Breakthrough Public Schools

Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Board Meeting + Board Retreat

Date and Time

Friday June 24, 2022 at 8:30 AM EDT


Open Doors Academy Conference Room

Tyler Village, Building 42, 6th Floor (same building as Cliffs)

E 36th St #4206A

Cleveland, OH 44114

Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 8:30 AM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order J. Howard, A. Kopit 3 m
  B. Record Attendance J. Howard, A. Kopit
  C. BPS Board Votes to Approve Minutes 5/12/22 Special Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes J. Howard
  D. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 5/18/22 Joint Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes J. Howard, A. Kopit
II. Public Comment 8:33 AM
  A. School Boards Public Comment A. Kopit 5 m
III. CEO Update 8:38 AM
  A. CEO Updates R. Johnson 15 m

- Meta metrics 

- School staffing update

- Contingency planning updates

- Home office organization and staffing updates

IV. Finance 8:53 AM
  A. May 2022 Finance Reports + Finance Committee Updates Vote Linda, Andrew, Doug 5 m

The May2022 Financial Reports for Breakthrough Schools and BPS (below) have the latest revenue and expense projections based upon anticipated FY22 State/Federal funding and student FTE enrollment (Attachments 1 and 2).  Detailed financial reports for May 2022 for each of the Breakthrough Schools can be found in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Meeting Documents" -> "June, 24 2022".  The proposed resolutions for the approval of the May 2022 Financial Reports are included below (Attachments 1a and 2a).

  B. BPS and School Boards Vote to Ratify 22-23 Signing, Referral and Retention Bonuses R. Johnson, D. Mangen
V. Network Updates 8:58 AM
  A. School and BPS Boards Vote on School Safety Resolution T. Thornton, R. Johnson 5 m
  B. 20-21 Staff Retention Analysis T. Thornton, D. Sobel
VI. School Boards Consent Agenda 9:03 AM
  A. School Boards Vote to Approve Consent Agenda Vote A. Kopit 2 m

Please see attached document for votes. Supporting documents are in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Consent Agenda" -> "June 24 2022".

VII. Governance 9:05 AM
  A. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve FY23 Meeting Calendar J. Howard, A. Kopit 15 m
  B. FY23 Board Membership and Officer Elections A. Kopit, J. Howard
VIII. Sponsor Updates 9:20 AM
  A. CMSD Updates M. Rado 5 m
  B. Buckeye Updates M. Barbessi 5 m
IX. Board Retreat 9:30 AM
  A. Board Retreat Agenda 305 Education Group 180 m
X. Closing Items 12:30 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting J. Howard, A. Kopit