Breakthrough Public Schools
Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 9, 2022 at 5:00 PM
Breakthrough Public Schools Office
3615 Superior Avenue
Building 44, Suite 4403A
Cleveland, OH 44114
Directors Present
A. Davis, A. KOPIT (remote), A. Lee (remote), B. Schlang, C. Tancer, D. Eisenberg, J. Howard, L. Zucca (remote), P. Harris (remote), S. Steinhouse, Y. Saunders-Polk
Directors Absent
J. Johnson, K. San Marco
Guests Present
A. McRae, A. Prass, D. Mangen, E. Wilkins-Copeland, J. Younker (remote), J. Zitzner (remote), M. Barbessi (remote), M. Johnston, M. Rado (remote), P. Schaar, R. Pace, S. Ertle (remote), S. Wernet, T. Thornton
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 12/8/21 Joint Board Meeting Minutes
J. Howard requested a motion to approve the December 8, 2021 Joint BPS Meeting minutes. Cynthia Tancer moved and Sam Steinhouse seconded; all were in favor. Motion carried.
A. Kopit requested a motion to approve the December 8, 2021 Joint BPS Meeting minutes. Sam Steinhouse so moved and Amonica Davis seconded; all were in favor. Motion carried.
School Boards Vote to Approve 2/9/22 Special Board Meeting Minutes
A. Kopit requested a motion to approve the February 9, Special Meeting minutes. Sam Steinhouse so moved and Amonica Davis seconded; all were in favor. Motion carried.
II. Public Comment
School Boards Public Comment
Dick Pace addressed the Board stating that Bridget Moreno and he were very concerned regarding the course materials/video being used to teach Breakthrough scholars on the topic “How to be an Anti-Racist” and the inappropriateness of the materials being used. Dick stated he believes our goal should be developing our scholars to be lifelong-learners and not teaching them to be victims of a structurally racist country. Dick then discussed and distributed copies of his concerns to the Board. A. Kopit acknowledged the concerns of D. Pace and B. Moreno, stating that a response from the School Boards would be forthcoming.
III. CEO Update
CEO Updates
R. Johnson provided the update supplemented with a Power Point presentation highlighting the following:
- In the process of merging two of our schools – Citizens Academy and Citizens Academy East into one campus starting next year into CAE; this move is very grounded in ensuring and improving the academic performance of our scholars
- A review of last year’s iReady winter results with percentages for grade levels (Reading and Math scores) – the current reality of our performance and the need to change this picture
- Review of the performance metrics in place to help address performance and keeping track monthly/annually
- Budget Process – Our academic infrastructure will be the priority in the FY23 Budget;
- Enrollment – We will be conservative for the coming year around our financial approach; the enrollment budget target for the coming year will be 3200 students and Doug will share more in his Finance report; Ralph also provided a snapshot on where we are currently with re-enrollment; retention/articulation; and marketing efforts
- Ralph concluded by stating there are three important words for Breakthrough for the next three years: we will have to “shrink,” “stabilize,” and “scale” in order to stabilize our network processes.
IV. Family Partnership, Enrollment, and Marketing
Enrollment Update - SY22 Enrollment, SY23 Re-Enrollment, SY23 Early Enrollment
Enrollment – A. Prass provided the update highlighting the following:
- Two reports provided in the Board materials – January 2022 Enrollment/Student Population and the February Enrollment reports
- Review of student population from January – February; January reflects 3420; February 3376
- The work of the enrollment team is not to backfill but to support our new kids
- Continue to work on strategies to keep families before they unenrolled and keep them engaged throughout the school year
V. Talent
Total Rewards Update
- J. Younker provided the updates supplemented with a PowerPoint Presentation highlighting the following:
- Worked closely with the Finance Committee and NLT to bring forth the material in the Board packet for review – the proposal for our new Teacher Salary schedule
- Held discussions with teachers, principals and research from other Districts to develop our compensation philosophy
- The proposal provides predictability; transparency; and straightforward
- Andrew Lee stated the Finance Committees have reviewed and are comfortable with the proposal presented and is factored into the longer-term plan with Doug
BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve Teacher Compensation Proposal
Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the Teacher Compensation Proposal as recommended by the Joint Finance Committees. Paul Harris so moved, and Cynthia Tancer seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Teacher Compensation Proposal as recommended by the Joint Finance Committee. Linda Zucca so moved, and Amonica Davis seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
BPS and School Boards Votes to Approve Increase in Employer-Paid Benefits
Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the Increase Employer-Paid Benefits for January 2022 to the end of the Fiscal Year 2022 and recommended by the Joint Finance Committee. Paul Harris so moved, and Andrew Lee seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Increase Employer-Paid Benefits for January 2022 to the end of the Fiscal Year 2022 and recommended by the Joint Finance Committee. Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
VI. Network Updates
Health and Safety Updates
T. Thornton provided the update highlighting the following:
- Update provided in the Board materials for review
- Cuyahoga county rates moved down to green
- CMSD suspended face mask requirements on yesterday; but strongly encouraged to wear due to vaccination rates for ages 5-11 is only about 20%
- Working on survey to staff; our face mask requirement will stay in place until April
Hampden and East Merger
M. Johnston provided the update highlighting the following:
- Pre-read materials provided in the Board materials
- Communications held with families/staff
- CLAE will be the surviving IRN
- Did not need to do a lottery
- On-track to notify CMSD
- Will be working with John Dunn on this process
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Citizens Leadership Academy Intention to Merge into Citizens Leadership Academy East effective July 1, 2022. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Citizens Leadership Academy East Intention to Merge. Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Linda Zucca seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
VII. Academic Excellence
Academic Department and Academic Excellence Committee Updates
Academic Department and Academic Excellence Committee Updates – Danielle Eisenberg and Andrew McRae
D. Eisenberg provided the update highlighting the following:
- Andrew and team really did an innovating and good job putting together the clarity, purpose and focus pre-read materials provided in the board packet that Andrew will talk about in his update
- Will be asking for approval of the SY21-22 Retention Guidelines provided in the materials for this year only and approval of the School calendar
A. McRae provided the Academic update supplemented with a PowerPoint presentation highlighting the following:
- Schools are unstable and there are ongoing and fundamental challenges we have to address; but kids still have to learn
- A review of the Iron Laws (provided in board packet):
- Have to do the things that matter the most
- Everyone can learn the mechanics of reading
- Under developed literacy skills are wreaking havoc on our kids, on their lives, our network in the short/long term
- Approach will be simplicity and diligence applied with a fierce determination
- Priorities will be – define what we teach; how we teach; authentic literacy (analytical reading, writing, and speaking)
- Review of three core challenges to move schools forward
- Two things that are true for our kids: 1) key input is addressing foundation literacy for grades K-3; 2) key output is continuously see our kids learn and grow until 8th grade
School Boards Vote to Approve SY 22-23 School Calendar
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the SY 22-23 School Calendar as presented. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
School Boards Vote to Approve BPS Retention Guidelines for SY 21-22
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the BPS Retention Guidelines for SY 21-22 as presented. Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Amonica Davis seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
VIII. Finance
November 2021, December 2021, and January 2022 Finance Reports
November, December 2021, and January 2022 Financial Reports – Doug shared the Schools and BPS highlights from November and December 2021, and January 2022 financial reports included in the Board materials supplemented with a PowerPoint Presentation. Currently finalizing February 2022 reports and financially in good shape; bad news is all built on one-time dollars.
Action of BPS Board – J. Howard raised approval of the November and December 2021 and January 2022 BPS Financial Reports. Cynthia Tancer so moved, and Andrew Lee seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the November and December 2021 and January 2022 Schools Financial Reports. Linda Zucca so moved, and Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Finance Committee Updates
- This year $6M deficit anticipated by year-end on core operations
- We will pull down PPE and ESSR dollars ($12M) – will have an increase in cash and year-end surplus of $6M built on one-time dollars; will use one-time dollars next year to help sustain a relatively solid program
- Student Enrollment budget will shrink to 3200 students but will grow instructional staff
- Breakthrough 2030 and FY23 Budget – on track for remaining eight years of financial plan; taking a hit with next year’s budget but providing a bridge using one-time dollars
- Proposed facilities budget provided in board packet recommended for Phase I approval by FOB
- Status of FY23 Finance Committee goals on track for the year
- Presenting a recommendation to decline a contract addendum for Preferred Meals for increasing fees
*Preferred Meals Contract Addendum
Discussions were held regarding the Preferred Meals contract and addendum update provided by D. Mangen. A suggestion that a motion be made but no board member made the motion nor approved or seconded the motion.
CLA School Board Votes to Approve the Disposal of Assets
D. Mangen stated we converged CLA into CA campus and FOB sold the building. The assets housed would cost more to move and decided to sell them and will need School Board approval of the disposal of assets.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Disposal of Assets at CLA. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
VPWH School Board votes to approve the updated construction costs and related expenditures associated with the expansion of the VPWH facility of $1,395,646 using school funds.
D. Mangen stated the final cost of the VPWH expansion is $1,395,646. A lower number was approved earlier but since it is a higher number now it needs Board approval.
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the VPWH School Board to approve the VPWH updated expansion costs. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
IX. School Boards Consent Agenda
School Boards Vote to Approve Consent Agenda
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the Schools Board Consent Agenda. Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Yolanda-Saunders Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of School Policies – Policy 227.1 Child Find Policy
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the School Policy 227.1 Child Find Policy as presented. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded; all were in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of EMIS & SOES Resolution
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the EMIS & SOES Resolution as presented. Yolanda Saunders-Polk so moved, and Sam Steinhouse seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
Approval of School Policies – 404 Health Examinations and Immunizations
Action of All School Boards – A. Kopit raised approval of the 404 Health Examinations and Immunizations policy as presented. Linda Zucca so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded, and all were in favor. Motion carried.
X. CEO Support Committee
CEO Support Committee Updates
P. Harris provided the update stating the Committee met in December and reviewed and provided feedback on Ralph’s proposed goals for the year – not by school year but for the year. At the next Board meeting, the full Board will have an opportunity to review Ralph’s goals and associated metrics.
XI. Governance
Governance Committee Updates
J. Howard provided the update stating Kristen San Marco is not in attendance but wanted to make the Board aware and disclosed she is employed by Teach for America and the founding Executive Director, Holly Triffo has been appointed Chief of Education for the City of Cleveland. Jennifer stated she has been asked to step in as the Interim Executive Director. The TFA Board is currently working on a plan for a replacement and wanted to disclose to the Board that she is in this role on an interim capacity and wanted to acknowledge this because TFA and Breakthrough does have a contract together and she would personally not touch any work related to Breakthrough. All contract related matters will be conducted by our Head of Programs at TFA.
XII. Sponsor Updates
CMSD Updates
M. Rado provided the updates highlighting the following:
- Partnership contract update with Woodland Hills – expires June 30th; currently reviewing criteria; will be on CMSD Board agenda in April
- New personnel hired in January – Leslie Wilkins-Valentine; met with Principals of all of chartered schools
- Contract updates – held virtual meetings last week with all of our sponsored schools; provided updates on changes in the law; accountability updates; review of new report cards; shared a sample draft contract and collect any feedback by March 23rd;
- Site visits – will be starting our Spring site visit; review of plans
Buckeye Updates
M. Barbessi provided the update highlighting the following:
- Conducted our second Bi-Annual site visit in January/February; will receive a report by the end of March
- Met with Katie last week at WH
XIII. FOB Update
FOB Updates
J. Zitzner provided the update highlighting the following:
- BASH on May 6th honoring Alan Rosskamm; please get your tickets/table from Susan Ertle
- Held Florida event in Naples with Alan Kopit, Jim Bennett and other donors on the State of our schools
- FOB Facilities Committee will be analyzing the WH campus to look at acquisition of the funeral home space next door;
- FOB Board Retreat will be held in June
XIV. Executive Session
Executive Session of the Boards of Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills
There being no further business for the School Boards meeting, A. Kopit requested a motion to move into Executive Session. Sam Steinhouse so moved, and Yolanda Saunders-Polk seconded with roll call at 7:07pm to discuss an employment issue and requested Ralph Johnson, Andrew McRae, Jacquie Younker and the Breakthrough Public Schools Board to remain.
Jennifer Howard, Chair, BPS Board called the meeting to order at 5:03pm.
Alan Kopit, Chair, School Boards called the Schools Board meeting to order at 5:03pm.