Breakthrough Public Schools


Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 18, 2022 at 5:00 PM


Breakthrough Public Schools Home Office Cafe

3615 Superior Avenue

Building 44, Suite 4403A

Cleveland, OH 44114

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.

Directors Present

A. Davis, A. KOPIT, A. Lee (remote), B. Schlang, C. Tancer, J. Howard, J. Johnson (remote), K. San Marco (remote), L. Zucca (remote), P. Harris (remote), S. Steinhouse, Y. Saunders-Polk

Directors Absent

D. Eisenberg

Guests Present

A. McRae, A. Prass, D. Mangen, D. Sobel, E. Wilkins-Copeland, H. Halleen, J. Berlin (remote), J. McBride (remote), J. Zitzner, Lesley Wilkins, Guest (remote), M. Johnston, M. Rado (remote), Meagan Coggins, Guest (remote), Megan Traum, Guest (remote), P. Schaar, R. Johnson, S. Ertle (remote), S. Wernet, T. Thornton

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Paul Harris, Vice Chair, BPS Board, called the meeting to order on behalf of Jennifer Howard, Chair at 5:01pm. Alan Kopit, Chair, School Boards called the Schools Board meeting to order at 5:01pm.

P. Harris called a meeting of the board of directors of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Wednesday May 18, 2022 at 5:01 PM.


Record Attendance


BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 4/13/22 Joint Board Meeting Minutes

P. Harris requested a motion to approve the April 13, 2022 Joint BPS Meeting minutes. Linda Zucca so moved and Brad Schlang seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


A. Kopit requested a motion to approve the April 13, 2022 Joint BPS Meeting minutes. Sam Steinhouse so moved and Amonica Davis seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.

L. Zucca made a motion to approve the minutes from Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Board Meeting on 04-13-22.
B. Schlang seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Public Comment


School Boards Public Comment


III. FOB Update


FOB Updates

J. Zitzner provided an update highlighting the following:


  • Shared the BASH numbers and Paddle raise for A. Rosskamm fund and thanked everyone for attending
  • Update on HB240 – placed on a temporary hold due to feedback from our sponsors
  • In the process of purchasing the funeral home/parking lot at WH
  • Golf outing scheduled for July 11 – information on our Website
  • In the process of securing funding for summer programming 
  • Cleveland Transformation Alliance looking at criteria to eliminate residency requirements re: Say Yes

IV. CEO Update


CEO Updates

R. Johnson provided an update supplemented with a Power Point presentation highlighting the following: 


  • Recognized Jacqueline Younker, CTO and Arliss Prass, CCO, who are transitioning out of their roles at Breakthrough thanking them both for their support; Danielle Sobel will serve as the Interim CTO 
  • Shared/reviewed the Meta Metrics Dashboard provided in the Board packet as of April 30 on attendance (tracking by month); number of scholar in-school suspensions; assessment scores and tracking year-over-year; population changes as of last month; retention by school/grade and will build out this summer; Doug will discuss the financials in his update
  • Review of staffing update as of May 16, 2022 – review of vacancies and challenges and the Leadership team turning our attention to and looking at short-term and long-term strategies

V. Sponsor Updates


CMSD Updates - Including Spring Site Visit Reports

CMSD Updates – Including Spring Site Visits Reports – Matt Rado/Megan Traum/Meagan Coggins/Lesley Wilkins


M. Rado provided the updates highlighting the following:

  • Reviewing Annual Contracts to make sure they are up-to-date with changes in the law
  • Annual Fiscal Officer Waiver form that we do every year needs to be signed off on – authorizing Doug as the Treasurer for all schools

Site Visits

  • Site Visits Reports provided in the board materials
  • All sponsors are required to do at least two visits twice a year; during visits we conduct focus groups and talk to different stakeholders


  • Meagan Coggins provided a summary on the network wide trends that came out of the site visits stating we saw various different trends across all the schools highlighting the four major trends: 1) adult culture; 2) professional development; 3) Response to Intervention (RTI); and 4) SPED.

Matt Rado provided the background on the SPED concerns (complaints from parents/schools) and summarized the next steps to address this area in the short and long-term on how CMSD will proceed: will be monitoring all situations and will follow-up to make sure they are handled appropriately; developed a plan as to what our SPED oversight will look like going forward; and hiring some external support to add to our team to implement the plan so that changes can be made.    


Buckeye Updates

Update provided in the Board materials

VI. Finance


April 2022 Finance Reports

April 2022 Financial Reports – Doug shared the Schools and BPS highlights from the April 2022 financial reports included in the Board materials supplemented with a PowerPoint Presentation. 


Resolutions to Approve the April 2022 Financial Reports


Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the April 2022 BPS Financial Reports.  Brad Schlang so moved, Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the April 2022 Schools Financial Reports.  Amonica Davis so moved, Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


FY23 Budgets and Schools' May 2022 Five-Year Forecast Submissions


  • Schools – we are in a better position financially compared to last month; made some improvements on our overall deficits (down by $700K) because we hit our year-end projections due to position we thought would be filled by the end of the year were not
  • FY23 Budget – looking at deficit for next year
  • Intent is to continue to sustain our academic programs/staffing – shrinking and stabilizing process
  • Review FY23 Budget - has a lot of detail to use as reference

Resolutions to Approve Proposed FY23 BPS and School Budgets


Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the FY23 School Budgets as presented.  Yolanda Saunders-Polk so moved, Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the FY23 BPS Budgets as presented.  Brad Schlang so moved, Cynthia Tancer seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


Resolution to Approve May 2022 Five-Year Forecast Update Submissions


Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the May 2022 Five-Year Forecast Update Submissions as presented.  Amonica Davis so moved, Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.



School Vote to Approve CMO Fiscal Officer Waiver

Resolution to Approve Community School Fiscal Officer Waiver 2022-23


Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Community School Fiscal Officer Waiver 2022-23 as presented.  Amonica Davis so moved, Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


Minimum Hourly Rate

Resolution to Approve the Minimum Hourly Rate ($15.00)


Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the Minimum Hourly Rate of $15.00 as presented.  Paul Harris so moved, Andrew Lee seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Minimum Hourly Rate $15.00 as presented.  Sam Steinhouse so moved, Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.

VII. Academic Excellence


Academic Excellence Committee Updates

J. Howard stated in Danielle Eisenberg absence that the Committee had a robust discussion last week around contingency planning and academic strategy.


FY23 Academics Strategy-in-Brief

A. McRae provided the update highlighting the following:


  • Update provided in the Board materials
  • Academic Strategy – nothing much changed; our academic strategy is based on four strategic shifts: we built a strong Network Leadership, we built a successful, strong developed Principals and provided people with a cohesive academic vision, a strong data analysis, and built a culture where kids want to learn in school
  • Summarized the challenges that include leadership, staffing, and our ability to build competency and capacity in skills of our leaders and teachers, and foundational literacy development
  • Expectation is to continue to provide the best quality instruction and a plan for kids to learn no matter the circumstances 


Annual Student Demographics Comparison

Annual Demographics report provided in the Board materials. Tyler/Andrew provided the update summarizing the 2020-21 School Demographics for the schools.


VIII. Network Updates


Health and Safety Updates

T. Thornton provided an update highlighting the following:


  • Report provided in the Board materials
  • Willard virtual for 3 days  and East Campus virtual for 4 days as a result of staff shortage; 
  • Vaccine Clinic scheduled for Friday at CEC

IX. School Boards Consent Agenda


School Boards Vote to Approve Consent Agenda

Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Schools Board Consent Agenda.  Amonica Davis so moved, Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.

X. School Resolutions


CAS, CLAE, VPC, and VPW Boards Vote to Approve Modified Sponsorship Contract with CMSD, Effective 7/1/22

Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Modified CMSD Sponsorship Contracts Resolution for CAS/CLAE/VPC and VPW.  Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Amonica Davis seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


CLA Board Votes to Adopt Modified Attachments 4 and 5 of CMSD Contract, Effective Retroactive to 7/1/21

Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval to Adopt Modified Attachments 4 and 5 of CMSD Contract, Effective Retroaction to 7/1/21 Resolution. Amonica Davis so moved, and Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.


VPWH Board Votes to Approve Modifications to the Sponsorship Contract with Buckeye Community Hope Foundation, Effective 7/1/22

Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Modifications to the Sponsorship Contract with Buckeye Community Hope Foundation, Effective 7/1/22 for Village Preparatory Woodland Hills.  Amonica Davis so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.

XI. Governance


Governance Committee Updates

J. Howard provided the update stating we are in the process of planning a Board Retreat for June or July. More to come. A. Kopit reminded Board members to please complete their Sunshine training.

XII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business, the BPS Joint Board meeting adjourned at 7:00pm.

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Howard