Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School


AAHS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 11:00 AM


1414 2nd Ave N

Directors Present

C. French, C. Knight, G. Kim (remote), J. Smith, P. Wilson, S. Underwood, T. Mills (remote), T. Russell (remote), T. Wright (remote)

Directors Absent

L. Pineda, M. Sims, R. Smith

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

T. Mills, T. Russell

Guests Present

L. Dial-Ameyme, P. Allen (remote), R. Morris

I. Opening Items


Roll Call & Establishment of Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Knight called a meeting of the board of directors of Alabama Aerospace and Aviation High School to order on Wednesday Nov 29, 2023 at 11:10 AM.


Adoption of the Agenda

S. Underwood made a motion to approve the agenda.
P. Wilson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes from July 17th Special Called Meeting

C. French made a motion to approve the minutes from AAHS Special Called Board Meeting on 07-17-23.
J. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve minutes from the August 15th meeting

P. Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from AAHS Budget Meeting on 08-15-23.
S. Underwood seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve minutes from October 12th special called meeting

C. French made a motion to approve the minutes from AAHS Special Called Meeting on 10-12-23.
J. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
T. Mills arrived at 11:14 AM.

II. Consent Calendar


Resolution 23-08: New Bank Account

We were awarded funds from the Lt. Governor's office that can not co-mingle with any other operating funds.  NSFA has suggested putting the funds in a MMA.  These funds are reserved for construction costs at our future site. 

C. French made a motion to open a new bank account once Commerce One and Noble Bank have been contacted and their best interest rates have been disclosed.
J. Smith seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Resolution 23-09: Employee Handbook

J. Smith made a motion to accept the employee handbook for 2023-2024.
P. Wilson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Chief Executive Officer's Report


School Updates

Enrollment: 166 students enrolled as opposed to 79 last year - more than doubled.  Recruitment for next year will be an additional 150 students. Our current attendance rate is 92%.  
Academics:  Benchmark tests revealed the 9th Grade Math is at 52% proficiency rate with nearby comps (BCHS) is 26%.  9th Grade English is at 42% while our 10th Grade English is at 64% demonstrating students that have been with us for a year have significantly progressed in the past year. 

Pathways:  Two of our juniors recently received their private pilot's license.  We have twenty-two students in the Aircraft Maintenance Program. 

Funding:  We have a little over $2 million in pending grant applications.  These results will be disclosed in December.  


T. Russell arrived at 11:33 AM.


Facilities Update

Current Facility:  We are owed handrails for our ADA compliant ramp and entrance.  M&M Construction across the street completed a metal roof repair for us pro bono and donated and will install nice, heavy-duty basketball goals in our hangar.  

New Facility:  Estimated cost of constructing our new hangar have been cut significantly by decreasing our hangar size from 45,000 sq ft to 25,0000 sq ft with the ability to add-on.  New construction deadline is January 2025. 


IV. New Business


Board Member Terms

C. Knight charged C. French, R. Smith P. Wilson, J. Smith and T. Mills with forming a nominating committee with a charge to reconstitute the executive board and governing board. 


C. Knight charged S. Underwood, G. Kim, J. Smith, R. Smith and T. Wright with forming a building committee. 


The board will reconvene in two weeks and committees will need to have met in the interim. 






2024-2025 School Calendar

Proposed 24-25 Calendar to be voted on at the next board meeting.


2024 Capital Campaign

P. Wilson will present a plan for a capital campaign at our next meeting.



V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:08 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Dial-Ameyme