Breakthrough Public Schools

Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday December 8, 2021 at 5:00 PM EST


BPS Home Office Cafe
3615 Superior Ave #4403A
Cleveland, OH 44114


Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order J. Howard, A. Kopit 3 m
  B. Record Attendance J. Howard, A. Kopit
  C. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 10/20/21 Joint Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes J. Howard, A. Kopit
II. Public Comment 5:03 PM
  A. School Boards Public Comment A. Kopit 5 m
III. Sponsor Updates 5:08 PM
  A. CMSD Updates - including site visit observation feedback M. Rado 15 m
CMSD's annual sponsorship report and fall site visit reports are attached.


  B. Buckeye Updates M. Barbessi 5 m
IV. FOB Update 5:28 PM
  A. FOB Updates J. Zitzner 5 m
V. Family Partnership, Enrollment, and Marketing 5:33 PM
  A. Enrollment Update A. Prass 5 m
VI. Talent 5:38 PM
  A. Staffing Update J. Younker 15 m
  B. Total Rewards Update J. Younker, D. Mangen
VII. Network Updates 5:53 PM
  A. Health and Safety Updates T. Thornton 5 m
  B. CEO Updates R. Johnson 15 m
VIII. Academic Excellence 6:13 PM
  A. Instructional Modality Updates A. McRae, J. McBride 15 m
  B. Academic Excellence Committee Updates D. Eisenberg
IX. Finance 6:28 PM
  A. October 2021 Financial Reports Vote Linda, Andrew, Doug 20 m
The October 2021 Financial Reports for Breakthrough Schools and BPS (below) have the latest revenue projections based upon anticipated FY22 State/Federal funding and student FTE enrollment (Attachments 1 and 2).  Detailed financial reports for each of the Breakthrough Schools can be found in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Meeting Documents" -> "December 8, 2021".  The proposed resolutions for the approval of the October 2021 Financial Reports are included below (Attachments 1a and 2a).
  B. BPS-Schools Financial Committee Updates Discuss Linda, Andrew, Doug
1. Breakthrough 2030 Long-Range Planning
2. FY23 One Breakthrough Budgeting
3. Best-In-Class Research - Case Western Team
  C. BPS and School Boards Vote of Immediate Total Rewards Recommendations Vote Ralph, Jacquie, Doug
1. December 2021 Thank You Bonus
2. September 2022 Retention Bonus
3. FY23 Base Salary Increases


X. Governance 6:48 PM
  A. Governance Committee Updates K. San Marco 5 m
XI. CEO Support Committee 6:53 PM
  A. CEO Support Committee Updates P. Harris 3 m
XII. School Boards Consent Agenda 6:56 PM
  A. School Boards Vote to Approve Consent Agenda Vote Alan K. 2 m
Please see attached document for votes. Supporting documents are in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Consent Agenda" -> "December 8, 2021".
XIII. School Resolutions 6:58 PM
  A. School Board Approves Signing of Blended Learning Declarations and Associated Contract Modifications A. Kopit 2 m
XIV. Closing Items 7:00 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting J. Howard, A. Kopit