Breakthrough Public Schools


BPS Academic Excellence Committee: September Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 5, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Committee Members Present

A. Garg (remote), D. Eisenberg (remote), G. Libbey (remote), S. Vyas (remote)

Committee Members Absent

J. Howard, S. Steinhouse

Guests Present

A. McRae (remote), J. Kaye (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Eisenberg called a meeting of the Academic Excellence Committee of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Tuesday Sep 5, 2023 at 5:05 PM.




Minutes Approval

We need to add minutes from June 2023 to BOT. We'll vote on June 2023 and September 2023 minutes in October meeting.

II. Quick Updates and Follow-ups


SY24 Summer Planning and Support Feedback

  • NALT approached summer training differently. There were initiatives to create cohesion and updated PD approach based on feedback from leaders last year.
  • The packet has details on the feedback recieved from this summer. 


Family Partnership Office: Conveyor Belt Analysis

  • FPO consisents of Teresa Brown Sayles implemented Conveyor Belt. Brought cohesion and clarity to the family experience. Post enrollment family engagement strategy.
  • Ops, Enrollment, IT – very cross-functional. It was a scholar retention strategy. 
  • We saw that even just engaging with families (RSVP'd and didn't attend event, for example) increased chances of getting in. We want to close the gap of folks that enroll and don't attend. It's also then how to do we continue to engage with families throughout the year. How do we make it as easy as possible for families to engage with us. 
  • Next year, we want to run at a larger school and with added resources. 


TNTP Partnership Update - Year 2: Implementation Support

  • TNTP supported last year to lay out initial framework to make the the plan.
  • we have a 3 year commitment. We are in part 2 of this, which is implementation support.
  • The priority is to work with Andrew and his leadership team to implement and refine the plan.
  • The packet provided a summary. 
  • Every structure and system in Academics leads back to road map and implementation; leaders have to follow the course. 

III. Strategic Items


SY24 Academic Excellence Committee Goals


  • Now that is an academic strategy, that will be iterated on, we thought it was important to start a convo around what are the appropriate goals for the committee and what are the expectations for members to ensure folks provide the right support, engagement that we need to hold us accountability. 
  • The packet shows founding documents from the committee, they have not greatly changed since forming the committee.


  • We don't want to change the goals. We just want to analyze is there anything we'd want to adjust given the work we've done (if any). 


  • Current goals feel complete and give flexibility to ebb and flow with the work. 
  •  Will the role shift now that we have a long-term plan? Should we provide a source of accountability and support in being stewards of the plans? 


  • Last two year, we focused on the bigger picture plan. We will be making a shift towards implementation. 
  • We early indicators can we see implementation fidelity – academic outcomes can lag behind.


  • Educational invocation and opportunity has not been in scope of committee, but could be helpful to expand upon. What can we invest in that may have big/lasting impacts? 


  • We should add something specific to innovation. This committee has the leverage and space to make recommendations to the broader board.
  • Want to make sure the language hints at the exploration of the process. 
  • Aditi will draft additional bullet re: innovation.   


SY24 Strong Responsive Start Update: Beginning of the Year Launch

  • Schools make strategic plan that outline the first ten days of school. Starts with 3 days of culture camp and then start content.
  • After the 10 days, we go into the rest of the school year. 
  • This has been our strongest start ever – it's cross functional and the rigorous focus of kids from leaders at every level. 
  • Enrollment: We anticipate around 2950 scholars as of this afternoon. This is after the 72 hour scholars have been withdrawn. 
  • School-Based Vacancies: There are still vacancy risks in ESE roles and Woodland Hills is a priority given the scope of the population coupled with the openings. Building subs are still open too.
  • Nearly all core leaders & core teachers are fully staffed. 



Academic Strategy Implementation Updates


  • We built school based structures to reinforce the roadmap. 
  • A tool was developed to support this work and ensure school builds a custom strategic plan. Each school's individual strategic plan rooted in the plan and strategic priorities.
  • The tool divides the school year has been broken into 3 arcs for their strategic plan. The tool also provides finite choices to guide implementation/alignment. This ensures that schools can customize their plans, and do what they need,  but all in line with our vision and goals. 
  • When using the tool, schools are first asked to pick two specific focus areas for each arc of the school year. Their supervisors will then hold them accountable.
  • Within the focus areas, they select how they will measure, launch, and monitor each initiative. 
  • There plans feed into trackers, which allow us to monitor at a network level. 


  • Leaders were receptive to planning. This week, we'll sit down with the data to see how things are progressing so far. 
  • All the plans/initial goals were already vetted to ensure they are aligned with the issues on the ground. We reviewed/approved during institute in June/July. They were also provided support on how to introduce to their staffs.
  • This process allowed up to clarify the bar, and highlight strong, best practices. 
  • We know that once we start to see results, it will ensure that we have full buy-in. 


  • Data wall has been redesigned to support leaders in tracking key metrics. It pulls data from various trackers and puts it into one place. We can look at everything by school. 
  • Example – we can look at attendance in many different ways (grade, school, demographics)
  • Some data is live, some is updated in a regular cadence. Democratizes data.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Eisenberg