Breakthrough Public Schools


BPS Academic Excellence Committee: November Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 28, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Committee Members Present

D. Eisenberg (remote), G. Libbey (remote), S. Steinhouse (remote)

Committee Members Absent

A. Garg, S. Vyas

Guests Present

A. McRae (remote), J. Kaye (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Eisenberg called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 28, 2023 at 5:02 PM.




Minutes Approval

S. Steinhouse made a motion to approve the minutes from BPS Academic Excellence Committee: October Meeting on 10-10-23.
G. Libbey seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Quick Updates and Follow-ups


School Health and Effectiveness Dashboard - November Updates

Attached to the agenda are the updated dashboard and a handful of specific metrics. These show the trajectory of our schools. 


A few things to call out: 

  • Updated indicators around scholar satisfaction
  • In-year attendance measures
  • EUA data

The dashboard shows current stats, can we show movement (i.e. month-over-month comparisons) to see progress over time?  Could be in data or bullets/narratives. 


Next month, we can add narratives, but will look into the format over time. 


As a whole, we're seeing: 

  • Attendance is improving across the board, but Woodland Hills is a concern
  • Suspensions have known outliers, that are a known concern
  • For schools that are the most vulnerable, our satisfaction is improving, and the data is very telling. Scholar satisfaction is tied to what we are seeing in schools.

From an academic perspective, mathematics is not where we want it. We need to make changes in teacher practices, not the curriculum itself. This is based on teacher observations and outcomes. 




Student Achievement Updates: Trimester 1

Also have attached student achievement updates to the agenda. These are the types of materials our leaders use to assess the needs of their schools. 

III. Strategic Items


Student Services Team Strategy and Updates

Dr. Rudd has joined us today to talk through her experience since joining BPS. We hope the committee leaves with a deep understanding of her work and the challenges she faces.


In summary:

  • Conducted program evaluation
  • Restructured the team
  • Focus on: staffing, enrollment, coaching 

Last spring, I shared the outcomes of my evaluation (no coaching,  no continuum of services, and low teacher satisfaction). These gaps led to a number of violations and failing internal audits. 


The Year 1 focus became: building systems, reimbursements, compliance, and teacher improvement. We also added MTSS.  Our new staffing model was approved on May 1. 


Example of Dylan, a Kindergarten student at CAS. Developed a plan together so that he can be in a GE setting. He has a highly qualified technician to work with Dylan. 


From May to August 15: 

  • Focus on hiring
  • Project planning (finance, student learning, SOPs/compliance)
  • Initial roadblocks: hiring issues with HC team, disfunction with enrollment, Medicaid, EMIS, and curriculum
  • Successes: We were able to roll out MTSS, compliance systems, better state reporting, and responses to violations. Some things took longer than expected. 

On August 16, 40% of SPED teacher roles were open. Therefore, we slowed down and pivoted to meet the needs of scholars and schools. 


From August to November: 

  • Launched Mutl-Intensive Autism Center (meet staffing and scholar needs) 
  • Compliance HUB launched by Julie Chen 
  • SOPs to address compliance concerns and violations
  • 165 MTSS requests since the start of school. 28 were evaluated for services. 
  • Focus on teacher development and learning; Tuesday afternoons have been a challenge. 
  • Compliance has improved; if we were fully staffed, we'd get where we need to be
  • Collaboration with Culture Teams 

In the coming months, we're continuing to build out PDs and compliance priorities for the remainder of the year. Also going to interrogate alternative placements and transportation.


Moving forward, key priorities: 

  • Increase accountability and "All Means All" approach 
  • Network
    • Better scope and sequence of PD
    • Greater focus on MTSS
    • Improved data sharing  
  • Schools
    • New staffing model by enrollment and LRE
    • Expansion of the Autism Center
    • Differentiated self-contained
    • ENL services 
    • Gifted & Talented identification 

From Andrew: 

  • The structure of siloed work needs to change; increases collaboration and accountability
  • Resass design of school day and calendar based on the needs 
  • Mindset and management are complex and tiered problems. Get in compliance first, and then address the mindsets. Skill building can progress, but the mindset shift will be a differentiator for staff.  

Reflections on school leadership: 

  • During the program eval, we learned that we had skewed views of what a student with a disability is. Undoing this has been the primary work. This led to misdiagnosis and misinterpretation of SPED. 
  • Breaking this mindset has been a challenge. About half of principals are working through this and tackling it, and the other half are not.



Academic Department Strategic Realignment

My ultimate goal as CEO is to accelerate achievement for scholars and pivot us towards a network centered around families and schools. 


When we pulled the models together, we created a CAO role to create an instructional vision and strategy. As we have evolved, we are going to break the CAO role into two positions. 


To achieve goals as CEO, need to address ensuring challenges. Critical to align people processes and culture. 


It's necessary to make some changes to the design of the home office. This includes a division of the academic work into a Learning team and a School team. 


The Learning team will oversee scholar achievement, scholar culture, leadership development, and data. We are taking the Student Services out of their current silo. The compliance appearance remains intact, but fold the curriculum work into one team. 


There will also be a Schools team. There are some significant shifts here too. We would continue to have an MD, Schools over our principals. School operations will move from the COO to the CSO. This will bridge collaboration and accountability to the principals and DOO collaboration. We're also having a family experience team that hosts the continuum from enrollment through scholar engagement. 


IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Eisenberg