Academy of Collaborative Education


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM


Academy of Collaborative Education

505 Glenmar Avenue

Monroe, LA 71201

Pursuant to Louisiana Open Meetings Law - La. R.S. 42:19, notice is hereby given to the members of the Board of Directors of Academy of Collaborative Education and to the general public that the Board will hold a regular, special, or re-scheduled meeting, open to the public as specified below. To ensure compliance with the Open Meeting Law, recipients of this message should not forward it to other Board members, and Board members should not reply to this message.

Directors Present

Amy Marcus, Carmen Parks, Holly Allen (remote), Joellen Freeman, Latner McDonald, Richard Cannon

Directors Absent

Kara Maggorie

Ex Officio Members Present

Karen Roberson

Non Voting Members Present

Karen Roberson

Guests Present

Charmaine (remote), Chelsea Hatok (remote), Chloe Marcus (remote), Dawn Stanfield, Diamond Melton, Jasmine Frazier (remote), Kelsea Hebert (remote), Madison Bachhofer

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Establish Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

Amy Marcus called a meeting of the board of directors of Academy of Collaborative Education to order on Wednesday Nov 20, 2024 at 3:30 PM.


Approve Minutes

Richard Cannon made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 10-23-24.
Latner McDonald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Joellen Freeman
Carmen Parks
Kara Maggorie
Latner McDonald
Amy Marcus
Holly Allen
Richard Cannon

II. Governance


Open Meeting Law (Sunshine Law)

Discussion led by Holly Allen re: Overview of Louisiana Open Meeting Law.


Nominate and vote Rob Turner onto the board

Richard Cannon made a motion to Nominate and Vote Rob Turner to the Board.
Holly Allen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Carmen Parks
Amy Marcus
Kara Maggorie
Holly Allen
Latner McDonald
Richard Cannon


Set Schedule for Committee Meetings

Holly Allen to connect with Kara Maggorie to discuss meeting schedule.


Amendment of By-Laws Regarding Term Limits

Discussion led by Richard Cannon. Currently working with Melissa Grand to amend ACE bylaws re: term limits of ACE Board members. Expected amendment to provide for 3-year terms with no limit on the number of terms.


Creation of a Legacy Seat on the Board

Discussion led by Richard Cannon. Currently working with Melissa Grand to amend ACE bylaws re: creation of ACE Board Legacy Seat to be filled by descendent of Richard and Maddie Cannon.


Progress update on submission of the amendment to include middle school

Discussion led by Joellen Freeman per below.


Approval for Joellen and Amy to act on behalf of the board, in communication with LDOE and contractually with BESE, relative to the submission request to BESE of the Material Amendment to add 6-8th grades

Latner McDonald made a motion to Approve Joellen and Amy to act on behalf of board with BESE re: amended to Charter to add 6-8 grades.
Richard Cannon seconded the motion.

Discussion led by Joellen Freeman. Questions from parent re: building capacity. ACE campus and student population not even close to maximum capacity. Addition of middle school grades will not exceed capacity. Need to amend charter to add middle school 6-8 grades. Plan is to incorporate 6th grade in 2025, 7th grade in 2026 and 8th in 2027. Considering any needed construction/remodeling of current space.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Latner McDonald
Carmen Parks
Kara Maggorie
Holly Allen
Richard Cannon


Approve change of Open Enrollment date from Feb. 1, 2025 to Dec. 1, 2024

Richard Cannon made a motion to Change Open Enrollment Date.
Amy Marcus seconded the motion.

Discussion led by Joellen Freeman. Purpose of Open Enrollment date change is to provide more time to complete student admission review. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Richard Cannon
Joellen Freeman
Carmen Parks
Amy Marcus
Holly Allen
Latner McDonald
Kara Maggorie

III. Academic Excellence


Staff Attendance and Satisfaction

Discussion led by Joellen Freeman.  Staff survey sent to all staff requesting comments and experience with ACE. Sought suggestions to improve/change. Received great suggestions that have already been implemented, such as car pick up, hall monitors, continuing education, etc. 


Discussion of different efforts/measures to support staff, highlight good work and encourage teamwork. Working to compile "substitute teacher list" to provide relief to staff. 



Principal Karen Roberson:  Discussed SFACS visit. Attendees were Karen Roberson, Richard Cannon, and Joellen Freeman. Excited to incorporate things learned. SFACS has strong focus on teaching staff, parents, etc. SFACS selects a single, functional skill each year and provides intensive education to staff/parents/students on the skill. Discussed SFAC's "substitute list" and development of same.

IV. Fundraising


River Rat Paddle Challenge update

Discussion was led by Dr Dawn Stanfield. Next year is scheduled for September 20, 2025.


Dr. Stanfields's special guest will present a check to ACE.

V. Finance


CSP Grant progress

Discussion led by Joellen Freeman. We continue to work with Mike Dunn. Working to submit budget to LDOE and anticipate drawing down from Grant in 2025.

VI. Staff and Students Report


Health of ACE

Discussion led by Principal Roberson.  Staff Count - Fully staffed except 1 line tech. Discussion with parent of age requirements to fill.

Student Count - 93 total after Thanksgiving break.

Playground looks good and kids love. Space hinders our ability to include swings.

VII. Other Business


Distinguished Visitors

Discussion led by Richard Cannon.  Site visit by Dr. Cade Brumley, Dr. Nathan Morris, Mike Echols and Representative Schlagel. All seemed impressed with our school and what we are doing. 


Lesley Durham has since visited. Sympathetic to ACE's needs and 


Richard Cannon and Joellen Freeman to meet at capital to meet with LDH leaders tomorrow. 

Rhonda Butler, current chair of Rural Dev. Committee


Creation of Advisory Board

Discussion led by Richard Cannon.  Discussed creation of Advisory Board with Dr. Moody. ACE Board needs to put together a clear definition of what we are looking for and a list of potential persons on Board. Continue discussions and considerations.


Question posed re: communication about critical meetings with Parents so they can submit questions, if any. Will consider options and best ways.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:57 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Holly Allen
Richard Cannon made a motion to Adjourn Meeting.
Latner McDonald seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Holly Allen
Carmen Parks
Kara Maggorie
Amy Marcus
Richard Cannon
Latner McDonald