Academy of Collaborative Education


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 15, 2025 at 3:30 PM


Academy of Collaborative Education

505 Glenmar Avenue

Monroe, LA 71201

Pursuant to Louisiana Open Meetings Law - La. R.S. 42:19, notice is hereby given to the members of the Board of Directors of Academy of Collaborative Education and to the general public that the Board will hold a regular, special, or re-scheduled meeting, open to the public as specified below. To ensure compliance with the Open Meeting Law, recipients of this message should not forward it to other Board members, and Board members should not reply to this message.

Directors Present

Amy Marcus, Carmen Parks, Holly Allen (remote), Kara Maggorie (remote), Latner McDonald, Richard Cannon, Rob Turner

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Dawn Stanfield (remote), Karen Roberson

Non Voting Members Present

Dawn Stanfield (remote), Karen Roberson

Guests Present

Diamond Melton, Madison Bachhofer, Tammy Morgan (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Amy Marcus called a meeting of the board of directors of Academy of Collaborative Education to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2025 at 3:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

Latner McDonald made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 11-20-24.
Rob Turner seconded the motion.

Board members voted and matter was unanimously Approved,

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Tammy Morgan-guest today/due diligence relative to the CSP

Tammy Morgan is with LDOE.

II. Staff and Students Report


Staff vacancies, interviews, substitutes, pre-existing staff covering classes, and student count

Karen Roberson:  Two (2) classroom teachers are currently needed. Interviews are on-going. current teachers are working collaboratively to fill gaps to ensure that students receive core educational services. A substitute teacher, who was a former classroom teacher, is in place. ACE currently has 90 total students enrolled with another to begin next week.

III. Academic Excellence


Preparation for standardized testing (LEAP, LEAP CONNECT, ETC.)

Karen Roberson:  Dr. Beck is serving as a consultant to Karen Robenson. Testing preparation materials have not arrived but are anticipated. The goal is to prepare the test administrators first, then follow up with teachers, etc.


1) 2nd 9-weeks staff survey and 2) Progress toward IEP Goals

Carmen Parks: Survey was sent out to staff requesting information on where staff feels that more support or training is needed, etc.


Joellen Freeman:  They are currently analyzing data re: IEP progress and will report back to Board at a later date on findings.

IV. CEO Support And Eval



Board on Track survey completed with 100% response. Data will be analyzed and reported back out at a later date.

V. Facility/Development


Reconfiguration of existing classrooms to accommodate 6th-grade 2025-2026

Rob Turner (Chair of Building Committee) - Phase 1 of anticipated remodeling is projected to begin Summer 2025, with intent to remodel 2 existing classrooms to allow for 4 classrooms, which should accommodate 6th grade classes for 2025-26 school year. All pending board and other needed approvals.All renovations will maintain fire security and safety precautions. 


Plans for expansion for 7th and 8th grades

Rob Turner (Chair of Building Committee) - Phase 2 of anticipated remodeling is expected to accommodate ACE expansion into grades 7 and 8. All pending board and other needed approvals. An architect has reviewed anticipated plans, which will reconfigure the existing gym area to include 4-5 additional classrooms, ADA compliant bathrooms, lab space, storage, etc. All renovations will maintain fire security and safety precautions. 


Set meeting schedule

Building Committee will discuss the setting of a regular meeting date and report back to Amy Marcus.

VI. Finance


Elect Treasurer

Amy Marcus nominated Latner McDonald as Board Treasurer and Richard Cannon seconded that motion. Roll call taken of all Board members, with unanimous approval.



Latner McDonald and Joellen Freeman:  Louisiana dispersed a stipend for all Louisiana teachers. Stipend money was sent to ACE but funding did not account for all ACE teachers. A request for an adjustment was sent to the state and recently approved. Funding is expected and will be disbursed as appropriate once received.


CSP Grant update: expenditures, allocations, and draw-downs thus far

Joellen Freeman: ACE's budget was set and approved by Tammy Morgan with BESE. ACE recently uploaded required documentation in support of 1st draw down from CSP funds. Approved yesterday and funding expected in due course. ACE working now toward required documentation for 2nd draw.


Progressive credit line

Joellen Freemen:  ACE was approved for a $200,000 line of credit from Progressive Bank. Funding is anticipated to be used as a bridge pending receipt of CSP funding.

VII. Fundraising/Development


Fundraising and Capital Campaign Update

Madison Bachhofer: 2025 Fundraising Events -

(1) Puzzle campaign to continue until end of May 2025.

(2) Golf Tournament October 2025. Netted $26,000 from 2024 tournament.

(3) River Rats Paddleboard Challenge September 2025. Will report back on funding raised.

(4) Mr. P. Tee's" - committed to creation of shirt for sale at "Spring Market" with all proceeds to ACE.

(5) Riverdale School Basketball Event 2025 - Raised $4,500.00. Committed to annual event.

(6) Perpetual Giving - looking into long-term perpetual giving campaign.


Joellen Freeman:  Bank needs projected annual fundraising goal.

VIII. Governance


Governance update and scheduling set meetings

Anticipate setting meeting at 1 pm on 2nd Tuesday of each month. 


Material Amendment for expansion

Amendment turned in. No expectation that ACE will need to go back before BESE Board,.


Legacy Seat and Term Limit amendments

Richard Cannon:  Class 1 members (elected board members) serve 3-year term with no term limits. Class 2 members (elected parent volunteer,) serve 1-year term with no term limits. Legacy member (surviving spouse or descendent of Maddie Cannon) serve 5-year term with no term limit, to continue until resignation.


Amy Marcus moved to approve motion and Latner McDonald seconded the motion.

Roll Call of Board with no objections, unanimously passed.

IX. Other Business


Do we have any further business?

Joellen Freeman:  Anna Grimmet expressed interest in re-joining ACE Board. Amy Marcus will reach out and report back to board.


Parent Board Member - Suggestion was made to set parent volunteer term to align with school calendar.


Amy Marcus:  Advisory Board - Discussion. Board agreed to table discussion until either a special meeting or Board retreat.


Amy Marcus:  Board in need of additional training surrounding CSP Grant and the exercise of their fiduciary responsibilities over funding. Amy is working to set up virtually.


Amy Marcus:  Board chairs in need of additional training on responsibilities in meeting requirements under the Louisiana Open Meetings Law.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:39 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Holly Allen