Breakthrough Public Schools
Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday January 31, 2023 at 5:00 PM
Breakthrough Public Schools Home Office
3615 Superior Avenue
Building 44, Suite 4403A
Cleveland, OH 44114
Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.
Directors Present
A. KOPIT (remote), A. Lee, B. Schlang, C. Tancer, D. Eisenberg, J. Howard, J. Johnson, L. Mimura, L. Zucca, P. Harris, S. Steinhouse, S. Vyas
Directors Absent
K. San Marco
Guests Present
A. McRae, C. Farmer, D. Mangen, D. Sobel, E. Wilkins-Copeland, J. Berlin (remote), J. Zitzner, M. Barbessi, M. Johnston, M. Rado (remote), P. Schaar, R. Johnson, S. Wernet (remote)
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 12/7/22 Joint Board Meeting Minutes
Samuel Steinhouse motioned for approval of the December 7, 2022 Joint BPS Board Meeting minutes. Sanjay Vyas so moved, Brad Schlang seconded, and all were in favor.
Danielle Eisenberg motioned for approval of the December 7, 2022 Joint BPS Meeting minutes. Linda Zucca so moved, and Cynthia Tancer seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
II. Public Comment
School Boards Public Comment
III. FOB Update
FOB Updates
John Zitzner provided the update highlighting the following:
- Written report provided in the Board packet
- School tours going very well; over 20 people with everyone wanting to get involved
- Please purchase your tables for the BASH scheduled April 28
- Big Win - according to the State, all Breakthrough schools are on the HQ School list to receive $$
- Lobbying for increase in facilities dollars from $500 to $1,000 per kid
- In the process of making final decision for Chief Alumni Success Officer
- Discussions still under way to acquire land and funeral home next door to EPWH
- Completing lease for the Hampden Campus building; will be a new high promising charter High School next year
IV. CEO Update
Network Stabilization: Vision & Goals
R. Johnson provided the update highlighting the following:
- Mission, Vision, Values RFPs - held two rounds of interviews with candidates and close to making a decision with the goal of refreshing our mission, vision and values and to establish what our DEIJ statement will be; have two final candidates
- Re-Enrollment – our re-enrollment started a week ago; this year we are asking our families to use the Power School system to re-enroll; this has presented some challenges so re-enrollment has been a bit slower than we would like; we are changing our course and shifting to more hands-on out-bound calling to our families
Other Updates:
- Excited to announce that our CEO Teacher Advisory meeting scheduled for this Friday; 20 teachers are participating
- Met with our Network Parent Advisory Council last week; will attend these meetings to make sure I am involved with our parents
- Sam and I had a discussion with the CSGF regarding our Insight Data to dig more deeply in to this information to help us understand better the voice of our teachers; for background, every Spring since 2016 our teachers have completed the Insight Survey; will have continuing discussion regarding the data with CSGF
- Review of stabilizing the Network’s Mission, Vision, Values Refresh; Business Processes, and Network Goals that include Academic Achievement; Family Satisfaction and Fiscal Stewardship
Academic Progress
A. McRae provided the update highlighting the following:
- Deck provided in the Board materials
- Review of where we are in relation to our academic goals – decrease the number of scholars two or more grade levels behind by 50%; and increase the percent of scholars on grade level by 150%
- Review of Literacy Roll Up and Math Roll Up of EOY Goal
- Review of iReady Literacy and Math Data
Meta Metrics
- As of mid-January ~3,075 scholars enrolled
- Retention has not significantly changed since end of October
- Attendance remains ~80%
Resolutions Preview
- Review of tonight’s resolutions for approval
- Staff Transportation of Scholars
- Payroll – P. Oko provided an update on the adjustment to the policy on the standard daily rate calculation
- Staffing/Contracting Updates – Contract with J. Kaye
V. Committee Updates
Financial Reports
Finance Committee Updates – D. Mangen/C. Vollmer
December 2022 Financial Reports – C. Vollmer shared the Schools and BPS highlights from the December 2022 financial reports included in the Board materials.
Updates for Schools/BPS:
- One time revenues are really helping to keep the Network a float
- Cash balances are really strong which are ensuring that our sponsor benchmarks are good except for Glenville enrollment number
- Projected Net Income for the schools is expected to be (-$14.3M) – one time revenues are helping to close the gap
- FTE Student Enrollment is the number we receive from the State and is what we receive payment on; if there is a disparity between the FTE and the Power School number; it will affect our cash flow; we are working to correct the problem
- BPS/CMO – ($1.5M) deficit expected; total expenditures exceeding core revenues; primarily due to contractors bought in to help stabilize the network and fill some key vacancies
Resolutions to Approve the December 2022 Financial Reports
Action of All School Boards – D. Eisenberg raised approval of the December 2022 Schools Financial Reports. Cynthia Tancer so moved, Linda Zucca seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of BPS Board – S. Steinhouse raised approval of the December 2022 BPS Financial Reports. Andrew Lee so moved, Brad Schlang seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
FY23 Budget Adjustment Resolutions
- D. Mangen provided a brief update highlighting the following:
- Report provided in the Board materials
- Need to stay on the course
- Presented with many challenges for the Schools and BPS during the first six months of the fiscal year
Resolutions to Approve the FY23 Budget Adjustment for the Schools Finance Committee Recommendations for: CLAE; CLIFFS; WH and WILLARD and Breakthrough Schools
Action of All School Boards – D. Eisenberg raised approval of the FY23 Budget Adjustment Resolution of the Schools Finance Committee Recommendations. Cynthia Tancer so moved, Linda Zucca seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of BPS Board – S. Steinhouse raised approval of the FY23 Budget Adjustment Resolution of the BPS Finance Committee Recommendations. The BPS Finance Committee recommends a request to FOB for an operating cash loan of up to $2,000,000 to cover cash flow needs for the remainder of this fiscal year through the beginning of FY24. Andrew Lee so moved, Sanjay Vyas seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Breakthrough 2030 Financial Plan Update
D. Mangen provided the update highlighting the following:
- Update provided in the Board materials
- Review of long-term financial planning in three rounds; five areas to stabilize by 2024
- Looking at 2030 from a stabilization point continuing to use ESSR dollars – 2 or 3 year window
J. Howard provided the update highlighting the following:
- Shared in advance draft copy of the HR/DEIJ Task Force description; please provide any feedback on the overall description; Met with Denise and already have 12 prospects; please recommend any candidates you may have to Jen or Sam
- Looking to bolster the Academic Excellence Committee; please send any recommendations you have to let us know
- Happy to share that all Board members who terms were to expire have all renewed
Academic Excellence
D. Eisenberg provided the update highlighting the following:
- Happy to welcome Garet Libbey and Sanjay Vyas to the Committee
- Meeting with another candidate for the committee
- At the last meeting really dug into the iReady and Academic Plan included in the board materials
- A. McRae provided update on Principal/Leadership Development
CEO Support & Evaluation
P. Harris provided the update highlighting the following:
- Next meeting scheduled for February 22; Ralph presenting his personal goals shaped by the Board feedback
VI. School and BPS Boards Approve Consent Agenda
School Board Vote to Approve Consent Agenda
Action of All School Boards – D. Eisenberg raised approval of the School Consent Agenda. Linda Zucca so moved, Cynthia Tancer seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
BPS Board Vote to Approve BPS Consent Agenda
Action of BPS Board – S. Steinhouse raised approval of the BPS Consent Agenda. Jennifer Howard so moved, Paul Harris seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
VII. Sponsor Updates
CMSD Updates
- Matt Rado provided the update highlighting the following:
- Site visits scheduled for spring; Sending out official letters in February (for March/April); will debrief at the building level and share trends at the May Board meeting
- Shared letters regarding Glenville/Willard academic oversights; will do additional non-evaluated classroom walk-throughs to get a sense of what is happening; will debrief with the Principals and Network academic team
- Annual Contracts – Reviewing sponsorship contracts to make sure they are up-to-date with State law; sending more information in February; looking to approve in April
Buckeye Updates
- Maureen Barbessi provided the update highlighting the following:
- Scheduled our bi-annual site visit for March 10
- Continue to work on compliance with Matt at Woodland Hills
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon a motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting adjourned at 6:49pm.
Samuel Steinhouse, BPS Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:02pm with roll call.
Danielle Eisenberg, Chair, School Boards called the Schools Board meeting to order at 5:02pm with roll call.