Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School


AAHS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday July 11, 2024 at 3:00 PM


1414 2nd Ave N

Directors Present

C. French (remote), G. Kim, J. Smith, L. Pineda (remote), R. Smith (remote), S. Underwood, T. Mills (remote), T. Russell (remote), T. Wright (remote)

Directors Absent

M. Sims, P. Wilson

Guests Present

L. Dial-Ameyme, P. Allen (remote), R. Morris,

I. Opening Items


Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Underwood called a meeting of the board of directors of Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School to order on Thursday Jul 11, 2024 at 3:15 PM.


Adoption of the Agenda

S. Underwood made a motion to Accept.
C. French seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from June 13, 2024 Meeting

II. Financials


June 2024 Financials


Teacher Bonuses




EPA Clean Bus Grant $400K

Does not make sense to accept the grant.

Does not include expenses to maintain the electric buses.

Mr. Morris want to wait until November.  Send back until we receive additional funding.

Mr. Robinson said the next round is awarded in November and the money we have has to be allocated to other things. We will wait and deny the grant.


Amendment to the motion to accept the grant to change it to deny.


Motion made to not accept the grant by: 

2nd by: RJ Smith

III. Committee Reports


Facilities Committee Report

Fountain of Life wants to amend the lease.

Meeting is next Tuesday to sit and discuss with the church.

Mr. Underwood - Great groundbreaking and it was fun.


Nominating Committee

IV. Chief Executive Officer's Report


School Updates

Mr. Morris talked about the future expansion of the school at the airport.


Talk about the plan of a 300 student middle school and the shorter school zone.


Our first solo flight academy was successful with our first two students completing their first solo flight



Grant Updates


Upcoming Events

V. School Director Report


School Director's Report

Mrs. Allen spoke about the AAHS Family Hub


S. Cauthen - Teach high level science and be the instructional coach for the staff


Summer Boost and AMT was canceled due to low student participation.


Credit recovery and 21st Century  are still in session.


100% staffed

VI. Public Comment


Andrea Turner-Long ---- Play the recorded

Andrea Turner-Long ---- Play the recorded

C. Punzi ---- Play the recording.

J. Flournoy ----Complained about Summer Boost.


VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Underwood