Breakthrough Public Schools


BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 17, 2024 at 5:00 PM


Breakthrough Public Schools

3615 Superior Avenue

3rd Floor, Suite 4403A - Bldg. 44

Cleveland, OH 44114

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.

Directors Present

A. KOPIT (remote), A. Lee, B. Schlang, C. Tancer, D. Eisenberg, J. Howard (remote), J. Johnson, L. Mimura, L. Zucca, P. Harris (remote), S. Steinhouse, S. Vyas

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Haughton, A. McRae, A. Rudd, C. Farmer, E. Puterbaugh, H. Chama, J. Kaye, J. Padlan, M. Johnston, M. Rado, Maria Wilson, S. Ertle (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Steinhouse called a meeting of the board of directors of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Wednesday Apr 17, 2024 at 5:02 PM.


Record Attendance


BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve March 12, 2023 Joint Board Meeting Minutes

S. Vyas made a motion to approve the minutes from BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting on 03-12-24.
B. Schlang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
C. Tancer made a motion to to approve the School Board Minutes of March 12, 2024.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


School Boards Public Comment

No public comment.

III. FOB Update


FOB Updates

Materials are shared in the board packet.


Susan the FOB President gave an update and highlighted the following:


  • Fundraising going well. At 85% of goal.
  • BASH Sponsorship presold $571,825 to date. The goal for the LIVE evening program is $300,000 plus.
  • Golf outing FY25 will be held at Canterbury Golf Club on July 29, 2024. Palmer Holland is the Presenting Sponsor.
  • The April 2nd tour of the Willard Campus went well. The next and last tour of the school year will be at Cliff Campus on May 8th.

IV. CEO Update


CEO Update

Full materials on CEO updates were shared in the board packet.


The CEO started off by introducing the new Chief Learning Officer - Dr. Amid Rudd and the new Chief Schools Officer - Dr. Andre Haughton.


He reiterated his vision and commitment to building equitable schools, focused on joy, love, and academic excellence. As well as recruiting, retaining, and developing excellent teachers and leaders.  He spoke to the materials shared in the board packet highlighting that the Learning and listening sessions have been insightful and will help in addressing some of the network's urgent and enduring challenges. He gave a final update on his Entry Plan priorities and milestones. 



Board Metrics & FY25 Planning

A full set of board metrics was shared in the board packet. 


Juliet spoke to material shared in the board packet and shared the following highlights;


  • Average scholar retention is stable.
  • In-year home office retention has dipped due to CMO Strategic Alignment
  • School-based staff retention has remained consistent
  • All five campuses are now within the projected budget

SY24-25 New Scholar Enrollment

  • Hosted over 25 recruitment events at various locations.
  • 213 scholars enrolled as of April 10


SY24-25 Re-Enrollment

  • 80% of scholars' families have responded & 75% indicated returning
  • 96% of families have not taken the necessary additional re-enrolment steps


SY24-25 Teacher Retention & Recruitment


  • SY25 Teacher Recruitment 

-  increased marketing efforts have been implemented through recruitment videos, advertising, career fairs, and prospective teacher events.


  • SY25 Teacher Recruitment: Applications & Hiring

- Leadership training events held in February



Financial Report


  • Current Financials

FY25 Budget


Celeste spoke to materials shared in the board packet and highlighted the following;


Total BPS Network cash balances are up $3.2M over the last year

  • Excess operating cash - total balance in investment accounts is $33.76M as of March 31st.
  • Cash balances are expected to decrease through year-end due to projected deficits.
  • Finance continues to work closely with school and network leaders to refine projections and identify opportunities for expense reduction.
  • 5 of 6 entities are projected to end the year at or below budgeted expenditures, according to current projections.

Proposed changes to the CMO fee for FY24:


  • For FY24 only, the CMO fee will be based on 17.75% of overall revenue, rather than a per-student fee.  
  • The total proposed FY24 CMO fee is $9.3M


Update on the FY25 budget

Celeste reported that the FY25 budget aligns with the long-term board-approved financial plan

  • Reserves will be drawn down and expenses reduced to get to a balanced budget by FY27
  • Beginning in FY27, the network budget will be balanced, with projected high-quality funding utilizing minimal direct support from the Sustainability Fund
  • The FY25 budget includes average salary increases of 10% for Home Office staff and 16% for School staff
  • The CMO has been restructured to best serve schools: the CMO redesign will result in a more streamlined model of support for schools and an increase in total costs to support academic functions

Proposed changes to the CMO fee for FY25:


  • The new CMO fee will be based on the total budgeted expenditures of the CMO annually, ensuring no fee adjustments or additional payments will be needed each year. .
  • The fee change will also help ensure effective budget management at the CMO level 
  • The total proposed FY25 CMO fee is $9.9M



Vote on Budget & Financials

C. Tancer made a motion to Approve School Board FY24 CMO Fee Amendment.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
L. Zucca made a motion to Approve School Board FY25 CMO Fee.
C. Tancer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
A. Lee made a motion to Approve BPS Board FY25 BPS Budget.
L. Mimura seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
J. Johnson made a motion to Approve School Board FY25 School Budget.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
A. KOPIT made a motion to Approve School Board 5-Year Forecast solutions.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


NLT Reports

Board Reports – comprehensive materials from the leadership team were shared in the board packet

V. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

Danielle Eisenberg spoke about the materials that were shared in the board packet. Highlighted 

during the AEC, was the Turnaround Plan to address the Notice of Concern received from Buckeye regarding the academic gains at Woodland Hills was reviewed.



J. Johnson made a motion to Approve BPS Board March 2024 Financials.
B. Schlang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
L. Zucca made a motion to Approve School Board March 2024 Financials.
C. Tancer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



Brad gave an update and reminded everyone of the upcoming Board Retreat to be held on June 21, 2024.

VI. School and BPS Boards Approve Consent Agenda


School Board Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

C. Tancer made a motion to Approve School Board Consent Agenda of 04.17.2024.
L. Zucca seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


BPS Board Vote to Approve BPS Consent Agenda

A. Lee made a motion to Approve BPS Board Consent Agenda of 04.17.2024.
L. Mimura seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Sponsor Updates


CMSD Updates

Matt Rado was present to represent CMSD and reported the following:


Monthly newsletter

Sent out this week


Contract updates

Contract updates were sent to CMSD's board last week. Approvals are expected next week. 


Spring site visits

Two more BPS visits to come: May 9 (VPW), and May 17 (CLAE). Qualitative data collection is being conducted with electronic surveys-students, teachers, and parents. Trends and identity themes will be reviewed and discussed at the June board meeting. 


One in-person focus group with IS's for all schools will be conducted after April and details will follow.


Sunshine Law training -  deadline is June 30


Buckeye Updates

Emily was present to represent Buckeye Hope, sponsor of Village Prep Woodland Hills.  She spoke to the materials shared in the board packet and highlighted the following:


  • Reminded everyone to do Open Meetings/Sunshine Law Trainings – 4/20 BCHF Virtual Training
  • VPSWH has submitted and is compliant in 98% of items. Thanked Megan Johnston for her help in the collection of documents.
  • Emily and Illie Massey met with Mr. Brownrigg and the team on 2/13. 
    Strong leadership, positive relationships with students from both staff and admin and good communication with parents was observed.

Suggestion for growth: Work with teachers to integrate data into the classroom, allowing students to take ownership of their progress.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Steinhouse