Eisenberg
L. Zucca

VII. Sponsor Updates


CMSD Updates

CMSD representatives not present


Buckeye Updates

Sponsor present reviewed materials were provided. They are designating Woodland Hills' level of Sponsor technical assistance support for 2024-25 as Tier 3


The current academic plan sets out to achieve and meet the requirements. This designation was something we anticipated, and already had a plan in place proactively to address.

VIII. Executive Session


Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters

S. Steinhouse made a motion to Move into executive session: discuss employment/personnel matters.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.

Both BPS Board & School Board approved

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
G. Burrows
M. Harris
J. Howard
B. Schlang
L. Mimura
S. Steinhouse
J. Johnson
A. Lee
S. Vyas
A. Garg
D. Eisenberg
L. Zucca

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:07 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Steinhouse