Breakthrough Public Schools
Special Meeting of the Board of Breakthrough Public Schools
Date and Time
Wednesday September 1, 2021 at 8:30 AM
Tyler Village Third Floor Conference Room - Located between the BPS and FOB offices, across the bridge and on the right-hand side of the hallway if you are walking from BPS to FOB.
Directors Present
A. Davis, A. KOPIT, A. Lee, B. Schlang, C. Tancer, D. Eisenberg (remote), J. Howard, J. Johnson (remote), L. Zucca, P. Harris, S. Steinhouse, Y. Saunders-Polk
Directors Absent
K. San Marco, Q. James
Directors who left before the meeting adjourned
A. Davis
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Howard called a meeting of Breakthrough Public Schools to order on Wednesday Sep 1, 2021 at 8:30 AM.
II. Executive Session
Executive Session of the Board of Breakthrough Public Schools
Jennifer Howard made a motion to go into Executive Session for the for the sole purposes of discussing pending litigation with legal counsel and of considering and discussing applicants for the Chief Executive Officer position of Breakthrough Public Schools. Roll call vote was taken at 8:31am.
Jennifer - Yes
Alan K - Yes
Amonica - Yes
Andrew - Yes
Brad - Yes
Cynthia - Yes
Linda - Yes
Paul - Yes
Sam - Yes
Yolanda - Yes
Danielle - Yes
Joy - Yes
Alan Rosskamm, Dick Pace, Rosa Morris, and Joel Secher were invited to participate as guests.
The Board adjourned Executive Session and resumed its public meeting at 9:29am.
A. Davis left.
III. Resumption of Public Meeting
BPS Board Votes on Settlement Resolution
Jennifer Howard asked for a motion to approve the provided Settlement Resolution. Alan Kopit made the resolution, which was seconded by Cynthia Tancer. All members present voted to approve, with none abstaining.
BPS Board Votes on CEO Resolution
Jennifer Howard asked for a motion to approve the provided CEO Resolution. Yolanda Polk-Saunders made the resolution, which was seconded by Sam Steinhouse. All members present voted to approve, with none abstaining.
IV. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Howard