Breakthrough Public Schools

Breakthrough Public Schools Joint Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 23, 2021 at 5:00 PM EDT


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Meeting of the Boards of Breakthrough Public Schools, Citizens Academy Southeast, Citizens Leadership Academy, Citizens Leadership Academy East, Village Preparatory School Cliffs, Village Preparatory School Willard, and Village Preparatory School Woodland Hills.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
  A. Call the Meeting to Order J. Howard, A. Kopit 3 m
  B. Record Attendance J. Howard
  C. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 5/12/21 Joint Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes J. Howard and A. Kopit
  D. BPS and School Boards Vote to Approve 6/4/21 Special Board Meeting Minutes J. Howard and A. Kopit
II. Public Comment 5:03 PM
  A. School Boards Public Comment A. Kopit 5 m
III. SY20-21 Retrospective 5:08 PM
  A. School Team Guest Panel J. McBride, Guests 20 m
IV. Alumni Success Program 5:28 PM
  A. Update from Jim Bennett J. Bennett 15 m
Attached are four (4) documents.  Prior to the Board meeting, we hope you are able to review the first two items- the memo of January 26th, as well as the abbreviated deck. For those who would like a deeper dive into the entire Report, (either before or after the Board meeting), the last two items are provided as well.
  1. Jim Bennett Proposal of January 26
  2. An abbreviated deck of selected slides from the comprehensive Final Report
  3. Guide to the Final Report
  4. The Final Report
V. Academic Excellence
No updates this month given recent Board retreat discussion.
VI. Family Engagement, Enrollment, and Marketing 5:43 PM
  A. Enrollment Update A. Prass 5 m
We are still working on regular enrollment reporting given the transition from SchoolMint to Salesforce but pulled together the included update and year-over-year comparison as a stop-gap progress monitoring tool.
VII. Talent 5:48 PM
  A. Compensation Review Overview J. Younker 10 m
  B. CEO Search Update and Transition Planning D. Eisenberg, J. Howard 5 m
VIII. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
No updates this month given recent discussion at the Board retreat.
IX. Finance 6:03 PM
  A. April and May 2021 Financial Reports (including State Biennial Budget Update) A. Lee, J. Fast, D. Mangen 20 m
Attachments 1 and 2 contain financial summaries for the schools and BPS, with associated resolutions in Attachments 3a and 3b.  Detailed financial reports for the schools can be found in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Meeting Documents" -> "June 23rd, 2021".
  B. Sustainability Fund - $50M Target D. Mangen
  C. CAS, CLA, CLAE, Cliffs, Willard, and Woodland Hills School Boards Vote to Approve FY22 Budget D. Mangen, A. Kopit
  D. BPS Board Votes to Approve BPS FY22 Budget D. Mangen, J. Howard
  E. Year-End Fund Close-Outs D. Mangen
As part of the year-end accounting tasks, we will be closing out some old funds that are no longer in use.  In order to meet audit requirements, we need Board approval prior to making fund transfers.  Attached is a list of the proposed account to be closed and the associated transfer of funds.
X. Governance 6:23 PM
  A. BPS Action: Official Capacity Directors of the BPS Board Vote to Re-Elect Paul Harris, Kristen San Marco, and Cynthia Tancer to New 3-Year Terms as Network Directors, Effective July 1 2021 J. Howard 5 m
  B. School Action: School Boards Vote to Amend Schools' Codes of Regulations to Permit 6 Directors and Fix Directors at 6 A. Kopit
  C. School Action: School Boards Vote to Elect Amonica Davis and Joy Johnson as Directors of the School Boards and Appoint as Official Capacity Directors of the BPS Board, Effective July 1 2021 A. Kopit
  D. School Action School Boards Vote to Elect Officers and Confirm Board Membership for the SY21-22 School Year A. Kopit
  E. BPS Board Votes to Confirm the Appointment of Amonica Davis and Joy Johnson as Official Capacity Directors, Effective July 1 2021, fix the number of directors at 14 and related matters. J. Howard
  F. BPS Board Votes to Elect Officers and Confirms Board Membership Effective July 1, 2021 J. Howard
  G. BPS Board Votes to Adopt First Amended and Restated Code of Regulations to Clarify CEO is an Ex-Officio Director J. Howard
  H. BPS Board Votes to Adopt Statement of Board Member Expectations J. Howard
  I. Andrew Lee Independence Letter A. Lee
XI. CEO Support Committee
No updates this month.
XII. Network Updates 6:28 PM
  A. In-Person Return Health and Safety Planning T. Thornton 5 m
XIII. School Boards Consent Agenda 6:33 PM
  A. School Boards Vote to Approve Consent Agenda Vote Alan K. 2 m
Please see attached document for votes. Supporting documents are in the "Documents" folder -> "Board Documents" -> "Consent Agenda" -> "June 23rd, 2021".
XIV. School Resolutions 6:35 PM
  A. CLA School Board Votes to Approve Merger with Citizens Academy A. Kopit 5 m
CLA Board only: discussion and review of merger (all documents have been posted in the 6/23/21 Board Documents folder and were previously shared in the May merger meeting).
  • Fiduciary duties and due diligence
  • Contracts and grants
  • Litigation (none)
  • Educational, operational, financial
  • Legal documentation
CLA Board only: action items
  • Reading of Resolution attached to agenda and adoption of the following:
    • Approval of Plan of Merger and authorization of President/Chair and Secretary to sign
    • Approval of Certificate of Merger and authorization for President/Chair to sign
    • Approval of tradename registration and authorization of Chair to Sign
  • Execution of Documents (to be signed via Docusign after meeting)
  B. CLA School Board Votes to Approve Citizens Academy Trade Name A. Kopit
XV. Sponsor Updates 6:40 PM
  A. CMSD Updates Matt Rado, Anna Turner 5 m
  B. Buckeye Updates Maureen Barbessi 5 m
XVI. FOB Update 6:50 PM
  A. FOB Updates J. Zitzner 5 m
XVII. Executive Session 6:55 PM
  A. Executive Session of the Boards of Citizens Academy Southeast and Breakthrough Public Schools 5 m
XVIII. Closing Items 7:00 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting J. Howard, A. Kopit