Breakthrough Public Schools

BPS and School Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 5:00 PM EDT

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order S. Steinhouse, D. Eisenberg 1 m
  B. Record Attendance S. Steinhouse, D. Eisenberg
  C. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve April 17, 2024 Joint Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes S. Steinhouse, D. Eisenberg 1 m
II. Public Comment 5:02 PM
  A. School Boards Public Comment D. Eisenberg 5 m
III. FOB Update 5:07 PM
  A. FOB Updates S. Ertle 5 m
IV. CEO Update 5:12 PM
  A. CEO Update A. McRae 5 m
  • COS Introduction
  B. Board Metrics & FY25 Readiness J. Kaye & C. Farmer 45 m


  • Board Metrics
  • Scholar Racial and Ethnic Balance Review 
  • Health & Safety
  • Spring 2024 Insight Data Review
  • SY25 Teacher Retention & Recruitment  
  • SY25 Enrollment & Re-Enrollment
  • Current Financials
  C. NLT Reports
V. Committee Updates 6:02 PM


  • List of committees linked here
  A. Academic Excellence FYI D. Eisenberg 5 m
  B. Finance FYI A. Lee, L. Zucca 5 m

-990s (for information, not for approval)

  C. Governance Discuss B. Schlang 5 m
  • New Board Members
  • June 21 Board Retreat 
  D. CEO Evaluation & Support Discuss P. Harris 5 m
VI. School and BPS Boards Approve Consent Agenda 6:22 PM
  A. School Board Vote to Approve Consent Agenda Vote D. Eisenberg 1 m

Please see document linked here. Supporting documents are in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Consent Agenda" -> "FY24" -> "School" -> 


  B. BPS Board Vote to Approve BPS Consent Agenda Vote S. Steinhouse 1 m

Please see document linked here. Supporting documents are in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Consent Agenda" -> "FY24" -> "BPS" -> 

VII. School Resolutions 6:24 PM
  A. Fiscal Officer Waiver Vote Celeste Farmer 2 m
  B. Authorized Signer & Designated Superintendent Vote Juliet Kaye 2 m
  C. Sponsor Contracts Vote Juliet Kaye 2 m
VIII. Sponsor Updates 6:30 PM
  A. CMSD Updates M. Rado 5 m
  B. Buckeye Updates E. Puterbaugh 5 m
IX. Executive Session 6:40 PM
  A. Executive Session A. McRae 15 m
X. Closing Items 6:55 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting S. Steinhouse, D. Eisenberg